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1、 六年级Unit2(Crammer time & Fun time)一、教学目标:1. 能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2. 能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you .”/”Yes, I do./No, I dont.”进行问答。3. 培养学生养成良好的学习习惯和生活习惯。二、教学重难点:1.能够在句子中正确应用程度副词修饰动词。2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you .”/”Yes, I do./No, I dont.”进行问答。三、教学准备:纸盒,单词字条、展板、调查表四、教学流程:Step 1 Free talkT:Hey ,I am your new teacher today,

2、 my name is Tracy.T:Hello,whats your name?S:.T:Do you get up early in the morning?S:.T:Thats a good/bad habit!T:I have some habits too,can you ask me?(出示动作图片)S:Do you have your meals in the morning?T:Yes, I do. I always .S:Do you read books?T:Yes, I do. I usually.S:Do you clean the room T:yea, i do.

3、 I sometimes .T: I have some good habits but I have bad habits too. Look at my panda eyes, i always go to bed late at night, it is a bad habit, you should go to bed early.Step 2 PresentationT: as a good students ,we should have good habits,lets make a good habits proposal step by step.1. Step 1 is h

4、ow to ask others. You know my habits,how about you? lets play a game. Who want to be my partner?Fun time-(1) T: Pick one. (2)S: pick one.(3) pair workT: Now ,its your turn, pickonepicturefromtheenvelope andpracticeinpairs!Magic box-T: good job,boys and girls, you can ask other about theirs habits.le

5、ts have a rest.2. Step 1 is how to make. First, Pick 4 different color papers from the box.Second,discuss in groups and make them into a sentence,then stick it to the long paper.Third, read in group and show us in your own way.评价:its interesting/funny.Here are some sentences for you, can you read th

6、em?Look, these words are subjects/adverb of frequency/verb/adverbial modifier. Do you understand?Step 3 Consolidation1. Step 3 do a survey T:Great,lets move to step 3 do a survey. First, lets make a survey form.Here is an example,fill one word int the blank and make it a good habit.S:early.T: Can yo

7、u read itS:Go to bed early at night.T:here is another form, can you fill this line with your group memberLets check together. The first one is early,please read it.The first one is well,please read itThe first one is early,please read itThey are all good habits. Now ,lets do a survey.Do you go to sc

8、hool early in the morning?(随机问一名学生)S: Yes, i do.(将该学生姓名填入表格) Do a survey in your groups with this form.提示句型: Do you . ? Yes, i do./no, i dont.T: Ok , times up, i am going to be the first one.(教师示范).Its time for you, who want to tell us about your group membersS:.2. Step 4 make a good habits proposal

9、T: Lets make a good habits proposal according to your group survey.Here is my good habit proposal.work in group to finish your good habits proposal. Here are some tips for you.评价:If everyone in your group say one sentence ,you will get 3 stars.If all the members in your group say together, you will

10、2 get stars.If only group leader say, you will get 1 star. Step 4 Homework1.Think of some more good habits and share with your classmates.2.Put up your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.Blackboard designUnit 2 Good HabitsA: Do you .? B:Yes, I do./ No, I dont. alwaysusuallyoftensometime Never


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