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1、科力手提灯说明书电池式移动型、大功率、长时间、电量可控、泛光、用于娱乐+工作灯Battery moveable, Big power, long time, power control, floodlight, usedto entertainment and the light of work适用范围:Range of application夜间户外活动、户外运动、海边度假、交警夜间事故现场勘查、 拍照、摄影、移动汽修、电业抢修、 消防救火及其它工作现场。outdoor activity at ni ght, outdoor sport, beach resort, traffic poli

2、cema ninv estigat ing accide nt on-site at ni ght, tak ing photos, photographi ng, mobile auto repair, electrical repairs, fire fighting and other site.大功率: 采用12颗3W LED =36W泛光照明,LED寿命达60000小时Big power ;use 12 3WLED=36W light in g, LED life can reach 60000 hours超大电池容量:采用高容量的聚合物锂电池,14.8V/12A,电池安全可靠,没有

3、爆炸的危险、寿命长,可反复充电大于1000次.Super battery capacityuse high capacity polymer lithium batteries,14.8V/12A, batteries are safe and relyable, no dangerous of explosion, long life, battery charging more than 1000 time aga in and aga in.电池电压12V-16.8V,中间值为14.8VBattery voitage 12V-16.8V, media n is 14.8V内部带电池电压保

4、护功能,当电池电压低于12V时,关断所有输出。In door have the fun ctio n of protect battery voltage.whe n battery voltage is lower tha n 12V, shutoff all output.功能:function泛光工作分3个档,散射角度85度,圆形面Floodlight work devided into 3 grade scattering angle 85 degrees , roundface2档;强光模式连续时间大于 20小时,光通量:18001m,泛光角度:85度2 ; strong light

5、 pattern continous time more than 20 hours, light flux;1800lm,floodlight degree 85.3档:超强光模式连续时间大于10小时,光通量:28001m,泛光角度:85度3 ; super shong light pattern continous time more than 10 hours, light flux; 2800lm , floodlight degree; 85亮点功能1 :精确电量显示,按百分比显示Bright spot;show accurate quabtity of electricity,ac

6、cord ing to perce ntage .上图表示电池电量为 62%1.电量指示功能1 the fun cti on of show ing qua ntity of electricity21)电量指示表示当前电池的剩余容量,100等分;如:62表示剩余容量为电池总容量的62%电量;99表示电池当前电量为电池容量的满容量Quan tity of electricity in dicati on show prese nt rema ining capacity,100 parts; eg;62 show remaining capacity is 62% of all battery

7、 capacity , 99 show present electricity is 100% of all battery capacity.2)电量指示表示电池的真实剩余容量,用户可根据指示值来决定是否要进行工作或充电操作;当指示值=0时,灯具有可能不开机,以保护电池正常寿命;3)Quan tity of electrriciy in dicicatio n show real prese nt rema ining capacity, user can decided wheather work ing and chari ng or not accord ing to in dicat

8、i on; whe nindicator=0, lamps may be shut down so as to protect batteries normal life.采用最新浮动电量计算技术,真实测量电池实际电量,并且指示出当前电池的实际电量;Use latest Float ing power computi ng tech no logy ,mearsure battery actual power really,a nd show battery prese nt actual power.电量指示值不受电池电压和放电电流大小影响,可靠真实指示电池当前电量;电量指示值从0-99,0

9、表示当前电量已放电完毕,无剩余容量,必须充电后灯具才能工作,99表示当前电池已完全充满电,电池进入浮充或关闭状态。in dicat ing value from the battery power do not effect by the battery e and dischargecurre nt size, show battery prese nt power reliably and truly;in dicat ing value of the powerfrom 0 to 99, 0 in dicate the curre nt power already discharge e

10、nd and have no residual capacity, lamps can work after chargi ng, 99 in dicate the curre nt battery has completely filled with electricity, the battery into the float filling or closed.充电时,电量指示数字进入闪烁状态,指示进入充电程序,当充电进入最后阶段指示数字达到 时,电量指示停止闪烁,电池关闭或进入浮充状态。99Power instructions into flashing state when char

11、ging , indicating into charging program. When charging into the final stage , indication digital reach 99 . Power instructions stop flashing , the battery into the float filling or closed.电池容量记意功能,电池用久后容量会下降,比如用一、两年后电池容量下降20%,还可能准确的显示电量。Battery capacity memory functions, battery capacity will declin

12、e after years. For example, Battery capacity Fall by 20% after using 1 or 2 years.,also can show power truly.4) 放电时,电量指示值会随工作时间而下降,下降速度根据用户的用电功率而计算,充电时,电 量指示会进行闪烁指示,当有一定的充电电流时,指示值会随充电时间而增加,在增加到 99 时,电量指示数字停止闪烁,表示电池充电电流非常小,充电完成。When discharging , power will be along with the work time fallen. The dec

13、reasing speed according to the users power capacity and computing. When charging, Instructions will be flashing instructions for power. When there is a certain charging electric current, Instructions value can be increased with the charging time. When reach to 99, instructions will stop flashing. It

