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1、语意转换题的三种类型事实细节题就是对文中的具体信息提问,即对时间、地点、原因、人物、事件 、目的等具体信息进行提问。这类题在高 考的阅读理解中占的比例最大。细节题有数字计算题、排序题、是非判断题,但主要还是语意转换题,事实上號蹩豐喇很锻鑫黔骰转换。语意转换通常有三种。1.直接信息题虽说是直接信息题,但选项与文中信息的表 达方式也不会完全一样,正确选项是文中的某个 信息点或某个句子的信息的另一种表达。考生找 起来相对较易。例 1(2011 广东)Last month,when I was driving home on a busy highway, I began to feel unwell

2、 and drove more slowly than usuaL People behind me began to get impatient and angry.shouting at me.I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.No more angry shouts and no more horns! But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, knowing the driver in front of them was

3、in some way weak.What did the other drivers do when they saw the flashlights?A. They speed up to passB They waited with patience.C. They tried their best to help.De They put on their flashlights too./解析:B在文中对应信息是But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, 正确选项B。They waited with patience

4、, 其中with patience (耐心地)是instead of getting impatient and angry (没有不耐烦 和生气)的另一种表达形式。2 间接信息题虽然正确选项的对应信息在文中可以找到 ,但其对应的信息点不是一个信息点或在某个句 子中,而是涉及前后两三个信息点,或两三个句 子的信息,这两三个信息点或句子可能紧紧相连 ,也可能不在同一段落。例2 (2013广东)Fred Epstein, in his book If I Make It to Fivey tells a story he heard from one of his friends about To

5、m,a four-year-old boy with a cancer in his back bone He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imaginati on. What do we know about Tom?A He was seriously ill.Be He was a dishonest boy.C. He was crazy about magic.D. He was Dr. Epstein patient.几次手术(through several operation

6、s)/解析:A正确选项是A,其对应信息在前后两 句话中,关键信息是“癌症(cancer) “经历了 “菲常 痛苦(a lot of pain) ,通过归纳,可知他的病 非常严重”,故选A。顺便提提,“癌症 (cancer)是生病(ill)”的卞义词。3综合信息题或叫细节推断题,正确选项中几乎没有一个词可以在文中找到,也不是简单的 用同义或近义词替换而来,而是要求考生 在理解多个信息点之后得出的结论。这些 信息点可能在一句,可能在整段甚至前后 几段,考生要对这些信息进行分析综合, 归纳提炼,才可作出正确选择。例 3 (2013广东)One day, when I was working as a

7、 psychologist in England, an adolescent boy showed up in my office It was David He kept walking up and down restlessly, his face pale,and his hands shaking slightly His head teacher had referred him to me. This boy has lost his family异 he wroteWhen he first met the author, DavidA. felt a little exci

8、tedB walked energeticallyC Iooked a little nervous D showed up with his teacher/解析:C在文中对应信息是“He kept walking up and down restlessly, his face pale, and his hands shaking slightly,考生要根据“他不安地踱来踱去,面色苍白,他的双手在微微颤动”综合考虑这些具体的细节描写,再结合常识进行推断,才 可知道“他看起来有点紧张”,故选C。即学即用 1. When Tom went for the third operation,

9、heA. pretended to be painfulBe acted like a superheroC appeared in poor spiritsDe argued with his mother/解析:B在文中对应信息是6iMaybe I could go as Superman “buying the expensive costume(戏 装厂 “The next day Tom appeared as the powerful Superman,由此可确认Tom去动第 三次手术时,“他装扮成超人”,故选B。 2. What made David change?A. His

10、teachers helpB His exchange of letters with the author.C The author friendshipD The authors silent communication with him./解析:D在文中对应的信息主要是第三段中的in complete silence和最后一段第二句But I also learned that onewithout any wordscan reach out to another person, 可知是作者同David的无声交流改变了 David,故选D。描写David的变化及其原 因,前后跨越了3个

11、段落。 3 Why did Delta give the author family credits?A. They took a later flight.B They had early bookings.C. Their flight had been delayedD Their flight had been cancelled/解析:A在题干中找到关键词Delta,顺着找到the airline, offered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day 和下面的 The next day,my husband and son were offered morecredits to take an even later flight.Ourtotal take:$ l,600可知,Delta航空公司给他们钱是因为他们坐迟些时候的班机,故选A。


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