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1、Trends of Internet Use in Japan,26 June, 2007 Shigeyuki Suzuki FUJITSU LIMITED,For Educational Use Only,1,Network of Networks,Access Network,Sprint,C some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to i

2、ts topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although many focus on photographs, videos or audio.,Source: Wikipedia,40,Blog Posts by Language,Source: “The State of the Live Web, April 2007” Technorati,41,SNS (Social Networking Service),Social networking is a category of Internet applications to help c

3、onnect friends, business partners, or other individuals together using a variety of tools. These applications, known as online social networks are becoming increasingly popular. Most social network services are primarily web based and provide a collection of various ways for users to interact, such

4、as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups, and so on.,Source: Wikipedia,42,Second Life,Second Life is an Internet-based virtual world developed by Linden Research, Inc. A downloadable client program enables its users, called Residents, to interact with e

5、ach other through motional avatars, providing an advanced level of a social network service combined with 3D virtual spaces. Residents can explore, meet other Residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, create and trade items (virtual property) and services from one another

6、.,Source: Wikipedia,43,Electronic Commerce (B2B),(trillion yen),Source:2006 White Paper Information & Communications in Japan,44,Electronic Commerce (B2C),(billion yen),Source:2006 White Paper Information & Communications in Japan,45,The Long Tail,Traditional Market80% of Sales comes 20% of products

7、,TOP 20%of products,Other products (80%),The Long TailAddress wide variety demand,A, Inc. earns1/3 of its sales from“The Long Tail” area.,Sales,46,Goods Purchased via Net Shopping,(%),Source:2006 White Paper Information & Communications in Japan,47,Goods Bought/Sold via Net Auction,(%),Answers from

8、experienced users Multiple answers,Source:2006 White Paper Information & Communications in Japan,48,Impediments to Net Shopping,(%),Answers from inexperienced users Multiple answers,Source : Internet White Paper 2006 (c) Access Media /impress R&D,2006,49,Issues about Network Security,Unauthorized ac

9、cess using a stolen password Stealing and crashing data files by invalid access to ISPs servers Wiretapping of data transmitted on the Internet Software/data files infected with computer virus Attack to ISPs servers by E-mail/packet flood Phishing Pharming,50,Phishing (Fishing),In computing, phishin

10、g is a criminal activity using social engineering techniques. Phishers attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Phishing is typically carried out by email or in

11、stant messaging, and often directs users to give details at a website, although phone contact has been used as well. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents include legislation, user training, and technical measures.,Source : Wikipedia,51,Technique of Phishing,E-mail

12、senders server,E-mail sender,Real web site of bank, credit card company, etc.,E-mail server of recipient,Account no., etc.,E-mail urging to enter account no., etc.,Personal information such as account no.,Falsely claiming to be a real bank and so on, send an e-mail asking for entering personal infor

13、mation such as account no. due to renewal of the system. Show a web link to direct the recipient to a false web site that is set up to steal the personal information.,52,Damage of Phishing,Approximately 5.7 million people received phishing mails. 19% of the phishing mail recipients (about 1.1 millio

14、n) actually accessed false web sites. 3% (about 1.8 million) of the recipients entered personal information. Financial damage of banks and credit companies amounted to 1.2 billion dollars.,Estimation by the Gartner Group based on the hearing from 5,000 Internet users in the U.S.A. between the second

15、 half of 2003 and the first half of 2004.,53,Pharming (Farming),Similar in nature to e-mail phishing, pharming seeks to obtain personal or private (usually financial related) information through domain spoofing. Rather than being spammed with malicious and mischievous e-mail requests for you to visi

16、t spoof Web sites which appear legitimate, pharming poisons a DNS server by infusing false information into the DNS server, resulting in a users request being redirected elsewhere. Your browser, however will show you are at the correct Web site, which makes pharming a bit more serious and more diffi

17、cult to detect. Phishing attempts to scam people one at a time with an e-mail while pharming allows the scammers to target large groups of people at one time through domain spoofing.,Source : Webopedia Computer Dictionary,54,Reporting of Computer Virus Infection,Source:2006 White Paper Information &

18、 Communications in Japan,55,Internet vs. Intranet,WWW Browser,Inhouse WWW Server,Corporate Applications Servers,Intranet,(LAN-WAN-LAN),Firewall,Internet,Public Server Proxy Server Mail Server News Server DNS Server etc.,56,Firewall,A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a privat

