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1、六年级英语测试题听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1、A、China B、English C、America ( )2、A、stamp B、send C、sing ( )3、A、play B、plays C、playing ( )4、A、please B、present C、pleased ( )5、A、from B、friend C、flag 二、听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选出相应的答句。(10分)( )1、A、monkey B、watermelon C、bread( )2、A、Yes,I am. B、No, he isnt。 C、Yes,she is.(

2、)3、A、Its in the east of China.B、Its in the south of China.C、Its in the east of America.( )4、A、cats B、pandas C、snakes ( )5、A、Yes, of course.B、He goes to school by bus.C、I go to school at 7 oclock. 三、听录音,选择单词补全句子。(10分)( )1、They are at the_.A、park B、zoo C、school( )2、Daming wants to see the_ first.A、sna

3、kes B、elephants C、giraffes( )3、Amy and Lingling want to see _.A、elephants B、snakes C、bears( )4、They buy _.A、ice creams B、biscuits C、juice( )5、_ got Sams ice cream.A、The money B、The bird C、The elephant四、听录音,根据录音内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分)( ) 1、Collecting stamps is Simons hobby.( ) 2、Daming colle

4、cts stamps.( ) 3、Simon has got some stamps from Canada.( ) 4、The Chinese stamps are from Simons letter to Daming.( ) 5、Simon has got a stamp from his mother.笔试部分(60分)一、按要求填写单词。(10分)1、collect(动名词)_ 2、America(形容词)_3、hobby(复数)_ 4、riding (动词原形)_5、I(宾格)_ 二、单项选择。(12分)( )1、Simon has got some chopsticks, _

5、they are difficult.A、and B、but C、or( )2、Pandas eat _ twelve hours a day.A、for B、to C、on( )3、She sometimes _ the classroom after school.A、cleanB、cleansC、cleaning( )4、I want to _ the UN building someday.A、visit B、visits C、visiting( )5、Believe it _ not. Snakes cant hear. I believe it.A、or B、and C、but(

6、)6、_is my hobby.A、Collecting cars B、Swims C、Read stories三、为下列问句选择正确的答语。(每小题2分,共10分)( )1、Do you want to visit the Summer Palace?A、Sanya.( )2、Where are you going? B、By bus.( )3、Whats your favourite city? C、Yes, I do.( )4、Are there any pandas at the zoo? D、To the park.( )5、How do you go to school every

7、 day? E、Yes, there are.四、选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。(每小题2分,共10分)peace all around present bamboo fantastic1、There are flags from _ the world.2、What a _ present!3、They want to bring _ to the world.4、Pandas love _.5、I want to show Daming the _ from China.五、连词成句。(8分)1、do, dolls, often, play with, you(?) _ 2、countri

8、es, in the UN, how many, are, ( ? ) _ 六、选择正确的句子补全对话,并将答案编号填在横线上。(10分)A: What is it? B: Yes, we do.C: What a fantastic present! D: Yes, please.E: I want to take a photo.Simon: Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?Daming: _Simon: OK. Lets go.Daming: What a big building!Simon: Do you want t

9、o go inside? Daming: _Simon: I want to show you the present from China.Daming: _Simon: Its a train.Daming: Its beautiful. _Simon: It says, “From the peoples Republic of China, 1974.”Daming: _听力材料一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。1、China 2、stamp 3、playing 4、present 5、flag二、听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选出相应的答句。1、Whats your favorite f

10、ruit?2、Are you a teacher?3、Where is New York?4、They love bamboo. What are they?5、Can I write to you?三、听录音,选择单词补全句子。1、They are at the zoo.2、Daming wants to see the giraffes first.3、Amy and Lingling want to see snakes.4、They buy ice creams.5、The elephant got Sams ice cream.四、听录音,根据录音内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”

11、,错误的写“F”。1、Collecting stamps is Simons hobby.2、Daming collects stamps.3、Simon has got some stamps from Canada.4、The Chinese stamps are from Daming s letter to Simon.5、Simon has got a stamp from his father.参考答案听力部分一、AACBC二、BACBA三、BCBAC四、笔试部分一、 1、collecting 2、American 3、hobbies 4、ride 5、me二、BABAAA三、CDAEB四、1、all around 2、fantastic 3、peace 4、bamboo 5、present五、1、Do you often play with dolls?2、How many countries are there in the UN? 六、BDAEC


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