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1、2021届全国高三英语新高考模拟试题04(word版附答案)2021届高三英语新高考模拟试题04(建议用时:100分钟)第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALanguage experts say that as many as half of the 6, 900 languages spoken in the world today are endangered. This means that by the year 2050 over 3, 000 langua

2、ges will have become extinct. Four of the most likely languages to disappear are listed below.YuchiYuchi is a language spoken by just five people all aged over 75 in Oklahoma, USA. They are members of a Native American Indian group of people called the Tsoyaha, meaning Children of the Sun. Its nouns

3、 have ten genders, six for Yuchi people, one for non-Yuchis and animals and three for inanimate objects.JeruJeru is an Andamanese language spoken by fewer than 20 people on the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. It is generally believed to be one of the languages in Southeast Asia surviving from a

4、ncient times. Jeru is thought to date back to a settlement of the area by the first humans to leave Africa.ThaoAmong the inhabitants(居民) of Sun Moon Lake in central Taiwan, China are a handful of old people that speak the Austronesian language of Thao. The rest of the community speaks Taiwanese Chin

5、ese. The language of Thao is related to others in the Philippines and Indonesia.AinuThis language is spoken by the original inhabitants of Japan. It is used by a small number of old people on the island of Hokkaido in the far north of the country. Ainu has very complex verbs that include meanings mo

6、st languages need a whole sentence to express.1. Which language is now spoken outside of Asia?A. Yuchi. B. Thao. C. Ainu. D. Jeru.2. Where did the first Jeru speakers probably come from?A. America. B. Africa. C. Japan. D. India.3. What can we learn about Ainu?A. Its nouns have ten genders.B. It orig

7、inates from Indonesia.C. It is spoken by less than five people.D. Its verbs can express rich meanings.BUnless you are fortunate enough to know an NBA player, Ryan Martin is probably the best basketball player youll ever meet. Unlike those who fly up and down the court, however, Martin is forced to t

8、ake a different approach; he doesnt have legs.Martin, a 33-year-old man, is a professional wheelchair basketball player. His achievements have taken him halfway around the world to play in Spain for the last seven years. There he made a comfortable living playing basketball and working with some of

9、the greatest athletes in the world.“A good wheelchair player can make $50, 000 a year, while a star can make six figures,” said Martin. But he couldnt see his family for months and European cities were unfriendly to the disabled. He also had to learn Spanish. Martin, however, overcame those drawback

10、s(困难).He started playing basketball when he was 12. It didnt take long for him to fall in love with the sport and, after graduating from Somers High, he attended Southwest Minnesota State University on a basketball scholarship. In college, he scored over 1, 000 points in his career and set several s

11、chool records.And he works as hardif not harderas any other professional athlete.“He destroys me,” said Gina Navarra, who works out with Martin on occasion.“What he does amazes me.”Martin also recognizes that, at age 33, hes in the back end of his career. With that in mind, he has been focusing more

12、 and more on his foundation.“I have 12 brothers and sisters. College gave me a true sense of achievement. The foundation is designed to give those with disabilities the opportunity to realize the dreams that I once had,” Martin said.“Im not saying that out of a sense of pity,” he said. “I realize ho

13、w fortunate I am to have achieved what I have. But I want to open doors for people.”4. What was Ryan Martins life like in Spain?A. Free. B. Boring. C. Difficult. D. Bitter-sweet.5. How was Ryan Martins performance in college?A. He stood out in basketball.B. He failed to make a record.C. He was weak

14、in his studies.D. He never won a scholarship.6. Why did Ryan Martin work for the foundation?A. To help those in need.B. To finish his basketball career.C. To earn more money for his family.D. To learn basketball skills from other players.7. Which of the following words can best describe Ryan Martin?

