初三英语 被动语态精品课件.ppt

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1、初三英语 被动语态精品课件,精品收藏,Passive voice 1.被动语态的概念,主动语态:主语是动作的执行者,I wrote a letter to my father last night.,被动语态:主语是动作的承受者,A letter was written to my father by me last night.,I wrote a letter to my father last night.,I wrote a letter to my father last night.,A letter was written to my father by me last nigh

2、t.,2. 被动语态的形式,The best chocolate is made in Switzerland. 最好的巧克力产在瑞士。 Fast trains are found in France and Japan. 法国和日本都有快速列车。 Many villages and towns in Guangxi Province were hit by the flood a week ago. 一周前,广西的许多村镇遭受洪水袭击。 The trees were blown down by the typhoon. 树被台风刮倒。 Huge amounts of money was st

3、olen from the bank last night. 昨晚这家银行巨额现金被窃。 The road will be repaired by next week. 下个礼拜路会修好。 Will the cartoon be shown on TV tonight? 今晚上会放这卡通片吗? The physics problem can be solved in three ways. 这道物理题可以用三种方法解决。 The classroom should be cleaned every day. 教室应该每天打扫。,Cows produce milk. (答案:Milk is pro

4、duced by cows.被动语态中如须交代动作发出者,可用介词by引出) People in many countries speak English. (答案:English is spoken (by people) in many countries. by people 省略为好,因为动作发出者不必交代,句意很明确,否则显累赘。) Postmen deliver letters. (答案:Letters are delivered by postmen.句意为:信件由邮递员发送投递。) The food _ (被厨师烧焦了). (答案:was burned by the cook)

5、 The traffic couldnt move _(因为道路被雪封住了). (答案:because the road was blocked by snow),The shirt _(按约翰的尺寸裁剪的), so it fits John very well. (答案:was cut to Johns size) The rubbish bin is full, and it _(马上将被清空。) (答案:will be cleaned soon) This is very urgent. _ (今天下午能完成吗?) (答案:Will it be done this afternoon)

6、The students cant work out the difficult problem. (答案:The difficult problem cant be worked out by the students.) we must obey the laws. (答案:The laws must be obeyed .),3. 被动语态中by 的用法,1)介词by后用宾格 She cleans the schoolbag carefully.(改为被动) The schoolbag is cleaned by her carefully. (she的宾格是her) Jane divi

7、ded the books into two parts.(改为被动) The books were divided into two parts by Jane . (Jane是名词,主宾格相同。),2)介词by在句中的位置 Miss Li corrects the compositions carefully.(改为被动语态) The compositions are corrected by Miss Li carefully./ The compositions are corrected carefully by Miss Li. by Miss Li可放在谓语动词后其它状语(car

8、efully)前,也可放在句末。 We should practice English every day. (改为被动语态) English should be practiced every day. (by us 省略。诸如we, someone/somebody, everyone/everybody, people等表泛指的主语在被动中省略。),The difficult problem_(被我们大家一起解决了). (答案:was solved by us all。) The bridge _ (明年将被他们建造). (答案:will be built by them next ye

9、ar/will be built next year by them) Someone wants you on the phone.(改为被动语态) (答案: You are wanted on the phone. 表泛指的主语someone在被动中省略,不必强调动作的执行者时也可省by短语。),4. 短语动词在被动语态中不可拆开,The old are taken good care of in our country. (take care of 是固定短语,介词of不能少。 ) The lecture must be listened to carefully. (listen to

10、是固定短语,介词to不能少。) 把下列句子改成被动语态 The parents looked after the baby carefully. (答案:The baby was looked after carefully by the parents.) He threw away the old clothes. (答案:The old clothes were thrown away by him.),5. 含有双宾语的句子的被动语态,含有双宾语即直接宾语和间接宾语的句子的被动语态有两种改法。 I told him the good news of my success. (改为被动语

11、态) The good news of my success was told to him by me. ( 间接宾语him前加介词to,the good news of my success 是直接宾语,类似加to的动词还有:give, send, show等。) He was told the good news of my success by me. We will make him a chocolate cake.(改为被动语态) A chocolate cake will be made for him. (直接宾语a chocolate cake作主语时,间接宾语him前加介

12、词for ,类似加介词for的动词有get, buy, make等) He will be made a chocolate cake by us. (此句不常用。),He showed me the ID card. (答案:The ID card was shown to me./ I was shown the ID card.) My father bought me a beautiful skirt when I was fourteen years old. (答案:A beautiful skirt was bought for me by my father when I w

13、as fourteen years old. /I was bought a beautiful skirt by my father when I was fourteen years old. ),6. 含有宾语补足语的句子的被动语态,He told the children to go and watch his tank of Ghost fish.(改为被动语态) The children were told to go and watch his tank of Ghost fish. (to go and watch his tank of Ghost fish为宾语补足语,不能

14、作为被动语态的主语。his tank of Ghost fish是不定式动词watch的宾语,因此也不能作被动语态的主语。) They call the baby Kitty. (改为被动语态) The baby is called Kitty. (Kitty 是宾语补足语,不能做被动语态的主语。),The detective asked Jill to show her earrings. (答案:Jill was asked to show her earrings by the detective. ) We made him our group leader. (答案:He was m

