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1、翻译中的常用技巧The commonly-used skills of translation如何确定词语的意义?一. 确定词语在语境中的意义1. I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us at any time.2. We grumble a little now and then , to be sure. But theres no love lost between us.1.我向来不大想看到你,我们两人之间大概什么时候都不曾有过好感。2. 当然啦,我们有时也免不了争论几句,但是我们还是相亲相爱。

2、3. We hope Mr. White will not forget himself, gone are the days when a representative of a large country in UN. may do whatever he likes. 不要忘乎所以4. We hope that our most respected Secretary General will not forget himself, his poor health is known to everybody. 不要过于操劳,要多多保重二. 弄清原文的逻辑关系The object did

3、not move because I pushed it.不是因为我推了它,该物体才移动。三. 理解原文的深层结构1. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.昨晚我听到他鼾声如雷,声音就象把猪赶到市场一样。2. 根据词类确定词义选择词义,首先要判明一个词在句中属于哪一种词类,起什么作用,然后再根据词类选择适当的词义。如up 这个词在下列例句中词类不同,词义也不同。The new museum is up and opens to the public.新博物馆已落成开放。When will the up train start?(a

4、dj.)上行车何时开?The landlord promised his tenants there would be no further ups this year.房东向房客们保证今年不再提高房租。We all have our ups and downs. (nouns)命运盛衰不定。四. 确定褒义词和贬义词1. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. 荣幸布朗先生接到作演讲的邀请时,感到非常。2. Hans was too obviously flat

5、tering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 阿谀奉承3. Youre flattering me by saying that.过奖了。五根据汉语习惯搭配确定词义现以形容词strong为例a strong faith坚定的信仰 a strong contrast强烈的对照;strong butter有臭味的黄油; strong measures 强硬的措施; a strong microscope倍数大的显微镜a strong bank资力雄厚的银行a strong situat

6、ion(故事戏剧等)动人的场面;a strong drink含烈酒的饮料; 翻译中的常用技巧一、转换二、增补三、省略四、被动语态的处理五、先行词it的处理一、转换(一)名词、介词、形容词、连词及副词转译为动词1.名词转译为动词A) 一些习语中的主体名词可以转成动词,这类习语有: have a rest, go for a walk, give a resemblance to , catch a look, make a claim to, pay attention to, have an effect on, in answer to, by means of, with a view o

7、f, for lack of, in accordance with, on account of, in proportion to, at the expense ofB)由动词派生出来的名词可转译成动词The government called for the establishment of more schools. C) 含有动作意味的名词可转译成动词1). In fact, the abuse of drugs has become one of Americas most serious social problems. 事实上,滥用毒品已经成为美国最为严重的社会问题之一。2)

8、. The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。D) 由动词+er构成的名词可转译成动词His father is a non-smoker, but he is a chain-smoker.他父亲根本不抽烟,他抽起烟来却一根接一根。2. 介词转译成动词Up the street they went, past stores, across a broad square, and then entered a huge building.他们沿着

9、大街走去,经过一家家店铺,穿过一个宽阔的广场,然后走进一幢大楼。3. 形容词可以转译成动词1)It was a very informative meeting. 会上透露了很多信息。2) The manager is grateful to the customers for their valuable suggestions.4. 连词转译成动词The distance is four kilometers or 2.4856 miles. 距离是4公里,折合(即)2.4856里。5. 副词转译成动词Our holiday is three weeks away. 离我们的假期还有3个星

10、期。(二)动词、形容词和副词转译为名词1动词变名词英语中好多由名词派生出来的动词,以及由名词转用的动词,在汉语中译成名词。Translate the following sentences:1). Formality has always characterized their relationship.他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。2). The man looked and talked a little wildly. 那男子的神情和言谈有些不可思议。2.形容词变名词有些英语的形容词前加定冠词时,其功能就相当于名词,译时将其转译成名词。还有一些形容词充当表语时,为了行文方便,

11、转译为汉语的名词。Tom was eloquent and elegant but soft. 汤姆有口才、有风度,但很软弱。3.副词变名词由名词派生出来的副词,如译成汉语时很难找到对应词,而酌情将其译成名词。He is strong physically, but weak mentally. 他体力很强,可智力很弱。(三)副词、名词变形容词1.副词变形容词有些副词是形容词派生出来的,翻译时副词可转译为形容词。如:She stupidly answered such a question.她真笨,竟然回答了这样一个问题。2.名词变形容词有时名词在句子中充当表语,前面通常有冠词,译时可以转换为

12、形容词。1)A newly-elected Senator is a power, I know that.一个新当选的参议员的确是威风十足,那我是知道的。2)She said, “Good country people are the salt of the earth!”她说:“善良的乡下人最可贵!” (四)名词、形容词变副词1.名词转译为副词They were sitting on a bank and talking of the universe.他们坐在河岸边,高谈阔论地谈着。2.形容词转译为副词About all these sticky question, he writes

13、with calm frankness.l 对于所有这些棘手的问题,他都心平气和地、坦率地写了出来。练习l 1. They make full use of their time.l 2. In the information field, instant and universal communication of large quantities of data is now the norm.l 3. We should try to know the availability of other comparable texts.l 4. A better knowledge of th

14、e local culture will help our work.l 1. 他们充分利用时间。l 2. 在信息领域,瞬间全球性地传递大量数据已司空见惯。l 3. 我们应力求搞清楚是否有其他可比较的案文。l 4. 更好地了解当地文化有助于我们的工作。5. They want to use military force against so-called terrorist countries.6. China urged that further attention and impetus should be given to science and technology for devel

15、opment.7. Let history rather than the battlefield be the judge of their different ideas.8. We have not yet begun our discussion on Hong Kong. 5. 他们要用军事力量来对付那些所谓的恐怖主义国家。l 6.中国呼吁进一步关注和推动科学技术促进发展问题。l 7. 让历史而不是战场来最终判断不同思想。l 8. 我们还没有开始讨论香港问题。l 9. The report includes a more detailed discussion of the entire set of reform measures.l 10. Asia-Pacific region has become a major force for world economic growth.l 11. The talks are still going on over a number of controversial issues.l 12. This country has taken giant steps forward on the path of democracy, equality and national reconciliation.3


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