Unit 3 My Friends.pptx

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《Unit 3 My Friends.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 My Friends.pptx(31页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 My Friends,Lets spell,火眼金睛,Sharp eyes.,n,f,k,c,r,j,t,h,The dog is on the box, the orange box. See the dog. See the box. See the dog on the orange box.,Which sound do you hear the most?你听到最多的音是什么?,Can you find the words in the chant?歌谣中有哪些单词?,Mr Jones,Coke,note,Which letter sounds /?哪个字母发/音?,n

2、ose,Chant with me,Mr Jones,Coke,note,nose,拆音活动,Can you read like me?,Old Mr Jones, Put the _ on the note. Old Mr Jones, Put the note on his _. Old Mr Jones , Put the Coke on the _. Can old Mr Jones, Put his _ on his toes.,Coke,note,nose,old Mr Jones,Coke,nose,note,nose,Game 1:,“Bingo, Uh-oh” game.,C

3、hallenges. 挑战赛,Game 2:,Spelling game 1.,Challenges. 挑战赛,hop,hope,mope,mop,hod,rode,rote,rot,Game 3:,Spelling game 2.,Challenges. 挑战赛,Read, listen and tick().,Listen, circle and write.,dog,nose,mom,note,Interesting Reading.,趣味阅读,Mr No-Nose,Mr No-Nose?,Yes!,This is Mr No-Nose.,He has no nose.,He wants

4、 a nose.,I want a nose! So Mr No-Nose says to a bird.,I want a nose!,A log for you!,No, no, no! I do not like the log!,A Coke for you!,No, no, no! I do not like the Coke!,A box for you!,No, no, no! I do not like the box!,A bone for you!,Yes, I like the bone nose!,Oh, no! The big bad dog!,Woof! Woof! I like the bone!,Mr No-Nose does not want a nose.,你学到了什么?,What have you learned?,Homework,1. Listen and imitate the tape.听音模仿。,2. Look for words with o-e. And try to read them.搜集o-e发/的单词,并读一读。,


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