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1、Email 2009: Trends and Solutions in a Tough Economy,AMA Reno-Tahoe Chapter Luncheon,Loren McDonald VP, Industry Relations Silverpop,Obama Inauguration Speech,The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works - whether it helps families find jobs at

2、 a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified. Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end.,Email Change Begins Today!,The question we ask today is not whether our list is too big or too small, but whether it delivers - whether

3、 it helps your company increase revenue at a decent cost and retain customers. Where the answer is yes, we intend to increase our spend. Where the answer is no, marketing programs will end.,There are many challenges, but YOU can build a better email marketing program!,Trends Shaping Email in 2009,7

4、Key Trends Affecting Email Marketing in 2009,Beyond Customer Control to Customer Expectations Channel Explosion and Consumer Preferences The Email Volume Overload Customer Churn and Inactivity Most Prospects Are Long Term Consumer Adoption of Multiple Email “Devices” Growth of Social Networks and So

5、cial Media,1. Beyond Customer Control to Customer Expectation The Amazon Effect,Choose if They Want to Opt-in ,Determine If, When,/Where, What, How They Read ,If,What,When/Where,How,Determine If/When to Change Their Preferences,Email Address Format Frequency Which Emails,When to Report as Spam ,When

6、 Theyd Prefer Another Channel ,C,And When They Want the Relationship to End ,and now SUPER EXPECTATIONS,Your Competitors Are Creating Great Expectations,“Spray-N-Pray”, “Batch-N-Blast” Low Relevancy = Goodbye,NO,Frequency is out Behavior is in Lifecycle Trigger Click Stream,Move to Behavior-Based Pr

7、ograms,Cataloger shifted to behavior-based series after key purchase: Warranty Accessories Related products,Control The Yankee Group; IDC, Gartner, Canalys 2006,BlackBerry Email Deploy Drip, Trigger, Behavior-Based Campaigns Focus on Relevance, Not Frequency Minimize List Churn and Inactives Use wel

8、come programs Create unsubscribe/preference centers Implement reengagement programs Design for Multiple Devices Dive into the Social World,Q & A,Follow Me Columnist Media Post - Email Insider MarketingProfs GetToThePoint Blogs Silverpop - Tales Newsletters Digital Marketer,Contact: Facebook Loren Todd McDonald Twitter LorenMcDonald ,


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