14、 shows the battery charging electric current is very small and charging completed.5) 外形尺寸:长 225 mm宽186mm高:156mm.Shape dimension ; Long 225 mm ,wide 186 mm, high156 mm6) * 重量: 2.4 kgWeight: 2.4 kg本产品保用 2 年,电池 1 年,其它 2 年。产品正常使用下出现任何故障由本公司负责免费维护This product is guaranteed for 2 years, battery for 1 year

15、 and other for 2 years. The company responsible for free maintenance when product have any fault under normal use.防水结构,防护等级达到 IP65.Waterproof structure: protection level to IP65 外壳结构: 采用优质全铝合金外壳,即有利于散热又高档美观,并且耐强力碰撞和冲击。Shell structure: adopt high quality aluminium shell, That is not only beneficial t

16、o heat dissipation and high-grade beauty, but also resistpowerful collisions and impactresistance.一键控制,三个档随意切换,操作简单。电量用数码管按百分比显示,直观。With a digital tube according percentage, intuitive A key controlling,threefilesrandomswitch ing, simple operati on. Power .使用时间计算实例:如上图电量是 62%Using time calculate exam

17、ple: the power is 62% as shown in the picture above.1若是开到一档,就是最暗的档位,充满电的使用时间是大于 100小时,就按100小时计 算,那么现在还有62%电量,也就是说还可以用62个小时,按照误差5%+算,至少还可 以用57个小时钟If open to a, it is the darkest gear. Full of electricity using time is more than 100 hours, according to 100 hours calculation, so now there is 62%,That i

18、s still can use 62 hours,according to the error 5% computation. we still can use at least 57 hours clock2.若是开到二档,就是中间亮度的档位,充满电的使用时间是大于20小时,就按20小时计算,那么现在还有62%电量,也就是说还可以用20x62%=12.4个小时,按照误差 5%+算,至少还可以用11个小时46分钟。If open to b, it is the brightness gear, Full of electricity use time is more than 20 hours

19、, according to the 20 hours calculation, so now there is 62%, that is still can use20 x62 % = 12.4 hours, according to the error 5% computation. We still can use at least11 hours 46 minu tes.3.若是开到三档,就是最强光亮度的档位,充满电的使用时间是大于10小时,就按10小时计算,那么现在还有62%电量,也就是说还可以用10x62%=6.2个小时,按照误差 5%计算,至少还可以用5个小时53分钟。If op

20、e n to c, it is the bright nestgear, Full of electricity use time is more tha n10 hours, according to the 10 hours calculation, so now there is 62%, that is still can use10 x62 % = 6.2 hours, according to the error 5% computation. we still can use at least five hours and 53 minu tes.对比3W LED手电筒的集光点C

21、on trast 3 W the LED flashlight collection of light.对比3W LED手电筒的集光点Contrast 3 W the LED flashlight collection of light.带有可调的支架,可以挂在高处照明,达到更好的光照效果。With adjustable bracket, it can hang on high place for lighti ng,achiev ingbetter light ing effecti on.LED产品介绍LED product in troducti on随着LED技术的进一步成熟,LED将

22、会在引领室内外照明潮流,21世纪的灯具将会是以 LED照明灯泡为主流,充分体现节能化、健康术化和人性化的照明趋势,成为灯光文化的 主导。在新的世纪里,LED照明必将会照亮每个用到灯的地方,改变每个人的生活,成为 光文化的伟大变革。With the further mature LED technology,LED will be leading indoor and outdoorlighting trend. The lamps of the 21 st century will make LED lighting light bulb became the mainstream, full

23、y reflacting the trend of energy, healthy, humanized and becaming the leading of light culture.In the new century, LED lighting will light up everyplace which need lighting. ITchanges each persons life, becomingthe great cultural revolution of light.一、节能化energy研究资料表明, 由于 LED 是冷光源,半导体照明自身对环境没有任何污染, 与

24、白炽灯、 荧光灯相比,节电效率可以达到 90以上。在同样亮度下, 耗电量仅为普通白炽灯的 1/10, 荧光灯管的 1/2。如果用 LED 取代我们目前传统照明的 50,每年我国节省的电量就相当 于一个三峡电站发电量的总和,其节能效益十分可观。Research data shows that because of LED is cold light , semiconductor lighting can not bring any pollution to the environment, and compared with incandescent lamp or fluorescent l

25、amp, it saving efficiency can achieve 90% above. In the same brightness, power consumption only the normal bulb s1/10 and the fluorescent tubes 1/2. If weuse LED to replace our current 50% of traditional lighting. Each year our country save power just a three gorges hydropower station s sum total of