15、ade our group leader (by us). ),7. 被动语态中副词的位置,I will also write a letter to him.(改为被动语态 ) A letter will also be written to him. (副词also 放在第一助动词will后。) He often makes his fishing trip in the late afternoon. (改为被动语态 ) His fishing trip is often made in the late afternoon. (频度副词often一般放在第一助动词后。) He can

16、easily finish the job. The job can be easily finished by him. (程度副词easily一般放在过去分词前。类似的有:widely, well 等。),People would usually use cormorants to catch fish. (答案:Cormorants would usually be used to catch fish. 频度副词 usually 放在在第一助动词后。) He did the job well. (答案:The job was well done. 程度副词well放在过去分词前。),8

17、. 被动语态的疑问形式,Did he steal the money ?(改为被动语态) Was the money stolen by him? How do people prepare milkshake?(改为被动语态) How is milkshake prepared ? Who moved my cheese? (改被动语态) By whom was my cheese moved?/Whom was my cheese mved by? (对动作的执行者提问时,介词by 可在句首或句末。),Do the students always do their homework in

18、the evening? (答案:Is their homework always done in the evening by the students?) Who dealt with the case? (答案:By whom was the case dealt with?/Whom was the case dealt with by?),9. 及物动词有被动语态,不及物动词没有被动语态,The temperature _(rise/raise) when summer is coming. (答案:rises。温度自己上升,用不及物动词rise,不及物动词没有被动语态。) The

19、temperature _(rise/raise) when the air-conditioner begins to work. (答案:is raised。温度被空调机提升,所以用及物动词raise的被动语态, 只有及物动词有被动语态。) The idea _ (sound/hear) very good. (答案:sounds。hear 是及物动词,“听见”,sound是系动词,“听起来”,属不及物动词,没有被动语态。) A scream _(sound/hear) in the darkness. (答案:was heard。 hear 是及物动词,“听见”,was heard, “

20、被听见”。),Water _(change) into steam when it is heated. (答案:changes/is changed。 change 既是及物动词又是不及物动词,且意思相同。相同用法的有:turn。) A lot of flowers _ (grow) in their garden. (答案:are grown。 grow既是及物动词又是不及物动词,及物时是“种植”,不及物时是“生长”。类似用法的有:return),The school sports meeting _ next Saturday.(hold) (答案:will be held。next S

21、aturday 表将来,hold 是及物动词。) Bamboo _ in the hot and wet area.(grow) (答案:grows。 句意:竹子在暖湿的地区生长。) The car accident _ in the morning.(happen) (答案:happened。 happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态。) You _ happy to meet me.(look) (答案:look。 系动词look没有被动语态,“看起来”。) I _ to Shanghai at the end of this month.(return) (答案:will return。

22、return既是及物动词又是不及物动词,及物时是“归还”,不及物时是“返回”。),10. 被动语态在日常生活中的应用,The window is broken. (动作的执行者无从得知不作强调时用被动语态。) Dumpling is prepared in the following way. (说明性文字用被动语态。) A body is found in the forest. (新闻标题,科技文章等强调客观事实的文字用被动语态。),We must keep the noise under 50 dbs(分贝) here.(改为被动语态)(02年中考) The noise must _ _

23、 under 50 dbs here.,be kept,主动 ? 被动,He gave me the ID card. (改为被动语态) I the ID card.,was,given,The ID card me.,to,was given,show/pass/hand sb. sth. show/pass/hand sth. sb.,buy/make sb. sth. buy/make sth. sb.,to,for,We call the baby Kitty. (改为被动语态) The baby Kitty.,is called,We call the baby Kitty. The

24、 baby is Kitty. He gave me the ID card. I was the ID card.,The homeless children _ in the orphanage. A) are taken good care B) are taken good care of C) take good care D) take good care of,答案:B,短语动词不可拆开,get rid of,look forward to,listen to,throw away,A letter to him. will also be written B. will be

25、also written C. also will be written D. will be written also,答案:A,A letter was also written to him.,被动语态的正确判断,”Remember, nobody (allow) to eat or drink in the computer room,” the assistant said to the new student. (动词的适当形式填空) (03年中考),is allowed,他由于偷窃被送进了监狱。(中译英),He was sent into jail for stealing.,世

26、界上很多国家都说英语。(中译英),English is spoken in many countries in the world。,及物动词 被动语态 不及物动词 被动语态,有,没有,竹子在暖湿的地区生长良好。 (中译英),Bamboo grows well in the hot and wet area.,Where did they grow vegetables? (改为被动语态)(00年中考) Where vegetables ?,were,grown,“生长”(不及物) grow “种植” (及物),“返回”(不及物) return “归还” (及物),Water ( change

27、 ) into steam when it becomes hot.,changes/is changed,The river _ (rise/raise) three feet after the heavy rain.,rose,The English competition _ next Friday. will hold B) will be held C) takes place D) happens,答案:B,互动:2。明天开运动会。(中译英) 3。All the books were returned to the library when I graduated from th

28、e school. ( 我毕业时所有的书都还给了图书馆。),不及物时是“返回”,如:He returned home on a winter night. (他在一个冬天的晚上回了家。)。 4。The temperature rises or is raised to 20C. 1。在写作中如何选择使用被动语态,Changes in Shanghai In the last ten years, great changes have taken place in Shanghai. More and more high buildings can be seen in Shanghai. The streets have become wider and cleaner. A lot of grasslands have been added to make the city more beautiful.The river has been made clean and fishes can be seen again. At night, you will be attracted by the night view at the Bund. Why not come to Shanghai?,


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