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1、 三年级英语下册 四会单词班级:_ 姓名:_一五个元音字母 a e i o u在下列单词中的读音:请你默写出这些单词。a / /猫 包 爸爸 手 e /e /10 红色 腿 钢笔 i / i /大 6 猪 牛奶 o/ /狗 盒子 身体 橙色 u / /有趣 跑 鸭子 下面 三下期末连词成句专项复习(注意大小写和标点符号)1、 1 are 2 from 3 Where 4 you 5?_2、 1from 2UK 3Im 4the 5._3、 1 that 2 is 3 Who 4 man 5?_4、 1 mother 2 is 3 She 4 my 5 ._5、 1 mother 2 Is 3

2、she 4 your 5?_6、 1it 2Yes 3is 4._7、 1 It 2 a 3 nose 4 long 5 has 5 ._8、 1It 2small 3has 4eyes 5big 6ears 7and 8 ._9、 1 is 2 It 3 in 4your 5 desk 6 ._10、 1on 2your 3desk 4It 5is 6?_11、 1 is 2 Where 3 car 4 my 5 ?_12、 1Have 2 time 3 a 4good 5 ._13、 1 Lets 2 some 3fruit 4buy 5 ._14、 1 you 2Do 3like 4or

3、anges 5?_15、 1Neither 2 me 3._16、 1 kites 2do 3you 4see 5many 6How 7?_17、 1How many 2crayons 3 have 4you 5do 6?_18、 1The 2one 3is 4bird 5 a 6black 7 ._19、 1Open 2it 3and 4see 5 ._备注:只要写单词序号即可,标点符号也是有序号的哦!Come on! Unit1-unit3基础知识一、 写出下列单词的中文意思。UK Canada USA China she student pupil he teacher boy and

4、girl new friend today father dad man woman mother sister brother grandmother grandma grandfather grandpa bigfamily thin fat tall short long small giraffe children (child的复数)二、 给下列句子重新排序。1 2 3( ). Good morning, boys and girls. ( ).It has a long nose. ( ).She is my mother.( ). Welcome! ( ).It has a sh

5、ort tail . ( ).Whos that woman?( ).We have two new friends today. ( ).It has small eyes and big ears. ( ).She is tall and beautiful!( ).Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK. ( ).Come here, children. ( ).Where is your mum from?( ).Hi, Im Zhangpeng. Im from Shandong. ( ).Look at the elephant. ( ).Thank you. ( )

6、.She is from China.三、选出对应的词。1)、A .teacher . B. boy C .she D .father E .man F .sister 1、student_ 2.he _ 3.girl_ 4.woman_ 5.mother_ 6.brother_2) A.thin B. tall C. short D. big E .grandmother F. grandpa1.grandfather_2.grandma_ 3.fat _ 4. long _ 5.short_6.small_四、请找出合适的答语编号,填到括号里。 1 ( )1. Look at that p

7、ig. A. No,She is my mother. ( )2.How are you? B. Its so fat.( )3.Your sister? C. Im fine.( )4.Good morning, class. D. Nice to meet you,too.( )5.Nice to meet you, E. Good morning, Miss white.( )6.Good bye. F. Thank you!( )7.She is very beautiful. G. Good bye.( )8. Look at that giraffe. H. Its so tall

8、. 2 ( )1. Whos that woman? A. She is my friend ,Amy.( )2. Whos that man? B. She is my mother. ( )3. Whos this girl? C. Nice to see you ,too.( )4.Good afternoon, class. D. He is myfather.( )5. Nice to see you again. E. Good afternoon, Miss Liu( )6.Where are you from? F. Im from China.( )7. This is Am

9、y G. No,he isnt( )8.Is he your father? H. Nice to meet you Unit4-unit6基础知识一、 写出下列单词的中文意思。on in under chair desk cap ball car boat map toy box pear apple orange banana watermelon strawberry grape buy fruit eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twentykite beautifu

10、l 二给下列句子重新排序。 1 2 3( ). Where are you from? ( ).Sorry , I dont like pears . ( )Wow,How many crayons do you have? ( ). Hello,Jim. This is my friend, Tom. ( ). S ure.Here you are. ( )Wu yifan,Whats this? ( ).Im from Canada. ( ).Do you like pears? ( )Open it and see.( ).Nice to meet you! ( ).Can I have

11、 some apples? ( )My new crayons( ). Nice to meet you too! ( ).Thank you. ( )1.218. You have eighteen crayon 4 5( )1. Wow, so beautiful! ( )1.Is it in your toy box? ( )2. Look at the kites! ( )2.No,isnt.( )3. How many kites do you see? ( )3. Is it in your bag? ( )4. 1.2I see 12! ( )4.Yes,it is.Thanks

12、.mom( )5. No,The black one is a bird ( )5Mom.Where is my cap? ( )6.Oh! ( )6.Have a good time.三、 请找出合适的答语编号,填到括号里。1 ( )1. Lets go home! A. No,it isnt. ( )2. Where is my pencil box? B. OK!( )3. Is it in your bag? C.Its in your desk( )4. Do you like peaches? D.Sorry , I dont like grapes( )5. Have some

13、grapes. E.Yes, I do. ( )6. Can I have an apple ? F. Sure. Here you are. ( )1. How many crayons do you have? A. Yes,it is. ( )2. Look at my new crayons! B. I can see 12.( )3. Is it in your toy box? C. I have 16.( )4. Do you like apples? D. Oh, how nice! ( )5. I dont like watermelon. E. No, I dont.( )6. How many kites do you see? F. Me,neither.( )7.Lets buy some fruit G.OK! 4


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