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1、人人说英语初级介绍篇一:人人说英语初级1-5 人人说英语初级 1-5 Unit 1 Greetings问候 Conversation 1 Lee: Good morning, Kevin. 早啊!凯文。 Kevin: Morning, Lee .How are you? 你好!李。你怎么样? Lee: Very well. 很好,谢谢! Key Words and Phrases(关键词汇) very (副) 很,非常 well (形)健康的,良好的 thank (动)谢谢 how (副)(指方式,方法,健康状况等)怎样 Notes (注释) Morning Good morning.的简化形

2、式 How are you 日常寒暄语。意思是你好吗.。既可以用于问候生人,也可以用于问候熟人,可用于一般问候或询问对方身体是否健康。 Conversation 2 Lee: Hello, Kevin. 你好!凯文。 Kevin: Oh, hi Lee, You look great! 你好!李。你看上去很精神。 Lee: Thanks. You, too. 谢谢。你看上去也不错。 Key Words and Phrases look (动)看起来,好像 great (形)非常好,好极了,棒极了 you (代)你,您,你们 too (副)也,太过于 Notes Hi 比Hello 随便,用于非

3、正式的场合和熟人之间。 Conversation 3 Kevin: So nice to see you again, Louise .How are you doing?路易斯,真高兴又见到你!你好吗? Louise: Pretty good .Hows your business going, Kevin? 挺好!你的生意怎么样,凯文? Kevin: Not too bad. 还不错。 Key Words and Phrases (关键词汇) see (动) 看见,看 again (副) 又,再一次 pretty (副) 非常地,真的 business (名) 生意,买卖 too (副)

4、也,太过于 Notes (注释) How are you doing? 是非正式的含寒暄用语。常用于美国。 Additional Useful Expressions (补充常用语) Long time no see. 好久不见。(比较随便的说法) Hows everything going? 一切都好吗? How are you getting on with your work? 工作情况怎么样? You have changed much. 和平时一样。 Hows your family? 家里怎么样? How was your day? 今天过得好么? Same as usual 和平

5、时一样。 Im just fine. 我还可以。 So far so good. 到目前为止还不错。 Not so good. 不太好。 Vocabulary (词汇) am (系动) 是,在 are(系动) 是,在 as(连) 与一样 change(动) 改变,变化 day(名) 白天,日子 do(动) 干,做everything(代) 每件事情,万事 family(名) 家庭,家属 fine(形) 良好的,健康的,十分好的 get on 进展,融洽的好 go 进行,去 I(代) 我 long (形) 长的,长期的 same (形) 相同的,无变化的 time (名) 时间 today (副

6、,名)今天 usual (形) 平常的,通常的,惯例的 was (系动) is 和are的过去式 with (介) 关于,就 work (名,动)工作,劳动 your (代) 你的,你们的 Unit 2 Introduction 1 介绍 Conversation 1 Lance: Hello, Im Lance. 你好!我是兰斯。 Paula: Hello, my name is Paula. Nice to meet you! 你好!我叫葆拉。很高兴认识你。 Lance: Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴认识你。 Key Words and Phrases name

7、(名)姓名 meet (动)(经介绍)与相识,遇见 what (代)什么 nice (形)美好的 Notes Nice to meet you.是同陌生人相识后的寒暄用语。 Conversation2 Xu Hua: Hello, my name is Xu Hua. Im from Beijing. 你好!我叫徐华。我是北京人。 Paula: Hello, Xu Hua. Im Paula. Im American. 徐华你好!我叫葆拉。我是美国人。 Xu Hua: Welcome to China, Paula! 葆拉,欢迎你到中国来!Paula: Thank you. 谢谢。 Key W

8、ords and Phrases from (介)从,来自 welcome(动)欢迎;(形)受欢迎的 China 中国 American(名)美国人 Notes Im 自我介绍用语,是I am(我是。,我叫。)的缩写形式,用于口语中。 Im from直译为:我从某某地方来。可译为:我是某某地方人。 例:Hes from Shanghai.他从上海来/他是上海人。 Conversation3 Kevin: Wang, Id like you to meet my friend. Dou, this is Wang 小王,我想介绍你认识我的朋友。小窦,. Dou: Hello, Wang. Im

