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1、1,虚拟语气0,2,虚拟语气(subjunctive mood),表示所说的话只是一种主观的愿望,假想和建议等.,1.虚拟语气的形式 2.虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的应用 3.虚拟语气在其它从句中的应用 4.小练习,3, if条件句的虚拟语气 if的非真实条件从句对现在,过去,将来的事实进行虚拟时,主句和if从句的谓语动词形式如下: 1.与现在事实相反时,其表现形式为: if+主语+v-ed,主语+would(或might, could, should)+v. Eg: If we left now,we should arrive on time. If I were you,I would r

2、efuse the money.,虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的应用,4,2. 与将来事实相反时,其表现形式为: if主语+should(或were to)+v.,主语+Would(或might,could,should)+v. Eg: If you should drop the glass, it would break. If you should leave there for a while, youd change your mind about that place.,5,与过去事实相反时,其表现形式为:if主语+had v-ed,主语+would(或 Might,could,sho

3、uld)+have v-ed. Eg: We would have visited you if we had had time. I wouldnt have known that thing if I hadnt been told.,6, 错综时间句的虚拟语气 当条件从句与结果主句所表示的时间不一致时,虚拟语气的形式应当做相应的调整.如: If I had spoken to him yesterday,I should know what to do now. You would be much better now if you had taken my advice. If fat

4、her hadnt sent me,I shouldnt be here.,7, 含蓄条件的虚拟语气 假设的情况有时不是用一个条件句来表示,而是隐含在上下文中。 表示暗含条件的方式有: 1.介词或介词短语,如:without,but for,but that等。 Eg: But for your cooperation,we could not have succeeded in our experiment. 2.连词,如:but,or,or else 等。 Eg: I would be most glad to help you,but Im busy now.,8,3.副词,如:othe

5、rwise等。 Eg: We didnt know his telephone number; otherwise we would have telephoned him. 4.比较等级。 Eg: (1)A more careful person wouldnt have made so many mistakes. (2)Given more time, I would have been able to finish the experiment. 5.在不少情况下,虚拟式已变成习惯说法,很难找出其暗含的条件。 Eg: You wouldnt know. I would like to

6、come. I would not have dreamed of it.,9, if的省略 (1)在正式文体中,当if条件句中含有助动词had,should 或 were 时,可以省略 if,而将had,should或 were提到句首,从而构成倒装虚拟句。 Eg: Had such disaster occurred, the damage would have been incalculable. Were he to tell us everything,we would try to solve this problem.,10,(2)如果if条件句是含not的否定句,省略if时,n

7、ot不能与助动词had ,should或were同时提前。 Eg :Had it not been for their assistance,we couldnt have finished the task ahead of time.,11,(3)supposing,suppose,even if也可引导虚拟条件句。 Eg :Supposing it were fine tomorrow, would you go swimming with us? (4)有时suppose或supposing单独引起一个句子,用于提出建议或假设。 Eg :Suppose we started tomor

8、row.,12, 虚拟语气在表示命令,请求,建议等从句中的应用 虚拟语气可用于表示命令,请求,建议,愿望,要求等名词性从句中,从句谓语形式是“should+动词原形”或“动词原形” (1)用于主语从句,其谓语用should+动词原形(或should+P.P.)或只用动词原形。常用的形容词和分词有:essential,imperative,advisable,necessary,important,desirable,urgent,preferable,natural,suggested等。 Eg:It is necessary that you should be present at the

9、 discussion. It was suggested that the electronic device be tested at once.,虚拟语气在其它从句中的应用,13,(2)用于宾语从句,一种是用做动词wish的宾语的从句,表示愿望,常省去连词that。这种从句的谓语动词可用过去式,表示与现在事实相反;亦可用过去完成式,表示与过去事实相反。常用的动词有: advise,ask,command,decide,demand,desire,direct,insist,order,prefer,propose,recommend,request,require,suggest,urg

10、e,move(提议)等。 Eg :The lawyer asked that the case should be postponed for one month. The detective insisted that he should have a look.,14,insist意为“坚持某种动作”才用虚拟语气;意为“坚持某种观点”则不用虚拟语气。 eg: He insists he is a student. 他坚持说他是个学生。 这个语句表示的是事实,因此在这个语句中不能使用虚拟语气。 suggest意为“建议”才用虚拟语气,意为“暗示”则不用虚拟语气。 eg: His face s

11、uggests that he looks worried . 他的表情暗含着他很担心。 这个句子本身是事实,因此它就没有用到虚拟语气。,15,(3)表语从句或同位语从句 advice,command,demand,desire,idea,motion,order,plan等名词作主语的表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词用should be型或be型虚拟式。 Eg :The doctors advice is that the patient should be kept quiet. He rejected my advice that he should meet my son. 在as i

