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1、北京艾克斯特信息技术有限公司,Objection Handling 处理异议,Janet Yang,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,We expect to课程目标: Have a common understanding of what is an “Objection”理解什么是“异议” Have a clear path to manage an Objection清楚如何处理异议 Be aware of why people raise Objections明白为什么会产生异议 Be aware of the profiles of who raise Objection

2、s了解有那些人会提出异议? When do they make it 什么时候会提出异议? Be aware of the benefits of questioning in objection handling 了解处理异议时提问的好处 Be aware of the importance of having objections during the sales campaign 了解在销售活动中处理异议的重要性,OBJECTION HANDLING,After this session you should be able to课程结束后你能够: Understand and appl

3、y a proper technique to handle objections (you will need to practice on your own)掌握处理异议的技巧(平时自己也需要多练习) Be aware of the importance of questioning skills/listening skills知道提问/聆听技巧的重要性 Simulate a scenario in which you handle a Customer Objection 模拟一个如何处理客户异议的情景,Why do people object? 为什么人们提出异议,90% of th

4、e time:90%的情况是因为: Fear, Doubt, Skepticism害怕,担心,怀疑 Need more information需要更多信息 Solution unclear 产品/方案不明确 Presentation Unclear你的陈述不够清楚 You did not listen你自己没认真听 Customer did not listen客户没认真听 You did not qualify 你不称职 Benefits dont outweigh Costs/Risks 效果达不到期望值,Why do people object?为什么人们提出异议,10% of the

5、time because they are:剩下的10%在于: Enemies! = Competitors Champions! 敌人=竞争对手的Champions!,What is an Objection?什么是异议?,A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! 很好的机会。! Objection means interest! 异议意味着感兴趣!,What is an Objection?什么是异议?,Excellent opportunity to educate the customer教育客户的绝佳机会 They allow you to build credibility 建立个

6、人信誉的机会 Demonstrate customers interest (at least, sensitivity) buying signals 表示出客户的购买信号或兴趣 Determine your position in Sales Cycle 判断你在这个销售过程中的位置 Natural part of the buying process 购买过程中很自然要发生的 Objections are very revealing of Decision criteria, power chart, personal win, competition揭示了决策标准,权力图,个人影响力

7、等等 allow to Get next steps 帮助迈向下一步 allow to Qualify people 帮助识别客户 Allow to define decision criteria and decision process 帮助确认决策标准,流程 An opportunity to differentiate T3 from the competition把TD和其他竞争产品区分开的一个机会,What is an objection什么是异议?,This is why Objections reveal a lot about customer这就是为什么异议揭示了客户的很多

8、信息,This is a “well objection handled” Customer 这是一个“异议处理的很好”的客户(坦诚相见了),Remember!切记!,People generally dont deliberately lie.人们一般不会故意撒谎 People are generally in good faith. 人们普遍都比较善意 Sometime they only omit to tell all the details because we do not listen to them. 有些时候他们不愿透露更多细节是因为我们没有认真聆听。,OBJECTION H

9、ANDLING 处理异议,Handling Objections, Sales People often处理异议的时候,销售人员会经常: Ask with no aim (Not prepared)没有目标的询问(没有准备好) Ask inaccurately! (linguistic problems)问的过于宽泛(语言表达问题) Do not ask! (Afraid)不去问(害怕) Do not listen to the answers (I keep going my way)没有认真听回答(自顾自的) Make many assumptions, 想当然的 Do not build

10、 questioning on the basis of the answers received. (I keep going my way)不是基于听到的回答进行发问(自顾自的) Think at the response immediately不假思索的就回答 Respond without thinking what “lives” behind the objection没有认真思考对方提的异议背后的真实意思。,OBJECTION HANDLING 处理异议,Remember!切记! Focus on the customer, not just the right answer.把

