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1、英语说课程整体设计稿各位领导、专家、老师们: 大家好!下面我就中职英语课程整体设计情况向大家介绍。我主要从课程定位、课程内容设计、教学组织与实施、教学条件、教学效果、课程考核与评价、课程特色和改进思路这几个方面来介绍这门课程.(一)课程定位1性质定位:英语课程是中等职业教育学校的一门重要的文化基础课程.本教材紧密结合职业教育“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”的教学指导思想,以全面素质为基础,以职业能力为本位,以提高技能水平为核心;文化素养与技能培训,职业岗位需求与终生学习相结合;实现实践能力和职业技能的培养。英语教程充分考虑职业教育的特点,围绕职业学校学生生活和今后工作环境展开话题,培养学生在实际




5、图遵循真实性、应用性和实践性原则.课文中听力和阅读材料为生活和职业场景中出现的真实材料,如生活中的告示、体育比赛的海报、超市的海报、饭店的菜谱、职场的对话、导游指南、产品的说明书、报刊文章等.学生在仿真的生活和职业场景中应用英语去解决问题,不仅可以掌握语言形式,更能应用语言.教材内容设计梯度层次明显,形式多样,生动有趣,有助于激发学生的参与意识。教材内容划分为Leadin, Listening and Speaking, Reading and Writing ,Language in Use, Unit Task, Pronunciation Practice, SelfCheck和Life

6、 and Culture。这是一个环环相扣、层层推进、体系完整的语言认知和能力培养的学习过程。大多数学生学得会,在以后的职场中用得上并能完成学习目标。(三)、教学组织与实施在教学过程中,按照教学导入、听说、读写教学和任务等过程进行设计.主要采用讲授法、背诵法、练习法让学生加强记忆,同时也采用了情景交际法、角色扮演法、分组讨论法和多媒体教学等.教材学时安排:每单元5学时 ,其中Leadin, Listening and Speaking中的Dialogue A为1学时,Listening and Speaking中的Dialogue B为1学时,Reading and Writing为1学时,L

7、anguage in Use, Unit Task, Pronunciation Practice为1学时, SelfCheck ,Life and Culture为1学时。课例:英语拓展模块Unit 7 Traditions and CustomsThe Second Period ReadingPart I. Analyze teaching material 1. Teaching content 1) Guideline: According to The new English teaching syllabus of Secondary Vocational School, one

8、 of English teaching aims is to get students to know about the differences between China and western countries, and educate them to have a right attitude towards foreign cultures. 2) Status and function: The passage mainly talks about some traditions and customs between the western countries and Chi

9、na. It can open Students eyes to other cultures and help them understand the cultural differences between the western countries and China, so this Unit7 plays an important role in the book.2. Analyze teaching goals According to the new syllabus, based on the analysis of the teaching material, I set

10、the teaching aims as followings 1) Knowledge goals Learn some useful words and expressions, such as:jewelry、 church、 appreciate 、costume 、avenue、 parade 、character 、scary 、amuse、 fireworks、 pop out、 give regards to 、be curious about 、be eager to and so on. 2).Ability goals A、To develop their reading

11、 skills and ability. B、Talk about some traditions and customs in English.3).Emotion goals Understand the cultural differences between China and the western countries, and respect the cultures in different countries, and love our own Chinese culture. .Now lets come to the important points and difficu

12、lt points. 3、Teaching important points Develop and improve the students reading skills and ability.4、Teaching difficult pointsMake the students express themselves in English.Part II. Analyze the students learning backgroundJust like most of secondary vocational school students, my students are not g

13、ood at English. They are lack of reading skills and the cultural background knowledge of those foreign countries. Some of them dare not speak English before class, many students cant express themselves in English and they are poor in cooperative learning skills. Part Teaching & Learning methods Teac

14、hing methodsAccording to the modern social communication teaching theories and the students learning background, in this period Ill mainly use “Task-based” teaching method and Total Situational Action method. That is to say, I establish some real scenes, let the Ss learn in real situations, and fini

15、sh the tasks by listening,watching, acting. And in this lesson ,communication method、andMulti-media teaching method will be needed.Learning methods Based on the feature of teaching material, I focus on their reading skills training and give them more chance to practice English and let them study in

16、a relaxed atmosphere.1、Skimming and scanning2、Watch -and say activity3、group work role-acting Part Analyze teaching procedures I finish my lesson in six steps.Step 1 Warming- up and leading- in (6 minutes)Show some slides, first I play a Christmas song to lead in, then Show them some pictures and as

17、k them to say more festivals in China and in western countries. 1. Enjoy the song 2. Show them some pictures and say more traditions and customs about China and western countries. Purpose: To stir up the students interest and at the same time get them to know more about traditions and customs.Step 2

18、 Skimming (8 minutes) Ask them to read the text as quickly as possible, and choose the best answer. (individual work)1、 When did my friend and I go to the Disneyland? A、 In the early morning of that day. B、After we had our lunch.C、 When the school was over. D、When we finish doing our homework.2、What

19、 were people doing when we got to the Disneyland? A 、People were collecting candies. B 、People were dancing with music.C、 People were watching fireworks. D 、People were telling jokes.3、Where did my friend and I get candies? A 、From those we met on our way to the park.B、 From the “dead” in the Horror

