人教新课标高中英语选修6 Unit 5P3 Language points.ppt

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1、,The power of nature,Unit 5 Language points,Objectives,To learn to use the words and expressions:,appoint burn to the ground compare to/with out of the way be about to do make ones way to/ towards take risks,1. I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) twe

2、nty years ago. 二十年前,作为一名火山学家,我被派到夏威夷火山观测站(HVO)工作。,appoint v. 1) to choose sb. for a job or position of responsibility 任命,委任,They have appointed a new head teacher at my sons school. 我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。,2) (formal) to arrange or decide on a time or place for doing sth. 安排,确定(时间、地点),A date for the meeti

3、ng is still to be appointed. 会议日期尚待确定。,She has recently been appointed to the committee. 她最近被任命为委员会成员。 A lawyer was appointed to represent the child. 一位律师被指定为这个孩子的代表律师。,practice,1. 他们任命他为英格兰队队长。 They appointed him (as) captain of the English team. 2. Everyone was assembled at the appointed time. 全体人

4、员均按规定时间召集到场。,2. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. 遗憾的是,我们不可能把他们的家搬离岩浆流过的地方,因此,许多房屋被熔岩淹没或者焚烧殆尽。,out of the way 1) no longer stopping sb. from moving or doing sth. 不再挡路;不再碍事,I moved my legs out of the way so t

5、hat she could get past. 我挪开腿让她过去。,2) finished; dealt with 结束;处理完,Our region is poised for growth once the election is out of the way. 大选一结束,我们地区就准备发展。,burn to the ground completely destroyed, so that there is nothing left 全部焚毁,Houses and a luxurious tourist hotel were burned to the ground. 房屋和豪华酒店被夷

6、为平地。,cover v. 1) to report on an event for television, a newspaper, etc.; to show an event on television 报道;电视报道,Shes covering the partys annual conference. 她正在报道这个政党的年会新闻。,2) to place sth. over or in front of sth. in order to hide or protect it 掩蔽;遮盖,She covered her face with her hands. 她双手掩面。,3) t

7、o lie or spread over the surface of sth. 盖;覆盖,Snow covered the ground. 大雪覆盖了大地。,cover n. 1) a thing that is put over or on another thing, usually to protect it or to decorate it覆盖物,盖子,套子,罩子,Put the cover over the bowl. 用盖子盖住碗。,2) the outside of a book or a magazine(书刊的)封面,封皮,Her face was on the cove

8、r of every magazine. 各种杂志的封面都有她的头像。,practice,1. 你能把自行车挪到一边吗? Would you move your bicycle out of the way? 2. 森林覆盖着这个国家的大片土地。 Much of the country is covered by forest. 3. 他无处栖身因为他的房子被烧掉了。 He has no place to live because his house has been burnt to the ground.,3. The lave that flows slowly like a wave

9、down the mountain causes far more damage because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock. 像波浪一样顺着山坡慢慢下流的火山熔岩所造成的损失却大得多,这是因为火山岩浆所流经的地方,一切东西都被掩埋在熔岩下面了。,wave n. 1) a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean, etc 海浪,波浪,波涛,The wind made little waves on the pond.

10、 风吹得池水起了涟漪。,wave v. to move your hand or arm from side to side in the air in order to attract attention, say hello, etc. 挥手,招手,The people on the bus waved and we waved back. 公共汽车上的人挥手致意,我们也向他们挥了手。,2) the movement of your arm and hand from side to side 挥手;挥臂;摆手,He gave us a wave as the bus drove off.

11、 公共汽车开走时他向我们挥了挥手。,practice,1. 巨浪拍打着海岸。 Huge waves were breaking on the shore. 2. 我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。 My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye.,4. but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre. 但我们还是缓缓往火山口的边缘走去,并且向下看到了红红的沸腾的中央。,make ones way to move or

12、 get somewhere; to make progress 去,前往,到去( to/ towards sth.),Will you be able to make your own way to the airport? 你能自己去机场吗?,More examples: She hesitated, and made her way to the gate. 她犹豫了一下,朝大门走去。 She hastily left the room, and made her way to her bed. 她迅速离开房间,朝她床边走去。,All the traffic has to make wa

13、y for a fire engine. 所有的车辆都得给救火车让道。 I shall make way for a younger man. 我将把职位让给更年轻的人。,make way (for) to allow sb./sth. to pass, to allow sb. /sth. to take the place of sb./sth. 给让路; 让出位置,1.天晚了,我们应该马上回家。 Its getting late - we should make our wayhomesoon. 2. Tropical forest is felled to make way for g

14、rassland. 热带森林被砍伐,来给草地腾出地方。,practice,Review,课时重点回顾,appoint burn to the ground compare to/with out of the way be about to do make ones way to/ towards take risks,任命,委派 全部焚毁 和比起来 不挡道;不碍事 正要,即将要做某事 向走去 冒险,1. Much of the land _ (at the side of) the river is below sea level. 2. Were linked to the on-line

15、 _ (数据库) at our head office. 3. We shall need to _ (judge) how the new material stands up to wear and tear.,I. Fill in the blanks.,alongside,database,evaluate,4. I _ (挥手) to/at him from the window but he didnt see me. 5. Youre wrong, she said with _ (complete) certainty. 6. Corn is grown a lot in th

16、is area - the soil seems to _ (be right for) it very well. 7. A number of _ (可能的) buyers have expressed interest in the company.,waved,absolute,suit,potential,_ his demand is that he wants to return to his hometown.,1. 他最重要的要求是:他想要回家乡。,2. 大家让让路。,Please _.,3. 整座城市都被烧光了。,The whole city was _ _.,II. Tr

17、anslation.,The most important thing about,get out of the way,burned to the ground,_ the Mekong River.,4. 我永远也忘不了我第一次看见湄公 河的情景。,5. 这么多的问题,在这样短的时间内 得到解决,确实不容易。,_ solve so many problems in such a short time.,6. 我们向火车站走去。,We _ the railway station.,I shall never forget my first sight of,It was not easy to,made our way to,


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