15、A. Honest and responsible.B. Ambitious and sensitive.C. Reliable and knowledgeable.D. Determined and warm-hearted.CMany scientists believe our love of sugar may actually be an addiction. When we eat or drink sugary foods, the sugar enters our blood and affects parts of our brain that make us feel go

16、od. Then the good feeling goes away, leaving us wanting more. All tasty foods do this, but sugar has a particularly strong effect. In this way, it is in fact an addictive drug, which doctors suggest we all should cut down on.“It seems like every time I study an illness and search for the first cause

17、, I find my way back to sugar,” says scientist Richard Johnson. One-third of adults worldwide have high blood pressure, and up to 347 million adults have diabetes(糖尿病). Why? “Sugar, we believe is one of the culprits, if not the major reason,” says Johnson.Our bodies are designed to survive on very l

18、ittle sugar. Early humans often had very little food, so our bodies learned to be very efficient in storing sugar as fat. In this way, we had energy stored when there was no food. But today, most people have more than enough. So the very thing that once saved us may now be killing us.So what is the

19、solution? Its obvious that we need to eat less sugar. The trouble is, in todays world, its extremely difficult to avoid. From breakfast cereals(谷物) to after-dinner desserts, our foods are increasingly filled with it.But there are those who are fighting back against sugar. Many schools are replacing

20、sugary desserts with healthier food like fruit. Other schools are growing their own food in gardens, or building facilities like walking tracks so students and others in the community can exercise.8. What do scientists think of sugar?A. It benefits our health.B. It is less addictive than drugs.C. It

21、 causes us to become dependent on it.D. It should be taken under a doctors guidance.9. What does the underlined word “culprits” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Diseases. B. Poor diets. C. Unknown things. D. Causes of a problem.10. Why is it so hard to avoid sugar?A. We like it too much.B. We cannot

22、survive without it.C. It gives us much needed energy.D. Its in so many foods and drinks.11. What is the best title for the passage?A. Ways to Avoid SugarB. Our Addiction to SugarC. Illnesses Caused by SugarD. Good Sugar VS Bad SugarDWhen you buy fresh-cut flowers, do you think about where they came

23、from? You might think they were grown somewhere nearby. The reality, though, is that the cut flower trade is increasingly international. Today, thanks to airplanes and high-tech cooling systems, even the most delicate flower can be exported and sold thousands of kilometers away from where it was gro

24、wn.The Netherlands handles about 60 percent of the worlds cut flowers. And its auction houses(拍卖行) are very largeAalsmeer, near Amsterdam, is such an auction house. About 120 soccer fields would fill its main building. Nineteen million flowers are sold here on an average day.The Netherlands is also

25、a world leader in developing new flower varieties. Dutch companies and the government invest a great amount of money in flower research. Their scientists look for ways to lengthen a flowers vase life, to strengthen flowers to prevent them from being damaged while travelling, and also to strengthen t

26、he natural fragrance of the flowers.There are also many other places with a better climate for growing flowers, and the climate of Ecuador is almost perfect. With predictable rainy periods and 12 hours of sunlight each day, Ecuadors roses are famous for their large heads and long, straight stems. Ev

27、ery year, Ecuador sells about 500 million flowers to the US alone. The industry has brought employment opportunities and a stronger economy to the country.“My family has TV now. There are radios,” said Yolanda Quishpe, 20, who has picked roses for four years.To others, the increasingly international

28、 nature of the flower trade is very bad news. In recent years, local growers in the US faced huge competition from international flower companies, and many lost their businesses. Lina Hale, an independent rose grower said her father had predicted the situation in the 1980s.“I see a train coming down

29、 the track,” he warned her, “and its coming straight towards us.”12. What do we know about Aalsmeer?A. Its very large.B. Its as big as Tokyo.C. 19 million flowers are grown there.D. 60% of the Netherlands flowers are sold there.13. What is one aspect of the Netherlands flower research?A. How to incr

30、ease flower production.B. How to avoid climates effect on flowers.C. How to speed up the process of flowering.D. How to keep flowers fresh during transportation.14. What does the author want to show through Yolanda Quishpes words?A. Flowers from Ecuador are beautiful.B. Ecuador could grow even more

31、flowers.C. The flower trade in Ecuador benefits the locals.D. Rose-picking is a very popular job in Ecuador.15. What Lina Hales father said suggested that .A. he was excited to see the trainB. he knew his business would be affectedC. he was sure customers wouldnt want rosesD. he thought trains were

32、a new way to deliver flowers第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Everybody hates the idea of cutting back financially because it usually means living without things you like. But not always.16 They could reduce your costs by thousands of dollars a year.17 An increas