20、 Valley.C、 From the headless Horseman.D 、From the staff of the Disneyland.4、Why did we go to the Horror Valley after watching the Parade? A 、Because the valley is not far from where we stayed.B 、Because the staff suggested we go there next.C、 Because we had like to find something scary.D 、Because we

21、 had nothing else to do. Purpose: Practice the students ability of fast - reading and get some important information from the text.Step3 Scanning (10 minutes)Get the students to read the passage carefully,and complete the form。Students are asked to complete it in group of four ,then each group sends

22、 one student to give a report.( group work)(Slide show) HalloweenNo.TimePlaceActivity118:30( )Dancing party219:00-19:30Main avenue( )318:30,19:30,20:30,21:30( )The “dead” telling jokes4All the timeAlong each path( )Purpose: To help the students catch the main idea of the text and better understand t

23、he text.Step4 Look and say (6 Minutes)Show them the slide, let them look at the pictures about Spring Festival & Halloween and describe them in EnglishPurpose: Express themselves in English using the languages they have just learned. Step5 Role-play (12 minutes)Show the slide, ask them make up a dia

24、logue, and act it out, the teacher chooses a few groups to perform before the whole class. (pair work)Purpose: Educate them to love our Chinese culture, and be proud of it.Step6 Homework WritingWrite a passage about Mid-Autumn Festival in at least 80 words.Purpose: Improve the students writing skill

25、s. Part Consolidation3minutesTo review the new words and useful expressions of this part together.Part Blackboard designUnit7 Traditions and CustomsThe second period Reading1、 jewelry 2、 appreciate3 、costume 4、 parade5 、scary 6 、firework7、 pop out 8、 give regards to9 、be curious about(四)、教学条件 1、实践条件

26、学校为每个班级配备了充分的硬件设施,是视频教学、多媒体课件教学成为可能,方便学生进行真实的情景模拟和角色扮演的练习. 2、教学资料本课程选用了由林立、王笃勤主编,高等教育出版社出版的英语模块.该教材属于21世纪中等职业教育课程国家规划新教材,是由中等职业学校英语教材编写组编写,经全国中等职业教育教材审定委员会审定通过的.本教材采用了多种形式:Printed material打印材料Books and publications书籍和出版物PowerPoint演示文稿Manuals and instructions手册及说明Online material网络材料和Audio recording录音

27、材料等。教材内容浅显易懂,每单元后都有相应内容的习题,帮助学生检查的学习效果,巩固本单元所学知识。3、教师队伍本课程由20多位教师主讲,都是大学本科学历,有高中教师资格证书,有扎实的理论基础,并有着多年丰富的实际教学经验。在课堂教学过程中,能团结协作,能较好的把理论与实践相结合,并适当的进行拓展,以便更好的应对湖北省技能高考英语考试。长期以来,我校英语教研团队对英语教师提出以下具体要求:要有包容之心,尊重个性,尊重差异Treat the student not only as learners, but also as individuals.要把英语教学看作整个教育的一部分Take your

28、 teaching as a part of the whole process of education.提高语言能力,增强行业知识Improve your language ability, and enhance industrial knowledge.加强不同学科的老师之间的合作Strengthen the cooperation among the teachers of different subjects.研究学习策略,提高活动的策划和组织能力Study learning strategies, and improve the ability of planning and o

29、rganizing learning activities.(五)教学效果通过丰富的课堂讲授,通过任务教学法、练习法、情景模拟法、角色扮演法等,使学生基本能实现相应的知识目标、理解目标和应用目标。也就是即学即用,学以致用,灵活应用。在201220132014年连续3年的湖北省高职统考中,我校英语均获得宜昌市第一名的好成绩。 六课程整体考核与评价 本教材体现了最新的评价理念,活动设计体现出过程性评价30%的理念,为诊断学生的学习提供学习梯架,同时为总结性评价(终结性评价)提供参考。活动尽可能避免机械的选择答题,增加作答题目,突出真实性评价。每一单元最后还增设了自我评价环节20%和同学互评环节20

30、%,有利于学生自我评价能力的发展,学期综合测评30%。多元评价,突出评价的表现性与真实性。(七)课程特色 1、教学理念创新:快乐中学习,为用而学,学而能用。 以就业为导向,满足社会需求,本着用得着的原则 以学生为主体 learner-centered education,促进学生全面与个性发展,本着学得会的原则 以能力为本位competence-based education,突出生活与职业场景,学生将来能胜任工作。2、能力学历并重:本教程结合技能大赛的要求和实践工作需要,课程内容浅显易懂,贴近现实生活实际。3、教学方法创新:即采用了传统的课堂讲授法、角色扮演法、练习法,又应用了现代的情景模拟

31、法、视频、多媒体等教学方法。以教师为主导,以学生为主体,拓宽学生视野,活跃课堂氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。(八)存在问题与改进思路存在问题:本教程没有系统的语法知识讲练,继续深造的学生不能很好的应对湖北省技能高考考试大纲的要求。改进思路:我校高考部英语教研组根据湖北省技能高考英语考试大纲,编写了湖北省高职统考英语语法教材及相应的强化习题集,对高三学生进行强化训练。以上仅属我个人观点,若有不当之处,敬请在座的各位专家批评指正。That is all, thank you!参考文献:1、中职英语教材分析与使用作者:王笃勤2、中职英语课程改革中如何实践“以就业为导向,服务为宗旨”的办学理念作者:王笃勤3、中职英语说课程作者:刘丽华


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