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1、What can you get from these pictures?,Pre-reading task,2,Warm-up Activity,Two children are given two hula hoops, a toy they are unfamiliar with.,Mary is given a hula hoop with instructions on how to use it.,Jack is given a hula hoop with no instructions.,What kind of outcomes do you expect?,3,They w

2、ho know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.,知之者,不如好之者,好之者,不如乐之者。,-论语,4,Which should be emphasized in education?,Knowledge or Creativity,5,1. What do you think of ways of learning? Is learning a one-way street?or a two-way instr

3、uction? (different people have different learning styles) ( learn independently and seek out knowledge actively or spoon-feed children with knowledge),6,Education in the west,There is no common agreement in the West concerning the best method of education. It is this very existence of contending poi

4、nts of view that is characteristic of Western education.,7,Tracing back, Socrates encouraged his students to question anything, even their most fundamental beliefs.,Greek philosopher - Socrates,8,Currently, compared with Asian methods of learning, Western methods are more student-centered, expecting

5、 students to discover things for themselves rather than relying on their teachers to tell them.,9,Unit 1 Ways of Learning,Text A Learning, Chinese Style,10,Text Organization,Part I (Paras 1-5) The author got to know the differences between Chinese and American ideas of education by his experience in

6、 the Jinling Hotel.,11,Text Organization,Part II (Paras 6-7) The author discussed the two different learning styles in China and the West in detail.,12,Text Organization,Part III (Paras 8-10) It analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of teaching by holding hands in China.,13,Text Organization,Par

7、t IV (Paras 11-14) It described Creativity First, a way that American cultivated children abilities.,14,Ways to introduce a theme,Stating a topic directly Using an anecdote or an incident Posing a question Quoting An imagined argument between people,15,Comparison arrive at Its hard to find your way

8、around when going to a new city.,这些过度花钱的坏习惯已经渗透到了大学校园。 Those bad habits of over-spending money have found their way into campus.,32,initial (L 22): of or at the beginning, first (a., used only before n.) The initial sorrow turned into the anger when he knew the real reason of his fathers death. the

9、initial issue of a magazine 杂志的创刊号 the initial letter of the word,我最初的反应是婉言谢绝这个邀请。(p14 I. 1. 5),My initial reaction was to decline the invitation.,派生词 initiate (v.) 发起 initiative (n.) 主动性,积极性,33,initially adv. in the beginning Initially, yes. But not in the long run. initiative n. 首创精神;主动行为;进取心 on o

10、nes own initiative: done according to ones own plan and without help(主动地) He did it on his own initiative. take the initiative by/in doing sth 采取主动,主动做某事,34,assist,Pattern: assist sb. to do sth. assist sb. with/in sth. assist sb. in dong sth. You will be required to assist Professor Smith to prepare

11、/ in preparing/ with a report. She employed a woman to assist her with the housework. We assist him in his difficulty. 我们帮助他解决困难。,35,await (L 25): (fml) wait for (P14. I. 1. 9) There are many challenges awaiting us, our American people in the next century.,“Await” is a fairly common word in formal w

12、riting, but you do not usually use it in conversation. Instead you use “wait for”,await VS wait,36,这两个词都是动词,又都有“期待”、“等候”之意,但用法有所不同,它们的区别如下: (一)await是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,大都是抽象名词,如:decision, reply, arrival, announcement,approval等; ;wait 一般作不及物动词用,wait for的宾语一般是人或事物。 We await your reply with keen interest. 我们

13、殷切地等着你们的回音。 I have been waiting for her for an hour at the bus stop 我在公共车站等候她已一小时了。 (二)await之后接名词或动名词;wait之后接动词不定式。例如: We shall await hearing further from them We shall wait to hear further from them 我们在静候他们进一步的消息。,37,38,We await (or wait for)your reply We wait for(不能用await)you to reply (三)当await的主语

14、是没有生命的事物而宾语是人时,await表示 be in store或lie in wait for之意。如: On arriving at the guest house,he found a telegram awaiting him Little did he realize what a surprise awaited him at home A hearty welcome will await you 请注意,Time and tide wait(s)for no man(岁月不待人)的wait既可以加s,亦可不加s。,39,insert (L24) plug in/plunge

15、,insert the plug in a socket/connection panel (plug in),40,somewhat (L24) a touch of/a little/a bit,有所触动 面露嗔色 语带谐谑 略带困意,be somewhat moved look somewhat displeased speak somewhat jokingly feel somewhat drowsy,41,somewhat: to some degree, a little I was somewhat relieved to find that he was there. som

16、ewhat of + N.: a kind of, rather She is somewhat of an artist.(有点艺术才能) The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.(不太成功),42,expectantly(L25),拭目以待,wait and see, wait expectantly,43,on occasion(L25): now and then (P14.I. 1. 2) The heavy pressure in the city made him go to the countryside on occasion f

17、or a relaxation. I was usually the only foreign participant, although on occasion I brought other Americans in as guests.,44,45,frown,Vi. 皱眉,表示不悦(或不赞同)(at, on/upon) Peter frowned at the noise coming from the boys bedroom. 皮特听到从男孩房间里传出的吵闹省皱起了眉头。 Her parents frowned on her early marriage. 她的父母不赞成她早婚。