11、注意力放在客户身上,而非为了得到一个正确的回答 Earn the Right to Advance. 赢得先机 Persuade through Involvement.说服需要依赖客户充分的参与,Objection Handling Process 异议处理流程,Activity活动: Why we should be emphatic?为什么要表现出积极的情绪? What happens if we respond immediately?如果马上作答会发生什么? How can we be sure that were responding exactly?我们怎么确保回答的正确? Ho

12、w can we be sure were responding effectively?我们怎么确保回答的有效? What are the steps in the Objection Handling Process?异议处理流程有哪些步骤?,Objection Handling Process异议处理流程,6 steps: ENCOURAGING鼓励 QUESTIONING提问 CONFIRMING确认 RESPONDING回答 CHECKING检查 PROBING-ACTION下一步,Step1 Encourage鼓励,Encourage鼓励 Listen By Giving Info

13、rmation you Give Away Advantage.”收集信息会获得优势,只是一味提供信息就会丧失竞争优势 “Sell, Dont Tell.销售,而非说教”,OBJECTION HANDLING:处理异议:,EXERCISE N. 1 练习1 Objection: Changing is too expensive异议:改变成本太高了 1) encourage: 鼓励: Interesting to hear .很高兴听到。 It sounds like you thought changing already.听着似乎你已经思考过改变了。 May I make some que

14、stion about it?我可以问一些问题吗?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议:,2) questions: 提问: Current system is your first one?目前的系统是你们用的第一个吗? Have you got any benefits compared to past one?跟过去相比,你们获得哪些好处呢? Do you think is going to be your last solution? 你认为它会是你最后一个方案吗? How do you evaluate cost? On price, on Roi?你是怎么评估成本的?价格

15、?ROI?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议:,3) Confirm: 确认 Your company already made changes你的公司已经在做出改变 You had issues on learning, training, but you got benefits. 会面临学习,培训这些问题,但你会获得一些好处。 You agree on Roi as criteria 你承认用ROI作为标准。,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议:,4) Respond : 回复 I can understand Your position 我能理解你所处的位置 Fe

16、el, Felt, Found.(会经历一个过程,从最初的觉得到后面发现确实有效果) More than 90% of our customers come from the same situation 我们90%的客户都面临过这样的问题 All of them wanted to preserve existing productivity and improve efficiency at the same time.他们都希望在保持生产率的同时改进效率。,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议:,5) Respond: 回复 Let analyze one issue at th

17、e time and understand your needs 我们一个一个来分析,确认您真正需要的 We know there are some cost related to training and changing 的确会因为培训,改变等产生一些成本 We all know there is a cost even in NOT changing但如果不改变也会发生成本 Id like to show you some case studies about benefits that customers similar to you got with our solutions 我可

18、以给你看一些跟你情况类似的客户,用了我们的方案后的获益情况 Do you have any other doubt?还有其他疑虑吗?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议:,6) Verify :检查 Have we answered in a proper way?我们这样回答合适吗? Can we move forward on this way?能继续这样吗?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议:,Critical situation during questioning需引起注意的危险情况: The meeting seems to be an inquiring n

19、o info, poor info 会议中只是不断询问。没有任何信息或信息很少 The speaker thinks his answers have no importance发言者认为他的回答不重要 The questions show that you dont care about the situation and the speaker 你提的问题说明你没有注意当时情况和发言者。 The speaker is afraid that the info he gives can be used against him 发言者害怕他提供的信息会对他不利 He doesnt unders

20、tand the meaning of the questions and loses his patience 没有理解问题的含义并失去耐心 In spite of the forecast, he isnt interested in 不感兴趣,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议:,What will you do?你该怎么做 Change role: from questioning to informing till he reassures himself: metrics, references, nice story, add value! 改换角色:从提问到鼓励直到对

21、方得到宽慰,通过metrics,客户参考,故事,增加价值等! Make questions and give info, at the same time同时提问并给予信息 The skill consists of making essential questions in the right way and at the right time 技巧包括何时何地问什么样的问题 Its very important to show that the speakers info are necessaries and turn them to his advantage告诉发言者他们的信息很必要

