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1、-范文最新推荐- 求职信书写技巧 你要想引起人事经理对你的兴趣,首先必须写好你的求职信。求职信的写法没有固定格式,但一些细节是不能疏忽的。一、姓名、通讯地址、联系电话、电子邮件、网址占据求职信顶端的中间或靠边。注意:每条信息之间分隔清晰,网址独立成行;为便于扫描,每条信息独立成行最好。二、日期低于联系方式两行,靠右边;提要低于日期一行,靠左边。在英文求职信中,日期靠左边/右边,提要低于日期两行,靠右边。三、能够用对方的姓名直呼对方最好,因为人们都是喜欢别人称呼自己的名字。所以,想办法去弄清楚面试负责人的姓名和性别。如果不能,你可以使用尊敬的雇主或干脆用早上好比起用尊敬的先生或女士要亲切地多。四


3、在联系方式中你没有署名,那么在你的签名下应该打印上你的名字,以确保对方能清晰辨认。 Respected company leaders:Hello!I was about to Nanning Vocational and Technical College graduate students in an accounting profession. From the Nanning Information Port The newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting posi

4、tions. I am your company's development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest. I am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.In the two years of university life, I have a good gr

5、asp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, computerized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses. I seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral charac

6、ter issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, I made the Ministry of Education Examination Center two certification computer certification, English B level qualified Certificate, Accounting Certificate. Photographic Association, served as Deputy Secretary-General post.

7、 I grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.I can skilled use of office software on the computer has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method. Two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time. And through the work of learning responsib

8、ility to make me feel important. Life of the wind and rain so I have a hard-working spirit. Honesty and trustworthiness is my character. Because I know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books. Serious and responsible in their duties.Respected corporate leaders, if I

9、can Receives your common sense, I will dutifully take concrete action to show you: your company's past, I came for and participation; but your company's future, I am willing to sacrifice the hard work of my life and sweat! I look forward to your good news. After once again my most sincere th

10、anks!                                                 &

11、nbsp;                                                 &

12、nbsp;                      Sincerely                          &nb

13、sp;                                                 &nb

14、sp;                                                 Sal

15、ute                                                 &nb

16、sp;                                                 &nb

17、sp; Job Person: 尊敬的先生/小姐:您好!        本人欲申请贵公司网站上招聘的网络维护工程师职位。我自信符合贵公司的要求。今年7月,我将从xx大学毕业。我的硕士研究生专业是计算机开发及应用,论文内容是研究Linux系统在网络服务器上的应用。这不仅使我系统地掌握了网络设计及维护方面的技术,同时又使我对当今网络的发展有了深刻的认识。在大学期间,我多次获得各项奖学金,而且发表过多篇论文。我还担任过班长、团支书,具有很强的组织和协调能力。很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面队任何困难和挑战。互联网促进了整个世界的发展

18、,我愿为中国互联网和贵公司的发展做出自己的贡献。随信附有我的简历。如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢。此致敬礼                                         &

19、nbsp;                                                 &

20、nbsp;                     求职者:xxx                            

21、;                                                                                  xxxx年xx月xx日注:适当的根据自身条件修改 7 / 8


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