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1、教学课题Unit3 Aski ng the way课型新授课本课题教时数:6本教时为第1教时备课日期:3月11日教学目标:一、知识与技能1 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词turn left/right, post office, get on/off,crossing2 能听懂、会说、会读词组 shopping centre, middle school, train station, history museum primary along this street3 能听懂、会说、会读句子 Can you tell me the way to the.,please?一、过程与方法:学生能够

2、运用所学知识正确表达如何到达某地。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的知识,让学生能够学会用英语问路或者帮助别人指路。教学重点、难点:1 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词turn left/right, post office, get o n/off,crossi ng2 能听懂、会说、会读词组 shopping centre, middle school, train station, history museum primary along this street教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片。情景教学法、交际法教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Free tal

3、k与随班生进行对话。1 Look at the pictures and say the senten ces.The man is taller than the woman.The elepha nt is bigger tha n the bear.The ant is smaller tha n the mouse.2 Ask and an swerWhat date is it today?What day is it today?How old are you?Who is older tha n you?Who is taller than S1?Ss ask and an sw

4、er the questi ons.Ss play the game with the teacher.Ss lear n the phrase.S:This is a middle school.This is a primary school.This is a a train stati on.This is a post office.通过看图并描述 复习形容词比拟 级。通过同学之间的 相互对话复习所 学句型。通过游戏活动来 引出新词组的教 学,过渡比拟自 然。通过出示书本上 的图片,让学生 看一看,通过视 觉上的感知来认 识各个地点,让 学生扮演杨琳并 向自己的朋友介Whoseis,

5、or?3 Talk about somebody and someth ing in your class.4 Play a game Listen and鼓励随班生一起参与游戏。Walk, walk, walk.Jump, jump, jump.Run, run, run.Show me your left hand. Show me your right hand.Turn right, turn left.Get on , get off.Teach: tur n left, tur n right, get on, get offStep2 Prese ntati on1. Yang

6、Ling is showing a map of the town to her frie nd at the map and tell Andy what are they.T:Look,this is will go along the street with Yang want to be Yang Ling and tell Andy the places.Teach: a middle schoola primary schoola train statio na post officea shopp ing centrea history museum2. T: Now Andy

7、is asking the way to someplace.Can you tell her how to get there?Who wa nts to be An dy?This is a shopp ing cen tre.This is a history museum.S1:Can you tell me the way to the post office? Ss lear n the senten ce. Ss lear n the phrases.Ss:Go alo ng this street.Ss play the game.绍各个地点,并 进行学习。通过教师和学生 之间

8、的示范,为 其他学生提供榜 样,让学生之间 操练句型并回 答。通过这一游戏来 稳固句型,并比 一比哪组能够最 快最准确地找 小动物的家,既 操练了句型又能 够调动学生的积 极性。Teach:Ca n you tell me the way to ,please.T:Go along this street,a nd tur n right at the sec ond cross ing.Teach:go along this streetCross ing3. Ask and answer.T:Can you tell me the way to the .?4. Play a gameT

9、:The animals are losing the you take them ' help her.(Show the picture)Step 4 Homework.1. Copy the new words and phrases.2. Parcitse the sentence with your partners.板书设计:Unit 3 Aski ng the waya middle schoolCan you tell me the way to.?a primary schoolGo along this street and the n tur n .at the.

10、cross ing.a train statio na post officea shopp ing centrea history museum授后小记:本节课主要教授了第三单元的BC局部,本单元围绕问路这一情景展开,所以在引出课题的时候我运用了句型 Where's .?帮助学生理解ask the way的意 思。然后给学生关键词和关键句型,让学生来猜一猜我所说的是什么地方,学生对B局部有预习,所以对于听关键词和句猜地点,没有难度也能吸引他们的注意力,学生 学得非常快,在教授history museum的时候读音化了蛮多时间没学生对于这个词组的 朗读有点生疏。在句型的操练中,我制作了