9、Dou. Pleased to meet you. 你好!小王。我是小窦。很高兴认识你。 Wang: Pleased to meet you, too. Mr. Dou. 我也很高兴认识你,窦先生。 Dou: Just call me Xiao Dou, please. 就叫我小窦好了。 Key Words and Phrases friend(名)朋友 pleased(形)高兴的 about(介)关于 just(副)仅仅 Notes Id like我想,我愿意。常用来表示意愿。 This is介绍他人时的用语。 Additional Useful Expressions Whats your

10、 name, please? 你叫什么名字? May I have your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字? May I introduce Dr. Richard? 请允许我介绍理查德博士。 Let me introduce Judy. 让我来介绍朱迪。 I have heard a lot about you. 久闻大名。We have met. 我们见过面。 Where are you from? 你是哪儿人? Is this your first time to China? Do you mind if I call you George? 我就叫你乔治行吗? Voc

11、abulary an (冠)一 call (动)称呼 Dr.(名)博士,医生(doctor的缩写,用于人名前) first(形)第一的,首先的 heard(动)听(hear的过去式) here(副)这里 if(连)如果 introduce(动)介绍 Is(系动)是 like(动)喜欢,希望 may(助动)可能,可以,许可 me(代)我(宾格) mind(动)介意 New York(名)纽约 old(形)老的 please(动)请 this(代)这,这个 to(介)到,达,向,往 where(副)哪里 Unit 3 Saying Goodbye告别 Conversation1 A: Well,

12、Ive got to go. See you later. 唔,我得走了。呆会见。 B: See you .Have a nice day! 再见。祝你过的愉快! A: Thanks, you too.篇二:人人说英语初级测试题 人人说英语初级测试题(A卷) . 语音知识 5% 找出下列各组单词中,划线部分的读音不同于其他三个的词。 1. A. other B. worry C. bottle D. something 2. A. difference B. child C. listen D. sing 3. A. about B. away C. China D. apple 4.A. t

13、hing B. them C. other D. with 5. A. watch B. write C. work D. would . 词汇知识 25% A) 单词拼写 5% 根据句意和音标,写出相应的单词。 1.Could you come here, please? _ 不行,我在忙. 2. Oh, we must _ 找到 the kids. 3. There is no _ 公交车站. 4. Look at these _ 雨伞. 5. Where is the _ 银行? There isnt any. B) 词形转换 10% 根据括号中的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。 6. bi

14、g (反义词) _ 7. too (同音词) _ 8. them (主格) _ 9. glass (复数) _ 10 spare (过去式) _ 11 children (单数) _ 12. ours (宾格) _ 13. be(过去分词) _ 14. cannot (缩略式) _ 15. my (名词性物主代词) _ C) 词组互译 10% 16. 丝绸市场 _ 17. 与某人约会 _ 18. 让我想想 _ 19. 大声点说 _ 20. 稍后片刻_ 21. 接通(电话) _ 22. Wrap up _ 23. Tryon_24. Traffic light _ 25. Keep in tou

15、ch_ . 单项选择20% 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 1 _is the nearest bank? A. who B. why C. when D. where 2 _ the best way to get around? A. whats B. whys C. when D. how 3_does the bus run? A. how much B. how many C. how often D.how about 4 Whats wrong _ your bike? A. in B. on C. to D. with 5You have _ you

16、r station A. miss B. misses C. missed D. missing 6let me help you_ your luggage. A. with B. inC.forD.on 7Sorry, Ive_made an appointment with my friend. A. everB.yetC.alreadyD.been 8Nice _ to you? A. talk B. talking C. talked D. talks 9Would you like something to eat? What about _? A. a cup of tea B.

