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1、Unit 4 Section B第三课时Period Three (SectionB1a-1e) Teaching aims 1、能运用目标语言来描述房间;2、能正确的描述物品的方位。Language points:1 要求掌握以下句型:The ruler is on the bed . The English books are under the radio .2 要求掌握以下单词:radio clock tape player model plane hat tape重难点突破方法:写便条、设计自己的家。情感、态度与价值观:该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是学生感兴趣的问题,学生

2、乐于参与。各种英语实践活动,极易于激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣;能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务;有助于学生思维创新(设计自己的家)。Teaching steps:1、Warming up.Daily greetings to the students:W hat is your/his/her name? W hat is your/his/her telephone number?etc (复习前面所学知识,师生互动)Make a conversation with students. Ask a student to introduce himself and hi

3、s friend. .(复习巩固所学内容,注意第三人称的用法,生生互动)2、Play a game .The teacher brings some things to the classroom .Ask students to guess what they are and where they are.If you guess right ,you will get a gift. (师生互动,开展游戏的目的意图为复习介词in on under 的用法,为后面的教学做铺垫) 3、Revision. Show pictures to revise the prepositions.(师生互

4、动,生生互动)(1) A: Wheres the? B: Its(2)A: Where are the? B: They are.4、PresentationUse the pictures to teach the new words: radio tape player model plane hat clock (利用幻灯片教学新单词,激发学生兴趣)5、Work on Section B 1a(1)Look at the pictures, how do you think about it? I think its untidy. How about your room? Do you

5、 always clean it? Anyway now let do section B 1a. Then we will check the answers.(师生互动)(2)Talk about the pictures. Ask students to make conversations about the pictures. Let students describe the pictures. eg The clock is on the table. The books are on the chair.(前面已经复习了in on under,现在刚学完新单词,趁热打铁,加强巩

6、固,而且及时注意了教学信息反馈)6、Work on Section B 1bWrite down all the things you know .Have a match. The group who writes most is the winner. (此教学活动旨在训练学生写的练习)7、work on 1cTommy needs some things in his room this afternoon. So he calls his mother and asks his mother to bring the things to school.Listen and circle

7、 the words.Check the answers.8、work on 1dListen to the tape again and find out where the things are and write down the notes.(放两遍录音,要求学生边复述边作答,能够防止学生听录音时走神的毛病。)9、Pair work 1e Ask and answer questions about the things in Toms room.10、Homework Introduce a room ,using the proper prepositions.板书设计3 radi

8、o clock tape player model plane hat tape 4 in on under 3 Where is the clock ? It is on the table . Where are the English books? They are in the bookcase.教学思路:本课时的话题与学生的日常生活很贴近,所以在选取幻灯片的内容时都采取了学生相当熟悉的内容,一方面可以达到教学目的,另一方面可以提高学生学习的积极性,让学生体会到成功的快乐。教学时,先复习前面所学习的内容(问候语以及in on under 等),然后就What is this in En

9、glish /播放幻灯片引入新单词的教学,在教学新单词的过程中,要注意它们的读音与拼写。然后利用幻灯片再次练习句型Where is the。?It is。和Where are the。?They are。小组比赛活动的设计,既可以加强学生的团结协作又可以巩固所学知识,更加强了师生的互动,可谓一举多得。听力内容篇幅有点长,而且有重点单词(take bring 等),对基础不好的学生来说仅仅圈出单词应该不难,但要掌握其内容就有难度了,所以要多花点时间。最后的写作要求学生用最简单句子表达最清楚的意思,可以用肯定句,也可以用一问一答形式,要求书写规范,准确。本课时不足的地方就是听力内容重点单词讲解不够充分,还有一部分学生掌握得不是很好,学生操练形式还可以花样多点。在以后的教学中,要多反思,多促进,力求不断提高自己的教学水平。本课时的优点是体现了新课改的教育教学理念,师生互动活跃,所选取的题材符合学生“胃口”,学生参与积极性很高,课堂气氛很活跃,达到了教学目的。


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