18、n. 皱眉,不悦 I noticed a slight frown of disapproval on his face.,46,Translation practice,欣逢佳节 on the happy occasion of the festival,际此盛会 on the occasion of the grand gathering,值此举国欢庆之际 on the occasion of the national celebrating,47,neglect (L 26),辨析:neglect/ overlook ( ) children/ animal,neglect,fail t

19、o take care of sb/sth 没有照看好,e.g. We should not ( ) such a serious offence.,overlook,to see sth wrong or bad but decide to ignore it (对不良现象等)视而不见,48,ignore: pay no attention to sb./sth. on purpose, or as if sth. has not happened He completely ignored all these facts as if they never existed.,neglect

20、I can make no exception.(but in your case, I can make an exception.) Snow this late in the year is exceptional. (不寻常的,少有的,) Shes been exceptionally good to me.(异乎寻常地, 特别地),exception,52,with a few exceptions L34,e.g. With a few exceptions his novels are immediate successes. 除了少数几本以外,他的小说都一炮走红。,withou

21、t exception,这部电影除了开头和结尾其他场景都是以中国为背景的。 All this movie is set in China with the exception of the beginning and the final scenarios.,with the exception of,爱德华诺顿 娜奥米沃茨,53,with the exception of,without exception,所有学生都必须参加英语考试,无一例外。 All students without exception must take the English examination.,破例 make

22、 an exception We dont usually accept late applications, but since you were so sick Ill make an exception. (P14 I.1.10),54,desirable,a. worth wanting or having or achieving 值得向往/拥有的,合乎需要的, 称心的 This is a desirable residence for the old. It is most desirable that you should both come. desirous a. havin

23、g a wish for sth.; wanting People all over the world are desirous of peace. They are desirous of restoring relations between the two countries.,55,ultimate,a. 1)final or last; basic the ultimate objective 最终目标 the ultimate truth 最终真理 an ultimate principle 基本原理 2) most extreme or important because ei

24、ther the original or final, or the best or worst: The ultimate decision about who to employ lies with Andrew. 注意: 像ultimate, extreme, absolute这些表示“终极,极端”含义的词语,已经没有比较级和最高级了。,56,alone Id rather not go to dance on my own. I do wish youd come with me.,on ones own (L 38),without anyones help Although her

25、 father is the president of that firm, she insisted getting the job on her own(/by herself/herself). P17.III.3,6,57,proceed,Pattern: proceed to/with sth. proceed to do sth. vi. 1)begin to do开始做,进而做 The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere. Lets proceed to the next item on the agenda. 让我们进入下一个议程。

26、 His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case. Please proceed with your work. 2)continue to do (尤指打断后)继续进行,继续做) We then proceeded to discuss the problem. You neednt stop speaking when someone enters the room; please proceed.,58,accomplish (L 41): manage to do If you work hard and never give

27、 up, you will absolutely accomplish your goal of life.,大功告成! Mission accomplished!,59,in due course(L 43): at the proper time; eventually 在适当的时候 e.g. Be patient. You will get your promotion in due course. 离开办公室时我们只是被告知委员会将会在适当时候考虑我们的申请。 (P14. I. 1.14) All we were told before leaving the office was t

28、hat the committee would consider our applications in due course.,60,very serious or dangerous 有危机的,严峻的 As the situation in Iraq became critical, the UN Secretary-General appointed a special representative to tackle it.,critical (L48),very important 重要的 Whether you may meet the demands of the custome

29、rs will be critical to the success of this campaign.,61,make up for 弥补 L 52,Nothing can make up for the loss of feelings between lovers.,Diligence could make up for the lack of experience.,中译英: 勤奋可以弥补经验的不足。,p14.I.1.8,62,in retrospect L 59,P14.I.1.4,“retro-” back, backward 向后 “pro-” forward 向前,rogres

30、sive 前进的,进步的,retrogressive 倒退的,后退的,rospect 可能性,希望,His success is in prospect (likely to happen).,retrospect 回顾,回想,63,facility,n. ability to do sth. easily and well; (pl.)equipment, aids,etc. which make it easy to do things 熟练, 灵巧; 设备, 设施 She speaks English with facility.(熟练地) His facility for langua

31、ges is astonishing.a phone with a memory facility They lack the most elementary sanitary/recreational facilities. (表示设施时常用复数),64,facile a. not difficult, easy It was a facile victory.这是一个轻取得胜利。 He is a man with facile pen (tongue). 他是一个笔头快的人(能说会道的人)。 facilitate: vt make sth. easy Computers facilitat

32、e industrial automation.,65,so much so that: L 68 to such an extent Some parents spoil their children so much so that they never ask them to do any housework. 他很想上大学,连做梦都想。 He is longing for going to college so much so that he even dreams about it.,66,continuous: it indicates an action carrying on without stopping or interruption (连续的) The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.,continual cant accomplish; exaggerating mastery=command a of a language 2) somewhat; the performance; were neglecting/have neglected; they applied to,


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