26、 the electricity. So the energy-saving benefition is very considerable二、健康化healthyLED 是一种绿色光源。 LED 灯直流驱动,没有频闪;没有红外和紫外的成分,没有辐 射污染,显色性高并且具有很强的发光方向性;调光性能好,色温变化时不会产生视觉误 差;冷光源发热量低,可以安全触摸;这些都是白炽灯和日光灯达不到的。它既能提供令 人舒适的光照空间, 又能很好地满足人的生理健康需求, 是保护视力并且环保的健康光源。LED is a kind of green light source , LED for dc driv

27、e, no stroboscopic; No infrared and uv ingredients, no radiation pollution, showing color highly and strong directional light; Dimmer performance is good; color temperature changes wont produce visual error; Cold light source low calorific value,it can be safely touched; These are all incandescent l

28、ight bulb and fluorescent lamp can not achieve. It can provide a comfortable light space, and can meet the demand of physiological health. It is a kind of green light source which protect the vision and the health of environmental light三、艺术化art光色是构成视觉美学的基本要素,是美化居室的重要手段。光源的选用直接影响灯光 的艺术效果, LED 在光色展示灯具

29、艺术化上显示了无与伦比的优势;目前彩色 LED 产品已覆盖了整个可见光谱范围,且单色性好,色彩纯度高,红、绿、黄 LED 的组合使色彩及 灰度(1670万色)的选择具有较大的灵活性。灯具是发光的雕塑,由材料、结构、形态和肌 理构造的灯具物质形式也是展示艺术的重要手段。 LED 技术使居室灯具将科学性和艺术性 更好地有机结合,打破了传统灯具的边边框框,超越了固有的所谓灯具形态的观念,灯具 设计在视知觉与形态的艺术创意表现上, 以一个全新的角度去认识、 理解和表达光的主题。 我们可以更灵活地利用光学技术中明与暗的搭配、 光与色的结合, 材质、结构设计的优势, 提高设计自由度来弱化灯具的照明功能,让

30、灯具成为一种视觉艺术,创造舒适优美的灯光 艺术效果。例如半透明合成材料和铝制成的类似于蜡烛的LED灯,可随意搁置在地上、墙角或桌上,构思简约而轻松,形态传达的视觉感受和光的体验,让灯具变成充满情趣与生 机的生命体。Light color constitute the basic elements of visual aesthetics,it is an important means of beautification bedroom, and it directly influences the lights artistic effect. LED light color display

31、 lamps and displayed on the art unparalleled advantages; At present color LED products has covered the visible spectrum, and monochromatic good, high purity color, red, green, yellow LED to the combination of color and gray (16.7 million color) choice has a greater flexibility . Lamps and lanterns i

32、s glowing sculpture, by material, structure, form and texture structure of the material form. It is also shows art lamps and the important means. LED technology make the bedroom lamps and scientific and artistic quality better organic union. It brokes the traditional lamps side frame, beyond the inh

33、erent of so-called lamps form of ideas, lamps in the visual perception and form design of art creative performance, with a new point of view to know and understand and express the theme of the light.四 人性化humanized毋庸置疑,光和人的关系是一个永恒的话题, “人们看到了灯,我看见了光 ”,正是这 句经典的话语改变了无数人对灯的认识。灯具的最高境界是 “无影灯”也是人性化照明的最 高体现,

34、房间里没有任何常见灯具的踪迹,让人们可以感受到光亮却找不到光源,体现了 把光和人类生活完美结合的人性化设计。Without a doubt, the relationship between people and light is an eternal topic, people see the light, I saw the light, it is a classic discourse has changed countless peoples und erstanding of the lamp. Lampsthe highest realm pressing is human hi

35、ghest expression of lighting, theroom without any trace of the common lamps. Let people can feel light but couldnt find the light source, reflecting light and human life of perfect combination of humanized designing.根据以上优点,科力采用高亮度零光衰白光 LED 作为发光元件,采用高容 量的聚合物锂电池,使发光角度达到方位 85 度,圆形发光效果,制作成最理 想户外 LED 光源,

36、灯具采用铝外壳,防水设计,防护性能达到 IP65 ,设计小 巧精致,光线均匀向全方位照射,照射效果更好,光效更高。特别适合家庭 停电备用、 夜间户外活动、户外运动、海边度假、交警夜间事故现场勘查、拍照、摄影、移动 汽修、电业抢修、消防救火及其它工作现场 。According to the above advantages, force using high brightness zero force white LED light failure as a light emitting components,using high capacity of the polymer lithium

37、batteries, making the light to 85 degree .Angle position, circular glow effection, making the most ideal outdoor LED light source, the aluminum lamps shell, the waterproof design, protective performance reach IP65. Cabinet and delicate design, the light even to the all-sided illuminate, irradiation

38、effect is better, higher efficiency. Especially suitable for the family, the night standby power outdoor activities, and outdoor sports, seaside holiday, the traffic police night the scene of the accident exploration, photo taking, photography, mobile motor repair, electric power, the fire and other repair job site. 为了地球的明天,让我们一起加入科力的低碳环保生活吧 。 For the earth tomorrow, let us join forces with the low carbon environmental life


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