四年级下英语课件Unit8 big bird(6)北师大版(三起)【小学学科网】 .ppt

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1、Unit8 Big bird,Welcome to my class!,Warm-up Listen to a song. “Fog song” Listen and learn.,.Revision 1.作业检查,unit7课文认读。 2.口语练习(问别人的喜好)。,.new lesson 1.words: short big old good tall small young bad,tall,short,高的,矮的,big,small,大的,小的,old,young,年老的,年轻的,good,bad,好的,坏的,fat,short,tall,small,thin,old,That is

2、a tall tree. That is a short tree. You are a big bird. You are not a big bird. You are a small bird. Hes an old turtle. Hes not a young turtle.,That is a fat panda.,He is a tall man.,He is an old man.,She is a young girl.,He is a short man.,You are a _ boy. You are not an _ man. I am a _ girl. Im not a _ girl. This is a _ cat. This is not a _ cat.,young,old,tall,short,big,small,.sum-up 1.几组形容词反义词,用几组反义词描述人或事物。,.homework 1.课文A部分认读。 2.用几组形容词描述人或物,thank you ! byebye!,


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