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1、1,Methodology, ApproachMethod and Technique,2,Approach (教学理论),Method (教学方法),Technique(教学技巧),Methodology (教学法总称),3,Approach, Method to teach students. written form is superior to spoken form prescriptive: set up principles and standards Grammar translation method prevails. As the name suggested, gram

2、mar translation focus on learning the rules of grammar and their application in translation passages from one language into the other.,16,Approach,1. Language theories Traditional Linguistics Structural Linguistics Transformational Generative Linguistics Functional Linguistics,17,Language Theories,2

3、. Structural Linguistics 1) Influence of Behaviorism in Psychology American psychologist John B.Watson initiated the era of behaviorism. According to Watson, there was no fundamental reference between human behavior and that of other animals. Another forerunner of behaviorism in mid-twentieth-centur

4、y is Rurrhus Skinner who conducted many amazing experiments on teaching animals behaviors, a famous one of which is “sporty pigeons”. According to behaviorists: Learning is seen as developing stimulus-response bonds through conditioning. Learning is habit forming. If the behavior to be learned is to

5、o complex, it was developed by a process called shaping in which the complex behavior is broken down into small parts, and teach each one at a time, until eventually the whole complex behavior is built up. ( adapted from Johnson, 2003,p42),18,Stimulus-Response Theory,Stimulus-Response Theory is a co

6、ncept in psychology that refers to the belief that behavior manifests as a result of the interplay between stimulus and response. In particular, the belief is that a subject is presented with a stimulus, and then responds to that stimulus, producing behavior. In other words, behavior cannot exist wi

7、thout a stimulus of some sort, at least from this perspective.,19, 行为心理学的创始人约翰沃森(John B.Watson)建立的“刺激一反应”原理,指 出人类的复杂行为可以被分解为两部分:刺激,反应。人的行为是受到刺激的反应。刺激来自两方面:身体内部的刺激和体外环境的刺激,而反应总是随着刺激而呈现的。 刺激-反应论(后天环境论),代表人物是美国心理学家斯金纳,这是一种行为主义的理论。 1、沃森的主要观点: 心理学必须用科学的方法研究个体的行为,而不是意识。研究动物行为的结果,可以用来解释人的行为。人类一切行为的构成要素都只是反

8、应,或多种反应的组合。反应多数是在环境中由刺激反应的联结形成的。 2、斯金纳的观点: 人类语言行为只是刺激和反应。看见、听见和感觉到的东西是刺激,说出的话是反应。,20,Conditioning 条件作用/制约作用,行为主义心理学中,通过形成联系而习得的对刺激物的反应,它不是一般的自动反应。例如,俄国心理学家巴甫洛夫指出,狗见到或闻到食物时口中会产生唾液,这是狗对刺激物,即食物的非条件反应。狗见到食物时掀铃,有可能训练狗听到铃声就产生唾液,即使食物没有出现。这种情况下产生唾液属条件反应。 行为主义心理学家认为,通过训练或条件作用(conditioning),人们可以学习许多形式的行为,包括语言

9、,学习过程中存在着刺激-反应关系。,21,Language Theories,How to teach a pigeon to play table tennis, in five easy lessons First stand your pigeon behind a ping pong ball. Whenever it approaches the ball (by chance at first), give it some food. Soon your pigeon will have been conditioned to approach the ball. Now only

10、 give the pigeon food when it actually touches the ball. When the pigeon has learned to touch the ball, start to reward it only when it pushes the ball forward. Continue training in the same way until the pigeon can knock the ball over a net. Your pigeon is now ready to confront an opponent (another

11、 pigeon). You now only reward them when they push the ball past their opponent. The championship can commence. (Johnson, 2003, p43),22,“能指”(signifier)与“所指”(signified),“能指” (signifier)是一个符号的表达形象,而其所代表之意就是“所指” (signified) 。两者结合是“意指” (signification),意指可以被理解为一个过程,它是将能指与所指结成一体的行为,该行为的产物是符号。,23,Linguistic

12、 sign,Sound-image,concept,Ferdiand de Saussure (1857-1913),24,Language Theories,According to Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949) 1. Language was a habit of verbal behavior which consisted of a series of stimuli and responses. 2. Acquire a langue was to form a habit of verbal behavior and learning a second language was to form a new habit. 3. Speech is prior to writing. 4. Descriptive.,25,Language Theories,Language can be divided into several subsystems: phonological, morphological, and lexical.,


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