17、 some orangeC.some bread D. a bottle of milk 10There _ some _ in his family. A. are. person B. is. people C. are. peoples D. are. persons . 句型转换 8% 根据括号内的要求,改写句子,每个空格内只填一个单词,使句子意思完整与正确。 1. Thats a big museum. (改为复数形式) _ are big _. 2. Take the taxi home. (改为否定句) _ _ the taxi home. 3. Is this your tel

18、ephone number? (改为肯定句) _ _ your telephone number. 4. Theyre Americanstyle. (改为单数形式) _ _ American style. 5. I have a new coat. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ a new coat? 6. There are fourpeople in your family. (根据划线部分提问)_ _ people are there in your family? 7. There are some coupons on the table. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ co

19、upons on the table? 8. Have you eatendinner? (做否定回答) _, I _. . 用各题中所给动词的适当形式填空,使其意思完整与正确。7% 1 Lily _ (be) a middle school student. 2 _ (take) these books to the classroom, please. 3 There _ (be) some new chairs in the room. 4 What _ Li Nan _ (do) yesterday? 5How do you_ (go) to your company. 6 Let m

20、e _ (clean) the house. 7The man _ (talk)on the phone for 3 hours. . 下面每个句子A、B、C、D中只有一个是错误的,请指出。20% 1There areA some personB inC my familyD. 2TheyA areB shopingC in the mallD. 3IA amB listening toC heD. 4My friendA isB aEnglishC teacherD. 5Which trainA is myB? The small oneC is mineD. 6OhA, thanks yo

21、uB very muchC, LucyD. 7My sisterA is seeingB aC bookD. 8LookA! The taxi wasB justC overD there. 9 She getA anB oldC blouse todayD. 10There areA some breadB and two applesC on the tableD. . 阅读理解 15% 先阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中,选 出一个最佳答案。 This is a park (公园) . There are many flowers in it. Some are r

22、ed. Some are yellow. There is a river in the park, too. There are some boats in the river. The boats are very small. It is Sunday. There are many people in the park. Some are walking. Some are playing games. Some old men are sitting under the big tree. Look at these students! They are singing and da

23、ncing near the river. Their teacher is playing with them. They are very happy (高兴) . 1 This is a _. A. classroom B. park C. school D. bedroom 2There is a _ in the park. A. map B. picture C. hill D. river 3There are some _ in the river. A. boats B. cats C. birds D. buses 4Some old men are _ under the

24、 big tree. A. walking B. dancing C. sitting D. singing 5 _ are very happy. A. The old men B. The students C. Their teacher D. All the people in the park 初一 (下) 期中测试 (B卷) . 语音知识 10% A) 找出下列各组单词中划线部分的读音不同于其他三个的单词。 5% 1. A. plane B. catch C. stand D. black 2. A. food B. goodness C. soon D. too 3. A. ho

25、use B. count C. about D. young 4. A. could B. carry C. certainly D. clean 5. A. drink B. stand C. only D. open B) 找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 5% 6. full A. run B. cup C. jump D. put 7. easy A. great B. clean C. bread D. heavy 8. watch A. stand B. make C. what D. any 9. difference A. nice B. clean C. catch D

26、. count 10. young A. fly B. easy C. frisby D. yellow . 词汇知识 25% A) 单词拼写 5% 根据句意和音标写出单词: 11. _ like this. Thats _. ( rait ) 12. _ bikes are over _. ( J#+ ) 13.#0;Do you _ its name? #0;_, I dont. ( n+u ) 14. There are _ books _ you. ( f: ) 15. The _ trees are apple trees, _. ( tu: ) B) 词形转换 10% 根据括号中的

27、要求写出下列单词的相应形式。 16. heavy (反义词) _ 17. him (主格) _ 18. knife (复数) _ 19. fly (现在分词) _ 20. men (单数) _ 21. hers (宾格) _ 22. do not (缩略式) _ 23. know (同音词) _ 24. China (形容词) _ 25. they (形容词性物主代词) _ C) 词组互译 10% 将下列词组翻译成英语或汉语。 26. 一瓶. _ 27. 一些喝的东西 _ 28. 要试一试 _ 29. 在工作 _ 30. 做家庭作业 _ 31. how many _ 32. a cup of

28、_ 33. put. away _ 34. watch TV _ 35. put on ones clothes _篇三:Speakup人人说英语初级 Speak up Level 1 Unit1-2 人人说英语(初级) Unit 1 Greetings 问候 Conversation 1会话一 Key Words and Phrases 关键词汇 very很,非常 well健康的,良好的 thank感谢 how怎样 Conversation 1会话一 Lee: Good morning,Kevin.早啊!凯文。 Kevin:Morning,Lee.How are you? 你好!李。你怎么样

