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1、3Aunit 7 教案一 Sing a song二 Free talkHello, boys and girls.(Hello, Miss Xia.)T: Hi, whats your name?S1: ImT: Good afternoon,S1: Good afternoon, Miss Xia.T: What about you?(此时,生不懂,可以用Whats your name?再问一遍,让生懂得是在问他的名字。)S2:Im T: Good afternoon, S2: Good afternoon, Miss Xia.T:How old are you?S3: Im ten.T:

2、What about you?(师转向另一生,询问年龄。生不理解,再次重复How old are you?)S4: Im ten.T: Oh, both of you are ten years old.(转向另一生)T:Hi, are you?S5: Yes, I am.T: Can you introduce some of your friends to me?S5: OK. This is my friend, T: Nice to meet you, S6: Nice to meet you, too.T:( You are a lovely girl.师适当加入评价语,使对话较为自

3、然,丰满些)S6: Thank you. S5:This is my friend, T: Nice to meet you, S7: Nice to meet you, too.T: Your is nice .S7: Thank you.S5: This is my friend, T: Nice to meet you,S8: Nice to meet you, too.T: Thank you. Sit down, please. (让学生给我介绍班级上的几个孩子,并与他们打招呼。然后引到自己的朋友。)三 Presentation and practiceT: You have a l

4、ot of friends. I have some good friends, too.(PPT翻页,自己野餐图) Look, this is Lucy. She is very thin. This is Lily. Oh, shes a little fat.(生附和Yes.)Say hello to them. T: We had a picnic last weekend. Thats a sunny day. The grass and the flowers are so lovely in the park. Look, theres a lot of food.(PPT翻页W

5、hat can you see?(出现食物剪影)S1: I can see a (复习旧词,齐读一遍,生词带读,张贴,拼读)(生每说出一个单词,将剪影消失,呈现食物。)T: Lucy and Lily like different food. Guess, what would Lucy like?(PPT翻页,出现Lucy照片) You can ask her Would you like ?(师板书,带读,指导连读,加上后面的单词先领读一个句子,注意升调,让学生体会,用升调读后面的几个。)T:Now lets ask Lily. And try to remember the food s

6、he would like to have. (Lets ask.生用黑板上新学单词提问,得到的都是否定回答,师提示,She likes fruit. 生继续问,得到肯定回答。PPT上显现Yes, please./No, thank you.句型)T:What about Lily? Lets ask her.(生用黑板上的单词问,得到的都是肯定回答,但问水果是否定回答。T: Do you remember what food they would like? Lets check. You can use Yes, please. / No, thank you句型来回答,板书这两个句型。滚

7、动食物图片,生生问答)T: OK. You all have a good memory. Lily likes these food. And Lucy likes fruit。(PPT出现自己野餐图)T: We had a picnic in the park. YangLing is having a picnic,too.四 Story timeT:(PPT呈现课文野餐图)Look, who are they?(生齐说Su Hai, Liu Tao, Wang Bing.) Look,whos coming? (PPT翻页,生齐说Mike and his sister Helen.)

8、T: Oh, they come to join them to enjoy the nice food.(一) Watch and choose1. What food do they offer Helen?2. What would Helen like?(二) Read and find1. How do they offer Helen a pie and a cake?(处理What about? 句型。生回答后,师板书,带读,连读。然后PPT上出现含义和提示,让学生读What about a cake?这个句子,然后再跟录音读这个句子,再请学生模仿读。) Helen的回答在此过程

9、中简单带掉。(三) Lets read1. Read after the cartoon2. Read in roles(四) Lets act(五) SummaryHow to offer people food and how to answer?五 ExtensionLook, Yang Ling and her friends are so happy. I want to have a picnic, too. Do you want to join me?(生答Yes.)(一、) T: OK. I have some rules for you.1. You can use the

10、 sentences2. Two of you wear the guest cards. The others treat them .3.Here are some more sentences for you. Read by yourselves.(补充句型This is my friend,/ Hi/Hello/ Nice to meet you./ Here you are./Thank you.) Now take out your basket and mat, lets have a picnic in groups. Now , I find Group 2 treat t

11、heir friends very well. Lets have a look.Which group wants to show us?(请两组展示一下。)(二)Now we know we can use these sentences to have a picnic. Do you know any other occasions we can use these sentences? You can say it in Chinese.(生答)(当学生最后说到生日聚会时,) Today is a girls birthday. Guess. Who is she?(生猜不出,就缩小

12、范围,在哪一组,或者直接告诉他们)T:Yes, its Yuan Mans birthday today. Come here, please.(请这个孩子站到中间)T: I have a present for you. Would you like a cake?(Yes, please.) Now , wear the crown cap, please. Happy birthday, Yuan Man.(Thank you.) Lets say Happy birthday to her.(生齐说Happy birthday, Yuan Man.)T: Would you like

13、to share your food with her?(Yes.) (生单个上台分享食物)T: Oh, Yuan Man, youve got so much nice food, are you happy? (Yes.)师问众生 Are you happy today?(Yes.)T: Im very happy , too. Lets sing Happy birthday song to her.T: Boys and girls .Look, We are friends.We share our food together.We are so happy! Happiness is to be with friends.Happiness is to share with friends.


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