22、,很有价值,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 1: ACTION Make the offer (next step)行动带来订单(下一步) What about having a demo on Thursday?何不这周四举行一个demo? What about you to organize a meeting with Mr. higher level/E.Buyer etc?你能组织一个会议,邀请高层/购买决定者参加。? What about signing a PO after the demo?做完demo就签单怎么样? What about flying

23、to Italy to visit the former think3 biggest European customer (GD.)?想不想去意大利参观欧洲的客户?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 2: Get a objection, get a NO出现异议,被答复说“No” Customer:客户: Well, I am not sure if I am willing to organize this demo with my boss for next week because Im not sure that you are able to handle

24、large assemblies我不确信我是否能组织一个demo并邀请老板参加,因为我还不能确认你能不能做大装配,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 3: Encourage鼓励 You:你: Do not react, smile不要其他反应,保持微笑 Listen, good contact eyes聆听,保持眼神接触 Let him finish objection: Keep your mouth shut 让他说完:闭上你的嘴 Show empathy 表现出积极情绪 Good Questions好的反应: I hear but Im not sure I und

25、erstood 我在听但不确认是否理解了 Can you tell me more about what you mean by “Handling Large Assemblies”?你能告诉我“处理大。装配”是什么意思吗?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 4: Confirm确认 Customer Answer:客户回答: We manufacture Machines and we need Large Assembly features. Pro/E is the best product to handle Large Assembly. Its been a

26、 long way to implement it and I do not feel comfortable to bring into discussion this decision 我们制造机器,需要大装配功能。Pro/E是处理大装配的最好产品。我们已经实施了很多年,我想没必要再讨论这个问题了,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 4: Confirm: Key questions确认: Let me restate what I think I heard让我重复一遍我听到的 In case others did not hear, I will repeat yo

27、ur question 为确保所有人都听到了,我再重复一遍你的问题 Is that what you are asking? 你是问的这个意思吗? Example 举例 Well, Let me recap what you just told me. You are telling me that it has been tough to reach the results you are getting with Pro/E and you are not willing to start again? 我总结下您刚才说的。您是说花了很大精力才用Pro/E达到这些结果,所以不想再重新开始,

28、是吗?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 5: Probing Customer answer:客户回答: Yes, this is exactly what I mean.对,我是这个意思 No (get back to stage 3)不是(回到第3阶段) You Questioning你的问题 How long did it take to implement Pro/E?实施Pro/E花了多长时间? Are you satisfied with the way the users are using it now? 你对现在的使用满意吗? What would y

29、ou improve if you could?如果可以的话你希望哪些方面得到改进?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 6: Responding回复 Customer answer:客户回答: I am not fully satisfied because only 4 out of 22 users are up to speed. 我不太满意,以为22个人里只有4个达到速度。,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,You Responding/Questioning你的答复/提问 Suppose that I show you a new very inn

30、ovative technology that allows any user to productive in less that one week . Would you be willing to organize a demo with your boss next week? 如果我向你展示一项创新的技术,能让使用者在不到一个星期时间就出效果,你能不能组织一场demo,请你的老板也参加? Suppose that there is a company in your field that has been using 190 seats of proe for 10 years th

31、at decided to implement 300 seat of thinkdesign last month, would be curious to see a demo? 你们区域有一家公司买了190套proe,用了10年,上个月却决定购买300套ThinkDesign了,你会不会觉得好奇,想看看demo?,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,Step 7: Action!行动! Demo PO Customer Visit 客户拜访 Corporate Visit 企业拜访 Custom Demo Etc.,OBJECTION HANDLING处理异议,How to h

32、andle objections: 如何处理异议: Listening/questioning 聆听/提问 Fortunately, customers make objections 很幸运,客户提出异议了 The only way to handle efficiently objections is to improve our listening skills有效处理异议的唯一方法就是提高我们的倾听技巧 The only way to improve our listening skills is to improve our questioning skills 提高倾听技巧的唯一方法就是改进提问的技巧 First exercise 首先要多练习,41,Thanks! 谢谢!Grazie!,


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