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1、新目标英语七年级(上)重、难点剖析(Unit 6)江西 胡扬朋Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 1. Do you like oranges? 你喜欢桔子吗?Yes, I do. (P31) 是的,我喜欢。like意为“喜欢”,“喜爱”,用作及物动词,后面可跟三种结构:1) like somebody or something 表示“喜欢某人或某事”。如:I like him very much. 我非常喜欢他。He doesnt like salad. 他不喜欢沙拉。2) like to do something or doing something 表示“喜欢做某事”

2、。如:We like playing basketball. 我们喜欢打篮球。The boy likes to play computer games. 那男孩喜欢玩电脑游戏。表示爱好或经常性的情况时,多用like doing something,表示一次性或尚未发生的动作或对某次具体活动爱好时,用like to do something。如:He likes playing football, but he doesnt like to play football today. 他喜欢踢足球,但他不喜欢今天下午踢足球。3) like somebody to do something 表示“喜

3、欢某人去做某事”。如:Miss Wang likes us to ask her questions in class. 王老师喜欢我们在课堂上问她问题。2. Lets have French fries. 我们吃炸薯条吧。Oh, no. I dont like. (P32) 哦,不,我不喜欢。动词have意为“吃”,“喝”,是实义动词。如:We have breakfast at seven. 我们七点钟吃早饭。I dont have coffee in the evening. 晚上我不喝咖啡。注意:have 作此义解时,变成疑问句和否定句时必须用助动词do。试译:你每天在家吃中饭吗?误:

4、Have you lunch at home every day?正:Do you have lunch at home every day? 3. Runner eats well! (P35) 赛跑选手吃得好!1)辨析:eat 或have:eat 与have 都可以表示“吃”的意思,有时两者可互换。如:I eat (have) an apple every day. 我每天吃一个苹果。They are having (eating) their lunch. 他们在吃中饭。eat 可用作不及物动词,后面不跟宾语。如:We eat at noon. 我们在中午吃饭。I am very str

5、ong and healthy because I eat well every day. 我很结实、健康,因为我每天都吃得好。注意:“吃药”习惯说have(take) medicine,不说eat medicine。试译:一天吃三次药。误:Eat medicine three times a day. 正:Take(Have) medince three times a day. 2) well 或good:两者都可以表示“好”的意思。well是副词,用于修饰动词。如:Tom speaks English well. 汤姆的英语说得好。He draws well. 他画得好。well也可用作

6、形容词,意为“健康的”,“身体好”。如:He is quite well. 他身体好。I hope you are well. 希望你身体好。good是形容词,用作定语或表语。如:She is a good doctor. 她是个好医生。His pronunciation is very good. 他的语音很好。4. Running star Sandra eats lots of healthy food. (P35) 赛跑明星桑德拉克拉克吃许多健康食品。1) lots of=a lot of意为“许多”,“大量”,常用在肯定句中,既可修饰可数名词的复数形式,又可以修饰不可数名词。修饰可数

7、名词复数时,相当于many,修饰不可数名词时,相当于much。如:I have lots of English books. 我有许多英语书。He has lots of rice every day. 他每天吃许多米饭。2) healthy food意为“健康食品”。food泛指“食物”,“食品”,通常用做不可数名词。如:He likes English food? 他喜欢英国食品。We should eat healthy food every day. 我们每天应该吃健康食品。指“一种食物”或“各种各样的食物”时可以是可数名词。如:Milk is a good food. 牛奶是一种好食

8、品。 Too many sweet foods, like cakes and pastry, may make you fat. 太多的甜食,像蛋糕和点心,可能会使你发胖。5. For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges and bananas. (P35) 早餐汤姆喜欢吃鸡蛋、桔子和香蕉。“like(have) + 食品+for+某餐”是固定句型,表示“某餐喜欢(吃)”,此句可改为: Tom likes eggs, oranges and bananas for breakfast.介词for意为“就而言”,“对于”。如:What do you like

9、for lunch? 午餐你喜欢什么?I like hamburgers and salad for lunch. 午餐我喜欢汉堡包和沙拉。Her little son usually has meat and rice for supper. 晚餐她的小儿子通常吃肉和米饭。练习:根据首字母,用适当的词补全下列对话。A: Hello, Tom! Do you like apples?B: Yes, I d_. How about you? A: I like apples. And my father a_likes apples. Does your father like apples?

10、B: No, he doesnt. He likes oranges and bread f_ breakfast. How about your father?A: He likes chicken and milk. B: H _ does your mother eat every day?A: Oh! She eats w_ every day. She eats l_ of healthy food. She h_ eggs, milk and vegetables. B: Does she like carrots?A: Yes, she does. But she d_ likes dessert. Do you like dessert?B: No, I dont. Key:Unit 6do; also; for; How; well; lots; has; doesnt


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