29、? Lee:Very well,thank you.很好。谢谢。 Conversation 2 会话二 Key words and phrases look 看起来,好像 great非常好的,好极了的 you 你,您,你们 too 也,太过于 Conversation 2 Hello.Kevin. 你好!凯文. Oh,hi,Lee.You look great! 你好!李。你看上去很精神! Thanks.You too. 谢谢。你看上去也不错。 Conversation 3 Key words and phrases see 看见,看 again又,再一次 pretty非常地,真的 busin

30、ess生意,买卖 too 也,太过于 Conversation 3 So nice to see you again,Louise.How are you doing? 路易丝,真高兴双双见到你!你好吗? Pretty good.Hows your business going,Kevin? 挺好。你的生意怎么样,凯文? Not too bad. 还不错。 Additional Useful Expressions Vocabulary am areas change 是,在是,在 与.一样改变,变化daydo everything family 白天,日子干,做每件事情,万事 家庭,家属 f

31、ine get ongo I 良好的,健康的 进展,融洽相处 进行,去 我 long same time today 长的,长期相同的,无变化的时间 今天 usual waswith 平常的,通常 is和are的过去式关于,就 work your 工作,劳动你的,你们的 Additional Useful Expressions1 补充正式日常寒暄用语。常用于美国。 Long time no see.好久不见。(比较随便的用法) Hows everything going? 一切都好吗? How are you getting on with your work? 工作情况怎么样? You h

32、avent changed much. 你没怎么变。 Hows your family?家里怎么样? How was your day?今天过得好吗? Same as usual. 和平时一样。 Im just fine. 我还可以。 So far so good. 到目前为止还不错。 Not so good.不太好。 Unit 2Introduction 介绍 Conversation 1 Key Words and Phrases name 姓名 meet与.相识,遇见 what什么 nice美好的 Conversation 1 Hello,Im Lance.你好!我是兰斯. Hello,

33、my name is Paula.Nice to meet you! 你好,我叫葆拉。很高兴认识你。 Nice to meet you,too. 我也很高兴认识你。 Conversation 2 Key words and phrases from从,来自 welcome 欢迎;受欢迎的 China 中国 American 美国人 Conversation 2 Hello,my name is Xu Hua.Im from Beijing. 你好!我叫徐华。我是北京人。 Hello,Xu Hua.Im Paula.Im American.徐华你好!我叫葆拉。我是美国人。Welcome to C

34、hina,Paula! Thank you.葆拉,欢迎你到中国来! 谢谢. Conversation 3 Key words and phrases friend朋友 pleased 高兴的 about 关于 just仅仅 Conversation 3 Wang,Id like you to meet my friend.Dou,this is Wang. 小王,我想你认识我的朋友。小窦 Hello,Wang.Im Dou.Pleased to meet you. 你好!小王。我是小窦。很高兴认识你。 Pleased to meet you,too,Mr.Dou. 我也很高兴认识你,窦先生。

35、Just call me Xiao Dou,please.就叫我小窦好了。 Additional useful Expressions Vocabulary an call Dr.first 一 称呼 博士,医生第一,首先 heard here if introduce 听 这里 如果 介绍 is like mayme 是 喜欢,希望可能,可以我(宾格) mind mine New York old 介意 我的(所有格宾格) 纽约 老的 pleasethis to where 请 这,这个 到,达,向 哪里 Additional useful Expressions Whats your na

36、me,please? 你叫什么名字? May I have your name,please? 请问你叫什么名字? May I introduce Dr.Richard? 请允许我介绍理查德博士。 Let me introduce Judy.让我来介绍朱迪。 I have heard a lot about you. 久闻大名。 We have met. 我们见过面。 Where are you from?你是哪儿人? Is this your first time to China? 这是你第一次到中国来吗? How do you like Beijing?你对北京印象如何? Mr.Smit

37、h is an old friend of mine. 史密斯先生是我的一个老朋友. Do you mind if I call you George? 我就叫你乔治行吗? Unit 3 saying Goodbye 告别 Conversation 1 Key Wordsa dn Phrases later go 稍后,随后 去,到Conversation 1 Well,Ive got to go.See you later. 唔,我得走了.呆会儿见. See you.have a nice day! 再见.祝你过得愉快! Thanks,you too. 谢谢也祝你愉快. Conversation 2 K


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