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1、Positive Psychology,How to Keep Happy?,In order to improve the well-being, we should not worried about the joy that far out of reach, conversely, we should find small but endless source of happiness. When the little happy comes one after another, as time goes on, it can change your life.,Looking for

2、 Tiny Happy,Psychologists can make you believe that youre fragile like a little flower, you need to see a psychologist, even a trifle such as the shoelace broken. But the fact is that the people are quite strong, absolutely to be more powerful than they think. Therefore, the people who just experien

3、ced the plight only need to remember a piece of advice, that is perseverance. Leaving everything to time ,time will heal all the ups and downs. If you persist, you will be surprised to find they have much better after a year.,Perseverance,A recent study shows that when you spent some money on others

4、, you will feel happy. Pay is actually a kind of happiness. For example, if you want to have more fun today, then giving the guy behind you a bottle of mineral water that you bought in the supermarket .Looking at the expression on his face will let you get a lasting happiness. Im sure that your spen

5、t of great value, because you can obtain much more happy through this process.,Be Ready to Pay,seven deadly sins that affect the well-being: like competition; faith wavering; neglect the beautiful things around us; just want to harvest and unwilling to pay; not easily satisfied; lack of trust; easy

6、to anxiety.,Cultivating flowers of happiness,The highest level of success is cultivating the habit of seeing the positive side of the thing. Seeing the positive side from daily experience , bravely allowing yourself to see the optimism and humor, you will improve your ability to enjoy life. No matte

7、r how bad or frustrating the environment, if we are willing to, we still can choose high-spirited and optimistic. Firming your faith and letting yourself become an optimist. Therefore, pessimism can escape helplessly and the sunlight will fill your heart.,No more than a true friend can bring us more

8、 encouragement、help and joy! Cicero said :someone loses a friend in life just like the sunshine is covered with the clouds. Because in this world there is nothing except obtain sincere friendship can make a person feel happy.,Friendship is a band-aid of our life,True friends always take more care of

9、 us. When an opportunity comes, they always give encouragement and support to us; when comfort is needed, they silently bless for us, cover the wound and pain, stop the rumors hurting us; they correct peoples bad impression upon us, letting us on the right track, overcoming prejudice which is formed

10、 by our some errors or faults. Once we need help, they always give us hands.,Look at yourself and how long have not you laugh from the heart? We should not put ourselves in busy and nervous state all day, nor should we think that the enjoyment of life is a waste of time. We should be a lot of entert

11、ainment and recreation. Pleasant pastime has some subtle implications for humans capacity, which makes us more courage and confidence.,Relax yourself,人生要有目标和追求There should be the goal and pursue in life,经常保持微笑 Often keep smiling,学会和别人一块分享喜悦Study to share the happiness with others,乐于助人Ready to help o

12、thers all the time,并保持自己的一颗童心And keep a childlike innocence,学会和各种人愉快的相处Learn to get along with various kinds of people happily,学会宽恕他人Learn to forgive others,有几个知心朋友Have a few intimate friends,常和别人保持合作,并从中获得乐趣 Often cooperate with others, and obtain enjoyment from it,保持高度的自信心 Keep strong self-confide

13、nce,具备胆识和勇气 Have courage and insight,要经常运动 Do sports frequently,经常出去呼吸一下新鲜空气 Often go out to breathe the fresh air.,每年去度假几次 Be on holidays several times every year,要学会劳逸结合! Learn to keep a proper balance between work and rest.,凡事要量力而行Do things within the limits of your own energy,要有挑战精神 There should be challenge spirit,能逆境中生存 One will survive in the adverse circumstance,Thank you!,精品资料,祝您成功,


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