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1、3A unit3 would you like a pie教学案例一、 教学内容:Period 1 (story time)二、 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型Nice to meet you. Would you like? No, thank you. What about? Yes, please.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇a, this, sister, meet, no, cake, an, egg, look, ,三、教学重点1. 句型:Would you like? Yes, please. No, thank you. What about?2. 词汇:

2、 cake, pie, egg四、教学难点1. 日常用语和句型:Would you like? Yes, please. No, thank you.以及What about?的语调和用法。2. 词汇:cake, pie, egg等食品类单词的读音。五、教学设施:多媒体课件,实物图片六、教学步骤(Teaching procedures):Step 1. Warming up1Sing a songcolour song (唱到某种颜色时,穿着这种颜色衣服的同学主动起立)【设计意图:通过唱一唱,做一做的活动,把学生的注意力吸引到课堂上来,创设了良好的课堂气氛,增进了师生间的情感交流。也复习了上一

3、单元的颜色,还为之后教学活动做了铺垫。】2.Free talkT:Im your new English teacher Miss zhang.(出示一张自己的照片) Nice to meet you.(教读并操练)Step2.Lead-in and practice1. Lead-inT:Just now we sang colour song. Eggs have different colours.Do you believe ?Lets go to KFCto find some.Now we are at the shop.We cant find colourful egg.but

4、 we meet our friends-YangLing、Su Hai、Mike.Listen , Look, the waitress is coming. Listen!2. Learn the words an egga. Follow me.b. Spell the word.c. Would you like an egg?Yes, please.Learn “a pie, a cake, an ice cream” in the same way.(3)Play a game.2.T:When we are at the shop,our friends are there to

5、o,try to guess what willthe salesmam say to us?(利用PPT 的声音播放录音Nice to meet you.鼓励学生模仿后讲授与初次见面的朋友问好可以用Nice to meet you.问好,被问好的人可以用Nice to meet you, too.来回答。)【设计意图:此环节学生在没有接触Nice to meet you时,回答会多种多样。如前几个单元所学的Good morning.Hi Hello,Good afternoon等。当录音播放出不同的答案时,学生会发现原来还可以用问好Nice to meet you,这样比直接呈现,更容易加深

6、记忆的印象。】3. T:When YangLing come to the counter ,what will saleswowam say to her?(出示一张 YangLing的购物的图片,鼓励学生利用所感知的句型Would you like ?来回答并通过Pair work 操练Would you like ??注意一般疑问句的升调。)【设计意图:通过创设YangLing购物的情景,充分发挥学生的自主性,思考在语境中如何使用言语,学生容易理解和接受。】4. T:Tim is very hot ,Would you like a sweet ? What will Tim answe

7、r?(出示一张 很热Tim的购物的图片,引导出No,thank you .的回答)5Pair workA:Would you like? B:Yes, please. No, thank you【设计意图:利用学生事先准备好的食物图片,向自己同桌推荐事物,让学生在真实的语言环境中理解记忆】6 is very hot,he doesnt want to eat sweets.what will you suggest him?(讲解并通过Pair work操练what about??)【设计意图:让学生向Tim推荐食物,学生肯定会用句型Would you like?这时教师适时的引入what a

8、bout??的教学,既让学生明白Would you like?与 what about??的区别,又让学生感受到语言的灵活多样性】7.chant(配音乐)A pie ,a pie, would you like a pie ?Yes,please. Yes,please.A cake ,a cake ,what about a cake?No,thank you .No,thank you.【设计意图:朗朗上口的chant更有助于学生表达和理解句型。】Step 3.Presentation and practice1.T:Why do they buy so many food? What w

9、ill they do?(出示课文野餐的图片)【设计意图:通过为什么买这么多的食物的问题自然引入课文教学,源于生活,易于接受。】2.T:When they begin to have picnic,a new friend comes.Who is she ?(出示Helen的图片)3.Watch the cartoon and answer the questions?(1):How does Mike introduce Helen?(2)How do they greet Helen?【设计意图:以短片的形式呈现课文内容,使学生在整体感知语篇、初步理解语篇的同时处理了第一幅图片的对话。】

10、4.Guess the picture and fill in the blank.Helen would like a _(出示文本中Helen和suhai 、Yangling对话的图片把学生放入真实的情景中,让学生猜测对话内容。)【设计意图:把学生放入真实的情景中,让根据所学知识猜测对话内容获得自己的思考,比直接让学生观看动画或者让学生自由读对话的方式,更锻炼学生的学习能力,加深对对话的印象。】5.Watch again and try to read after it.【设计意图:通过跟读文本,培养学生正确的语音语调,为进一步运用语言打好基础。】Step four:Consolidati

11、on1.Recall the dialogue.(根据图片,复述对话内容)【设计意图:学生在经过一步步零散的学习文本之后,需要对文本的内容进行整体上的把握。同时语言的魅力在于表达,当学生朗朗上口的复述出对话时,学习语言的自信心会进一步增强。】2.Act the dialogue【设计意图:进一步巩固了文本,发展了学习的表演才能。】Step five:ExpansionMake up a dialogue to recommend food to your friend,using the following structure.A: Nice to meet you.Would you lik

12、e a/an _?B: No, thank you.A: What about a/an _?B: Yes, please.【设计意图:让学生自编对话的作业将英语学习从听、说、读落实到写的训练,并一改传统的抄抄写写的作业模式,既很好地保持了学生的兴趣,又起到了温故知新的作用,体现了课内外英语学习的有效衔接。】Step five: SummaryStep Six:Homework1. 听录音,跟读Story time, 模仿语音、语调。2抄写单词a, this, sister, meet, no, cake, an, egg, look, blue, brown, white3.编写一段关于购物的对话。板书设计:Unit 7 Would you like a pie?Story timeA:Nice to meet you. B:Nice to meet you too. A:Would you like a/an ?B: Yes, please. No,thank you. A: What about a/an ?B: Yes,please.


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