12、f 引导的表示虚拟的表语从句中,谓语动词用were型虚拟式表示对现在情况的假设,用 had been型虚拟式表示对过去情况的假设。 Eg :You look as if you had a toothache.,.,16,如果说话人所表示的不是假设的情况,而是一种可能的事实,as if引导的表语从句中的谓语动词使用陈述语气。 Eg :It looks as if it is going to rain. 在主句的谓语动词为过去时的情况下,往往无法从语法形式上辨别表语从句的谓语动词是虚拟还是陈述语气,因为此时两者的形式是相同的。 Eg:She looked as if she had had s

13、ome bad news,17, 虚拟语气在wish后从句中的应用 动词wish后所跟的宾语从句表示实现可能性极小或与事实相反的情况,从句用虚拟语气. (1)表示与现在情况相反的愿望时,句式为:主语+wish+(that)+宾语从句(谓语动词用一般过去时) Eg :I wish I were a bird. I wish I could change my job. (2)表示与过去情况相反的愿望时,句式为:主语+wish+(that)宾语从句(谓语动词用过去完成时/could+现在完成时) Eg :I wish that he had not made so much fuss about

14、it.,18,(3)表示对将来发生的事情表示希望,祝愿等时,句式为:主语+wish+宾语从句(谓语动词用would/could/might+动词原形) Eg :I wish I could see you later. I wish he might try again.,19, 虚拟语气在if only感叹句中的应用 If only后面的句子用虚拟语气,表示 “但愿”,“要是就好了”,其 用法基本与wish相同. Eg :If only he had followed your advice. If only she would come. If only it didnt rain tod

15、ay,because well have a sports meeting.,20, 虚拟语气在“Its+about/high time+从句”中的应用 在Its about/high time+从句的结构中,从句用一般过去时的虚拟语气. Eg :“You are very selfish.Its high time that you realized that you are not the most important person in the world.”Edger said to his boss angrily. It is about time that we went to

16、school.,21, 虚拟语气在in case,lest或for fear that等从句中的用法 in case,lest或for fear that引起的从句常用虚拟语气,表示“以防,以免”,形式为should+动词原形,should通常不能省略. Eg :He took his raincoat with him in case it should rain. The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it should go wrong on the way.,22, 虚拟语气在形容词短语的that宾语从句中的应用

17、主语+be+adj.+that+主语+should+动词原形 主语+be+adj.+that+主语+should have+过去分词 Eg :I am happy that he should agree. I am ashamed that you should have done such a thing.,23, 虚拟式动词原形用于独立句中 虚拟语气用于表示祝愿,诅咒等意义的公式化的句子中,谓语动词为be虚拟式. Eg :Long live our motherland. God bless you. The devil take you. So be it then.,24,1.“Ho

18、w should the city be run?”“If I ( ) a mayor,I would make the streets cleaner and hire more policemen.” A.would B.were C.would be D.should 2.Things might have been much worse if the mother ( ) on her right to keep the baby. A.has been insisting B.had insisted C.would insist D.insisted 3.A safety anal

19、ysis ( ) the target as a potential danger.Unfortunately, it was never done. A.would identify B.will identify C.would have identified D.will have identified 4.Jack wishes that he ( ) business instead of history when he was in university. A.studied B.study C.had been studying D.had studied 5.Wouldnt y

20、ou rather your child ( ) to bed early? A.go B.went C.would go D.goes 6.That train looked as if it ( ) for a long time . A.hadnt been watered B.hasnt watered C.didnt water D.wasnt water -ed,B,B,C,D,B,A,Exercises for you,25,A,A,C,B,B,D,A,A,C,B,B,D,7.We are for your proposal that the discussion ( ). A.

21、be put off B.was put off C.should put off D. is to put off 8.The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he ( ) himself. A.injure B.had injured C.injured D.would injure 9.Its time ( ) about the traffic problem downtown. A.anything will be done B.everything is done C.something was done D.nothing

22、 to be done 10.Look at the terrible situation Im in!If only I ( ) your advice. A.follow B.had followed C.would followed D.have followed 11.The business of each day,( ) selling goods or shipping them,went quite smoothly. A.it being B.be it C.was it D.it was 12.Rebecca ( ) me earlier if she did not like her house she bought last month. A.told B.would tell C.had told D.would have told,A,A,C,B,B,D,26,感谢您的阅览,【此课件下载后可自行编辑修改 关注我 每天分享干货】,


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