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1、Section A一. 读1a, 回答问题1. What does Mrs. Yang think of the Beijing Roast Duck? _2. Who paid the bill at last? _ 3. Whats the total price of the food? _二. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.玩得开心点(2)_/_2.待售_ 3.非常热心_4.祝某人成功 _5.很多不同的好吃的食品_6.让所有客人满意_7.女士们先生们 _8.现在开幕_9.感谢光临! _10.请走这边。_11.一个两人台 _12.就座_13.几分钟之后(过去的)_14.可以点

2、菜吗?_15.哪种饮料_16.一瓶青岛啤酒_17.喝杯茶_18.还要别的吗?_19.两碗米饭_20.感谢点餐。 _21.味道口感都很好_22.买单(2)_/_23.找您钱。_三. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.Well try to satisfy all the guests. 译:_点拨: satisfy-让人满意(动词) - _(过去式) 拓展: satisfied-感到满意的(形容词)-be satisfied with练习: a. What he does always satisfies his parents. 译:_ b. His parents are always sati

3、sfied with what he does. 译:_思考: 划线的从句在句子中作什么成分? a._ b._ c. 昨天他的建议让我们感到满意。(1)译:_ (2)译:_ d. 她很少对儿子的成绩感到满意。(1)译:_ (2)译:_2. Lets wish them success! 译:_1 / 5点拨: wish sb. sth.- 祝愿某人怎么样 练习: 我祝你们好运。译:_总结: wish / hope to do sth. - 希望做某事 wish sb. to do sth. - 希望某人做某事练习: a.我希望能和老板说说话。译:_ b.她希望你和她一起去。译:_3. It t

4、ook about 20 minutes to prepare the dishes. 译:_思考: took在句子中的意思是_ 注意: prepare后面没有for, 意思是_ 链接: leave-leave for点拨: dish - 盘子,碟子 - 在此句中意思是“菜” 拓展: do the dishes - 洗盘子 练习: a.准备奥运会花了我们10年的时间。译:_ b.洗盘子花了她20分钟的时间。译:_ c.我花了半年的时间学做这道菜。译:_Section B一. 读1a, 回答问题1. How does Mr. Zhao order a meal? _2. How soon can

5、 he get the food? _二. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.举办一次美食节_2.电话订餐_ 3.给你发个邮件_4.烤鸡肉 _5.就这些吧!_6.一瓶柠檬水_7.在北四环路62号_8.(过去的)几分钟后_9.(未来的)20分钟后_10.回见!_11.特价菜/特色菜_12.开饭馆_13.制定菜单_14.可以看一下菜单吗?_15.请少来点儿。_三. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1. I know youre holding a food festival. Could I order a meal by phone?译:_思考: hold在此意思是_, 同义词是_; hold

6、还有_的意思,如:Hold on, please.order在此意思是_, 可以用book替换吗?_ by phone在此意思是_, 同义词组是_/_ the phone. - 注意the !2. I can e-mail one to you, if you like. 译:_ _ _思考: e-mail在此是_词, e-mail还可以用作_词。总结: e-mail to sb. = send an e-mail to sb.练习:他过去常常给我发邮件。a._ _ b._3. Well send the food to you in twenty minutes. 译:_思考: in twe

7、nty minutes在此意思是_ 提问划线部分:_ _?拓展:Well cook the food for twenty minutes. 提问划线部分:_? We cooked the food after twenty minutes. 提问划线部分:_ _?Section C一、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.进展很顺利_2.35盘牛肉咖喱_ 3.45份印度咖喱_4.50碗炒大米_6.和所有学生一样开心 _5.最后_7.挣了1500元_8.用面包蘸咖喱吃_9.用勺子或叉子吃咖喱_10.place an order_二. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1. and the resu

8、lts were worth the effort. 译:_ _点拨: effort - 努力(名词) make an effort to work - 努力工作对比: hard - 努力地( ) work hard - 努力工作 挑战:hard work - _(此处hard是_词)点拨: worth是个_词,be worth-值钱, 相当于的价值 / be (well)worth doing sth.- (很)值得做某事练习:a. Even though the ring is worth $ 3,000, he can afford it. 译:_ b.The film is worth