33、ing number of grocery chains are selling their own lines of fooD. Actually, these brands cost vastly less than the name brands, but taste the same. Switch and you could save 25 percent on your grocery bills.Make a list.Whether youre buying groceries or gifts, spur-of-the-moment impulses(一时冲动) are yo

34、ur enemy. 18 If you want to buy something on impulse, force yourself to go home and think about it.Carry snacks.19 The same holds true for anything you eat out. So if you know youre going to be out for several hours and likely to get hungry, throw an apple in your car or carry a six-pack of soda or

35、water in your bag.Use it up.Before you run to the store, make sure you check your fridge. Theres a good chance that youve got lots of unused or partially used items that will go to waste while you waste your cash buying more20 A. Make a savings plan.B. Switch to store brands.C. There are many painle

36、ss ways to save.D. Choose reliable brands of well-known companies.E. Write a to-do list before you go shopping and stick to it.F. Whether its food or beauty care, use it up before you replace it.G. Buy a soda at a restaurant and youre likely to pay twice as much.第二部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,

37、满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Any form of presentation or speech can be challenging, particularly if you are not used to talking in front of the public. I have been doing presentations and 21 training programs for many years, 22 I have got quite used to it.Recently, I spoke at a con

38、ference about the key factors in business success. As usual, I researched on what I wanted to 23 , and cleared up the structure and content of the presentation. As I had always done, I arrived at the conference hall 24 to make sure everything was on hand, check out the venue, and also 25 myself. Thi

39、s completed, and then I spoke to the delegates(会议代表) who arrived before the 26 starting time.I have always 27 the level of success of my presentations by the applause and comments I received from the 28 . This time I spoke in the session leading up to the morning break, so after the applause 29 , I

40、had the opportunity to personally communicate with nearly all of the delegates. The last delegate I spoke with 30 my hand and said how much she enjoyed my lecture, and that she had got lots of practical 31 to use in her business. And she said that I had consumed much of myself so that she hoped my e

41、nergy levels would not 32 for the rest of the day and she would like to 33 my efforts in some way.While driving back home, I reflected on how 34 I had been to receive all the appreciation and praise for what I had done that morning and how 35 and energized I felt.21. A. assessing B. conducting C. de

42、signing D. studying22. A. as B. though C. but D. so23. A. cover B. improve C. learn D. check24. A. regularly B. finally C. early D. exactly25. A. train B. warn C. encourage D. prepare26. A. scheduled B. official C. usual D. previous27. A. measured B. recognized C. compared D. guessed28. A. colleague

43、s B. audience C. students D. leaders29. A. appeared B. changed C. ended D. spread30. A. caught B. moved C. shook D. touched31. A. tips B. drills C. plans D. notes32. A. continue B. increase C. suffer D. balance33. A. confirm B. announce C. imitate D. repay34. A. fortunate B. shocking C. grateful D.

44、confident35. A. anxious B. refreshed C. impressed D. fascinated第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Louis Braille was a French educator and inventor of the braille code, 36. can be used by blind people to read through touch.Braille was born in a middle class family of Coupvray,

45、 France, in 1809. His father ran a leather business. He was the 37. (young) of four children.When he was three, he accidentally 38. (stick) a sharp tool into one eye while 39. (play) in his fathers workshop. At that time, there was no 40. (advance) medication and soon his injured eye was infected. T

46、he infection spread into his other eye and soon he lost his sight 41. (complete). He went to the Royal Institute for Blind Youth at 42. age of ten. Braille was a good student, especially when 43. came to science and music. Later he became a teacher at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth. Braille die

47、d in Paris in 1852.Had it not been for Louis Braille, it would have been hard for blind people in the world to enjoy a story or learn something important. His invention has a 44. (benefit) effect on the blind. In honor of the birthday of Louis Braille on January 4th, this day 45. (celebrate) as “World Braille Day”.第三部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假定你是李华, 校学生会拟向一所美国的姐妹学校图书馆捐赠一批中国经典文学图书, 以供该校学生阅读。请你给该校负责人写一封邮件, 内容如下:1. 自我介绍;2. 介绍这批书籍。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;3. 信的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, Chairman of the Students Union. _


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