19、e network. Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass th

20、rough the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.,57,Remote Access to Corporate Network,Customers Data Center,Router,Servers,Intranet,FENICS Remote LAN Access Network,ACE Server,Tunneling,GW,Cellular Phone,AP,PSTN,ISDN,Dial-up Router,M

21、odem,TA,Callers number Check Onetime Password,Network Monitoring Center,24 hours/365 days,Administration Server,Authentication,Administrator,PSTNISDN,Modem/TA,(RADIUS),58,Security Technologies,Encryption to protect from loss of privacy Digital Signature to protect from loss of integrity Authenticati

22、on to protect from spoofing,59,Encryption Methods,Secret- key(Symmetrical) cryptography The same key is used to encrypt and decrypt e.g. DES(Data Encryption Standard) Public-key cryptography A pair of keys, public and private keys, are used. A sender encrypts a message with the receivers public key

23、and that message can only be decrypted with the receivers private key. e.g. RSA,60,Privacy-Enhanced Mail(PEM),DES,DES,RSA,RSA,1. Encrypt a message with a data encryption key(DES) 2. “A” encrypts the data encryption key with “B”s public key. (RSA) 3. “B” decrypts the data encryption key with “B”s pri

24、vate key.(RSA) 4. “B” decrypts the message with the decrypted data encryption key(DES),Hello!,?!*&#,Bs public key,Bs private key,Data Encryption Key,A,B,Hello!,Data Encryption Key,61,Digital Signature,RSA,RSA,1. “A” creates a message digest(MD). 2. “A” encrypts the MD with “A”s private key(RSA). Dig

25、ital Signature 3. “B” decrypts the MD with “A”s public key(RSA) and restore the MD. 4. “B” creates a message digest using the message that “B” received separately. 5. Compare the restored MD and the MD that “B” created.,?!*&#,As public key,As private key,A,B,Create Message Digest,Compare,Hello!,Hell

26、o!,A,Message Digest(MD),Message Digest(MD),Hello,A,Create Message Digest,Hello!,62,Spoofing,Purchase Order,I am A.,A,B,B,Invalid signature,Invoice,To: A,This is As public key.,?,A,B,1. Person “B” pretends to be Person “A” using Bs private and public keys. 2. “B” places an order with a forged signatu

27、re. 3. Sellers authentication system understands “A” placed the order and sends an invoice to “A”.,Authentication System,63,Certificate Authority,RSA,RSA,A,W,A,A,A,W,W,Certificate,A,B,CA(Certificate Authority),W,CAs private key,CAs public key,Digital Signature,Registration,1. Sender “A” registers hi

28、s public key to the CA. 2. The CA creates a digital signature with its private key and issues a certificate. 3. If Receiver “B” can decrypt the certificate with the CAs public key, it is authentic.,64,Troubles Related to Internet Use,Posting harmful messages to BBS Damage someones reputation or cred

29、ibility Spam mail(unsolicited bulk mail) Problems related to home page content Pornography Infringement of third partys copyright, trademark Invasion of privacy Unlawful business,65,Domain Name Disputes,Collision of domain name Shortage of name space Troubles related to trademarks matsuzakaya.co.jp

30、Need for creating new gTLDs* Conventional gTLDs : .com, .org, .net, .gov, .edu, .mil, .int New gTLDs : .aero, .biz, .info, .coop, .museum, .name, .pro,(*)gTLDs : generic Top Level Domains,66,Internet Use in Business,Strengthen the companys core business Communications with clients/suppliers Publish

31、information outside Increase efficiency of white-collars Intra-company communications Information gathering from the outside Information sharing among employees Explore new business opportunities Online shopping, online publishing, etc.,67,Examples of Internet Use in Business(1/4),Public Relations A

32、dvertisement,-Publication of corporate info. -Notification of events,-Globalization -Reduced cost -Quickness,Personnel,-Recruitment,-Reduced cost -Two-way commu- nication,Sales,-Electronic catalog -Online shopping,-Reduced cost -Globalization,Department,Applications,Effect,- Strengthen Core Business

33、 -,68,Examples of Internet Use in Business(2/4),Purchasing,-Globalization,-Reduced cost -2-way communi- cation,Customer Support,-Frequently asked questions(FAQ),-Procurement of components and software,Department,Applications,Effect,- Strengthen Core Business -,69,Examples of Internet Use in Business

34、(3/4),Personnel,-Notice of organizational changes -Notice of personnel shift,-Paperless -Quickness,General Affairs,-Electronic telephone directory -Directions to offices,Sales,-Various notices -New products information -Communications with customers,-Quickness,Department,Applications,Effect,-Paperle