9、 seeing. 译:_ _ c.这座带有花园的房子值50万元。译:_ _ d.这场中日之间的排球赛很值得看。译:_ _2. Kangkang cooks the most successfully of the three. 译:_点拨: of the three - 在三个人当中,of + 同类事物(大于二)常用于含有_级的句子前后对比:Kangkang cooks the most successfully in his class. in his class - 在他班上,in + 地域范围,常用于含有_级的句子前后练习:a. 重庆是中国最大的城市。Chongqing is the b

10、iggest city _ _. b. 在所有城市中重庆是最大的。Chongqing is the biggest _ _ _ _.Section D一、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.把.写下来_2.健康的饮食_ 3.需要吃足够的食物_4.拥有均衡的饮食_5.不同种类的食品_6.给予我们能量_7.帮助我们骨骼发育_8.让我们更健康_9.有规律地饮食_10.一半的学生_11.据说_12.根本不_13.实际上_14.让我们保持强壮_15.总之_ 16.随意吃_17.不但而且_二、在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.Its said that half of the students dont

11、 have a regular breakfast or dont eat anything at all in the morning.译:_点拨: Its said that -据说 / notat all-根本不 思考:that引导的从句在句中作_(成分)练习:a. 据说上星期他根本不在家。_ _ _he_ at home_ _last week. b. 据说他根本都不会游泳。_ _ _he_ swim_ _. c. 据说日语起源于汉语。_2. In short, we should not only eat enough, good and healthy food but also

12、eat regularly.译:_点拨: in short -总之 同义词组:_ not onlybut also- 不但而且练习:a. Linda不但是我们的老师还是我们的朋友。Linda _ _ _our teacher_ _our friend. b.不但Linda是我们的朋友其他老师也是我们的朋友。_ _Linda_ _ the other teachers _ our _.注意:当not onlybut also在句子中连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词要遵循“就近原则”!练习:_ _ the other teachers _ _ Linda _ our _.3. The more reg

13、ularly we eat, the healthier we are. 译:_点拨: The +比较级,the +比较级-越, 越练习:a. The later you stay up at night, the sleepier you feel in the day. 译:_ b. The fewer friends you have, the more lonely you are. 译:_ c.你的朋友越多就会越开心。_ _ _ you have, _ _ you are. d.你越仔细,所犯的错误就越少。_ _ _you_, _ _ _youll make. e.读书越多,你学到的

14、知识就越多。_ _ _you_, the more you_.链接:越来越开心_ 越来越不开心_ 越来越流行_ 越来越不流行_ 4. Not all the students have a regular breakfast. 译:_点拨: Not all- 不是所有的(部分否定)拓展:a. Not both Tim and his brother are interested in history. 译:_ b. Not everybody in our class will take part in the sports meeting. 译:_ c. 不是所有的书都对学习有好处。_ d.

15、 不是每一个男孩都对运动感兴趣。_后面动词用to do后面动词用 doing后面动词用 dowant, would like, hope, wish, need, plan, manage, used, afford, refuse, learn, decide, start, like, love, hate, continueask sb. / tell sb. / encourage sb. / invite sb./teach sb. / advise sb. / lead sb. / warn sb.trouble sb. / be + 形容词 to do be the first

16、time, enjoy, mind, practice, spend, prefer, keep, bear, finish, avoid, start, like, love, hate, continuebe busy, have fun, have difficulty, give up, prevent sb. from, look forward to,cant help, feel like, be/get used to, go短语中about, at, in, for等所有介词后let sb. make sb. have sb.had better Will/Would/Could you please +V原can, may, must, should, could, would, will,shall等情态动词后dont, doesnt, didnt, wont等助动词后forget, remember, stop, go on, try (努力)forget, remember stop, go on, try (尝试)helphelpsee watch notice hear find see, watch, notice, hear, find 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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