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1、助你完成读写任务2的十六字诀对于读写任务的发表看法部分,有的 考生还懵懵懂懂,不得其法。有的考生虽 然功底不错,但是总会出现要点不全,部 分偏题,段落间逻辑混乱等情况,最终导 致这部分难以得高分,甚至难以及格,让 人扼腕痛惜。针对这些情况,我们总结出 16字决供考生参考。1、各为一段高考中读写任务的发表看法或进行 议论的任务2,迄今为止都是三个要点,且 用(2)(3)标明。为方便评卷教师一眼看出 要点齐全,我们建议将三个要点依次各自 单独为一段,即三个要点写三段,让三个 要点跃然纸上,条理清晰。(注:万一出现 只有两个要点,我们就只依次写两段,万 一出现四个要点,我们就依次写四段。)2、顺序写

2、作即不要轻易打破试卷上给出的要点 顺序。英语试卷中要点先后给出是有 定逻辑关系的。第一个要皆先写, 第二个要点后写,按照顺序来,逻辑 关系相对紧密。3、开段点题构思好段落和写作顺序后,就需要“开段点题”,写好每个段落的中心句或上下段的衔 接句。就算是不写出中心句,也要与要点紧密 相关。4、层层深入考生在每个段落中心句写完以后,要紧紧 围绕该中心句展开写作,展开方式有因果法、 并列法、顺承法等。考生在写作时,须牢牢记 住每个句子皆是为要点服务,围绕要点来写。当然,考生要得到一个满意的分数 ,还需在用词、句式、逻辑关系等方 面下功夫,做到用词地道,“洋气” 十足,句式多样,错落有致,上下连 贪,结

3、构紧凑。经典例题2013年广东卷以约120个词谈谈你对平凡工作的想 法,内容包括:(1) 描述清洁工工作的艰辛;(2) 假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何 (3)你对平凡工作者的看法o三个要点可以这样写:要点:1. You can hardly come across a cleaning worker except in the eaHy morning for they always get up early to avoid the busy people.(艰 辛)2. When it comes to the ordinary work, nobody can deny the fact

4、 that cleaning is the most tiring and dirty work.(艰辛)要点:1. I can9t imagine what a city would be like without a cleaning woMer.(没有清洁工)2. However, we ought to appreciate and respect the cleaning workers, whose work ensures us a clean environment. Just imagine what would come to peopled life because of

5、 the absence of cleaning workers.(没有清洁工)要点:1.ordinary job like cleaning has itsown value, without which the whole society would come into a mess.(对平凡工作的看法)2. So 仑卩刃丁 ordinary job like cleaning matters in our daily life and every single ordinary worker deserves our respect.(对平凡工作的看法)以下这篇文章就是按照“16字诀”写

6、成, 以飨读埶When it comes to the ordinary work- nobody can deny the fact that cleaning is the most tiring and dirty one. The cleaning workers work long hours cleaning the streets before people get up. They bathe themselves in the dusty air and take in the bad smell produced by the rotted wastes. Their sw

7、eaty clothes can hardly get dry because of long time in cleaning and removing the rubbish.I cif t imagine what a city would be like without a cleaning worker. Rubbish without being cleared pile up, becoming a small mountain, and give off bad smells of rotted wastes. People would live or work in such

8、 a dirty and messy environment that they can9t focus on their work, and worse still, their health would also suffer.Every ordinary job like cleaning has its own value, without which the whole society would come into a mess. Any behavior to classify them is not right. Only when the ordinary work is well completed can our society function properly.


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