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1、2020年人教版英语八年级下册导学案 班级: 小组: 姓名 : 主备人 审核:课题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?第三课时SectionA (3a4c)【学习目标】1.会拼读以下新单词和短storm,wind,light,report,area,wood,window, match, beat, against, asleep, rise, fallen,kid,realize;have a look, fall asleep, die down.2.能够用过去进行时谈论过去发生的事情,能够正确运用when和while引导的

2、时间状语从句。3.情感态度:能够谈论3a文章内容及自己对灾难使民心凝聚的理解。【重、难点】1.when 和while 引导的时间状语从句的用法2.能用过去进行时态正确复述3a课文的内容【学习过程】 一、预习检测:写出下列词语 大风_ 乌云_ 感觉_ 确保_ 睡着_ 一团糟_看一看_ 逐渐减弱_ 一块块木头_二、自主学习(1)小组学习,文章译文以及知识点用法(2)总结讲解 when 和while 引导时间状语从句的用法(3)根据3a短文内容回答下列问题:A. When the news on TV was reported, strong winds _outside.B. While Bens

3、 mom was making sure the radio was working, his dad _.C. Ben _when the heavy rain finally started.D. When Ben _ at 3:00 a.m., the wind _【当堂检测】一、用when 和while进行填空1、I was just reading a book _ she came into my room.2、_ he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.3、You cant do your homework _ your

4、e watching TV.4、_ they were talking , the bell rang.5、I was watching TV _ Peter came in.二、根据汉语意思完成句子:1、昨天晚上迈克来的时候我正在做作业。I _ my homework when Mike _ last night.2、安正在看电视的时候,她父亲回来了。 While Ann _ TV, her father came home. 【课后反思】 课题:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 第四课时SectionB (1a3b)【学

5、习目标】1、会本课的生词realize, make ones way.2、能正确的使用when, while 与at the time of引导的时间状语从句初步交谈过去进行的事。 【重、难点】学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。【学习过程】一、预习检测:根据下列汉语提示的单词短语识记并默写难怪,不足为奇_在.的时候_在路边_ 给加油_前往_路过_ 沉默 _拆除_首先_ 二、自主学习 1.听力练习完成1b和1c.2.Pairwork:根据1b、1c的内容,用when、 while进行对话练习; 3.小组合作翻译并解决短文中的疑难;4.自主完成SelfCheck1,2题,课前小组核对答案; 5仔细阅

6、读课文,找出下面句子的英文表达:(1)人们经常记得当他们听到历史上重要事件的新闻时他们正在做什么。 _.(2)这是美国历史上一次重大事件。 _.(3)当我们从广播中听到这个新闻时,我们正在厨房里吃晚饭。 _.(4)我是那么的害怕以至于我几乎不能清楚地想起那之后的事。 _.【当堂检测】.根据句意首字母填词1.She thought she was right. She didnt r_her mistake.2.They sat there in s_.They didnt talk with eachother.3.We received a letter from our uncle r_.

7、4.The boy nerve tells the t_.5.She likes every p_ in her class. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The kids had great fun _ (play) in the park.2. Our foreign teacher speaks as _ (clear) as possible so that we can understand him.3. When I went to say goodbye to Anna, she _ (play) the piano.4. What_he_(do) at 9:00 yesterday morning? 5. He stood up to see what_(happen) outside. 6. Jack_(cook) when I saw him.第 3 页 共 3 页


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