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1、Introduction-self,1.每次需听写单词,2.课文需背会,3.一周一份卷子,4.每次结课后需给老师读已学课文,单词和语法内容,block,behind the block,on the block,beside the block,in front of block,in the morning,in the evening,in the afternoon,The sun rises behind the mountain in the morning. The blocks shadow is long. It is behind the block.,The sun is

2、high in the sky in the afternoon. The blocks shadow is short. It is beside the block.,The sun goes down in the evening. The blocks shadow is long. It is in front of the block.,Mum, I cant see my bag. Where is it? Its behind my chair. Mum, I cant see my books. Where are they? Theyre inside your bag.,

3、Mum, I cant see my umbrella. Where is it? Its outside our flat. Ben, I cant see my glasses. Where are they? Theyre on your head.,Have you got any oranges? Yes, Ive got some oranges. I cant see. Where are they? Theyre behind the pears.,Translation,red apples,green apples,black grapes,green grapes,str

4、awberries,oranges,pears,bananas,cherries,durians,Thank you for listening. Cici,Thank you for listening. Cici,Translation,red apples,green apples,black grapes,green grapes,strawberries,oranges,pears,bananas,cherries,durians,Gramar,我用am ,你用are,is跟着she,he,it,单数is,复数are,is也用不可数。,请用适当的be 动词填空:,Look! Thos

5、e crayons _ thin.,Look! Those paints _ old.,These paints _ new.,These crayons _ thick.,Look! Those brushes _ long.,Those brushes _ short.,Whose pens _ these?,They _ Bettys pens.,They _ Eddies pencils.,What _ you doing? I _ writing.,Whose pencils _ those?,_ you talking? No, I _ reading.,Where _ Danny

6、? She _ in the hall.,What _ he doing? He _ in the playground.,Where _ Peter and Betty? They _ in the library.,Where _ Kitty? She _ singing.,What _ they doing? They _ reading.,Tom and I _ students.,现在进行时态,现在进行时态的结构式be+动词ing形式,标志词语有:look ,listen,对划线部分提问:,Ive got these crayons.,What have you got?,Theyre Bettys pens.,Whose pens are these?,I am drawing.,What are you doing?,Shes in the hall.,Where is she?,翻译句子 1. 那些蜡笔是粗的。 2.你们在哪里? 3.这些照片是谁的? . 4.那些是谁的铅笔? 5. 他正在做什么? 6.他们是本的。,


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