三年级英语上册 Lesson 4 第四课时教案 教科版.doc

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1、教科版三年级上册英语Lesson 4 Whos She?第四课时学习目标:通过各种练习活动,复习巩固前面所学内容。学习重点:This is my friend. Nice to meet you.学习难点:This is my friend.教具:录音机、课本、磁带。教法:听说法和情景教学法教学过程:一、Greeting.T: Hello.Ss: Hello.T: Good morning,class.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thanks.二、Free Talk.让学生在纸上画朋友的画像。三人为一组,用已画好的

2、图进行回答。S1: Whos she?S2: She is my friend.(朋友名)Who is he?S3: He is my friend. (朋友名) Who is she?S1: She is my friend,Candy.三、Presentation and drill.1.Listen to the tape.2.Answer my questions, please.1).How to say “这是我的朋友兔兔”2).How to say “见到你很高兴。”3.listen and repeat.四、Practice1.Act the dialogues in groups.S1: Hi, S2, Who is she?S2: This is my friend. S3.S1: Hi, S3, Nice to meet you.S3: Hi, S1, Nice to meet you,too.2.Time to listen.1).Listen and read2).Circle the correct response.3).Play with English.4)Check the right answer5).Find the picture and number it.五、HomeworkListen to the tape at home.2


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