35、ss -Quickness,- Increase Efficiency -,70,Examples of Internet Use in Business(4/4),Development,-Quickness,Research,-Propagation of research results,-Sharing of technical info. -Sharing of design info.,Department,Applications,Effect,-Quickness,- Increase Efficiency -,71,Telecommuting,Source:2006 Whit

36、e Paper Information & Communications in Japan,(%),(million),72,Internet Use for Product Development,Quick support,Expansion of market,Results,Shorter development time,Product Management,Subcontractors,University of Illinois,WAIS Inc.,Instructions, Review,Source code,Q&A,Sales,Customer,Online shoppin

37、g,FNET,Internet,NCSA Mosaic,WAIS,Software Licensing Business,73,In-house Information Sharing,WWW Browser,WWW,SGML,Intranet,HTML,manuals,F I N D 2,Information Sharing among System Engineers,74,Intranet SNS,75,Shift to Network Based Marketplace,Changes of Business Models by Internet,Alliance between d

38、ifferent industry segments Creation of new sales channels New business relationship Internet based marketing Business expansion,76,nifty,“New Business Opportunities”,Business Partners,- Finance - Insurance - Credit Card - Retail - Education - Mobile Service - CATVetc.,Creation of New Business,Expand

39、ing Subscribers,Keeping up momentum,Subscribers Management,Security, Community Management,Payment System,etc.,Collaboration with active companies toward new business on the Internet,New Business Opportunities,77,Channel Services nifty (portals),Automobile Real Estate/Living Finance Music Women Trave

40、l Fortune Telling,78,Financenifty,Finance Center (Gateway to the service below) - Bank - Insurance - Trading - Credit Card,Investment Gate - Stock market - Mutual Funds - Exchange rate,79,BANK,nifty subscribers,nifty Virtual Shop,Transfer Balance check Deal check , etc,ATM,Deposit / Payment,Shopping

41、,Open an account,Internet,Internet Banking,Deposit/ Payment,transfer,Call Center,inquiry,FUJITSU,Virtual Bank, open accounts,Internet Virtual Bank,80,Broadband Internet,On demand,Connection,Slow,Transmission speed,Connect time based,Pricing,Home/Office,Access from,Always on,Fast,Flat rate,Various pl

42、aces,New technologies enabling broadband access CATV, ADSL, FTTH, IMT-2000,81,Broadband Subscribers,Source : Internet White Paper 2006 (c) Access Media International,2006,(million),82,Comparison of Broadband Rates,(US$),Costs per 100Kbps of data trancemission,Source: “ITU Internet Reports 2005: The

43、Internet of Things”,83,e-Japan Strategy (2001),e-Japan Priority Policy Program Foundation of the worlds most advanced information & telecommunications networks Promotion of education and development of human resources Facilitation of e-commerce Digitization of administration and application of IT in

44、 other public areas Ensuring of security and reliability on advanced information & telecommunications networks,Realize the worlds most advanced IT nation within 5 years.,84,u-Japan Strategy (2006),User-oriented From the users point of view,Unique Be something special Create individual energy A new s

45、ociety where your dreams come true Re-Vitalize the society Create new social systems and business services Get out from the norm and realize local revitalization by creative means,Ubiquitous Connects everyone and everything An easy-to-use network anytime, anywhere, with anything and for anyone. ICT

46、will be part & parcel of daily life to create a user-friendly society Person2Person plus Person2Goods, and Goods2Goods Communications will play a more important role in society from every and all aspects,u-Japan(Ubiquitous Japan),Universal User-friendly Easy to use Can be used by anyone regardless o

47、f equipment or network complexity The aged and disabled will be able to participate in society by means of ICT Interaction A heart to heart interaction overcoming barriers between generations and localities to create togetherness,4U = For You,Close to the user For a society that is user-orientated r

48、ather than a society where products are only provided by the supplier Developing technologies and services that are connected to our needs Users become suppliers Creating a total of 100 million consumers with network dynamics,85,u-Japan Strategy,u-Japan Policy Package,Network collaboration infrastru

49、cture,Promotion of content production, distribution and usage,Social systems reform for advanced ICT use,ICT human resources,Nationwide broadband infrastructure,International strategy,Technological strategy,Selecting priority issues to be addressed and developing associated strategies (ICT Safety an

50、d Security 21 strategy),Seamless wired/wireless access environments,Real-objects networking,Promoting universal design,Identifying the negative aspects,Responding to important emerging issues for the future,Ubiquitous networks development,Advanced ICT use,Improvement of ICT use environment,By FY2010


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