11、一个小道具,画了Andy的画像,让学生边看画像的运动方向边学习句型,学生兴趣浓厚,并能和我一起说句型,课堂气氛很 好,学生操练得也比拟到位。授课日期:3月15 日教学课题un it3 Aski ng the way课型新授课本课题教时数:6本教时为第2教时备课日期:3月11日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1. 能熟练运用句子 Can you tell me the way to the.,please?2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会读句子 Go along this street,a nd the n turn .at the.cross ing.The.is on your.Thafs all r

12、ight.一、过程与方法:学生能够运用所学知识正确表达如何到达某地。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的知识,让学生能够学会用英语问路或者帮助别人指路。教学重点、难点:.能听懂、会说、会读和会读句子 Go along this street,a nd the n tur n.at the.cross ing.The.is on your.Thafs all right.教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片。情景教学法,操练法教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Free talk与随班生进行对话。1) What date is it today?What day is it

13、today?How old are you?Who is older tha n you?Who is taller than S1?Whoseis,。厂?2) ReviewT show the pictures and Ss say the words.3) Ask and an swerT:Can you tell me the way to.,please?T:Now work in pairs.Step2 Prese ntati on5. T:Now I m you tell me the way to theshopp ing cen tre,please?T:Tha nks a l

14、ot.Teach:tur n.at the .cross ingSs ask and an swer the questi ons.Ss say the phrases.S1:Go along this street and the . is on your left/right.Ss work in pairs.S1:Go alo ng this street,a nd turn left at the second shopping centre is on your right.That's all right.S1:You 're welcome. Ss lear n

15、the phrases.Ss look and say2) A:Ca n you tell me the way to the通过看图并描述 复习形容词比拟 级。在上节课句型的 根底上学习本课 的句型,先从复 习上节课的内容 入手,慢慢过渡 至吐匕较复杂的路 线,让学生试着 说出句子通过教师和学生 之间的示范,为 其他学生提供榜 样,让学生之间 操练句型并回 答。通过这一游戏来 稳固句型,并比 一比哪组能够最 快最准确地找 小动物的家,既 操练了句型又能 够调动学生的积 极性。The.is on your.That's all right.6. Look and sayT show t

16、he pictures of part C.1)A:Ca n you tell me the way to the park,please?B:Go along this street,and then turn right at the second park is on your ' all right. Teach:Ca n you tell me the way to ,please. T:Go along this street,a nd tur n right at the sec ond cross ing.Teach:go along this streetCross

17、ing7. Ask and answer鼓励随班生答复这个问题T:Can you tell me the way to the .?8. Play a gameT:Can you tell the children how to get the places.(show the pictures)Step 4 Homework.3. Copy the new phrases.4. Parcitse the sentence with your partners.5. Prepare for Part Ashopp ing centre ,please?B:Go along this stree

18、t,a nd the n tur n left at the fourth shopp ing centre is on your ' all right. 3)A:Can you tell me the way to the bus statio n,please?B:Go along this street,a nd the n tur n left at the third bus stati on is on your ' all right.A:Can you tell me the way to the WC,please?B:Go along this stree

19、t,a nd the n tur n right at the first WC is on your ' all right. Ss try to say and play the game.板书设计:Unit 3 Aski ng the wayCan you tell me the way to.?Go along this street and the n tur n .at the.cross ing.The.is on your.That's all right.授后小记:本节课承接上节课内容继续学习了 B局部的词组和D局部的句型,我先利 用B局部的图片和andy的头

20、像进行句型的复习,让学生熟悉运用句型,本单元C部分的句型多包含的词组较多,学生学起来有一定的难度。在结合上节课所学的地点复 习句型以后,我补充了某某地点的表达方式,女口Tinglin Park并且要学生注意当地点有名称的时候前面就不加the,为以后的学习做好了铺垫。C局部的操练过程中,学 生在看平面图的时候容易出现左右不分的情况,所以在操练之前,我指导学生怎么转 动图片帮助分清左右,这样学生在操练的过程中错误明显就少了。授课日期:3月17 日教学课题un it3 Aski ng the way课型新授课本课题教时数:6本教时为第3教时备课日期:3月11日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1 能听懂、会

21、说、会读词组 live in Nanjing,know the way,how to get there, along walk,take bus ,how many stops2 能听懂、会说、会读句子 You can 'miss far is it from here? It's about a kilometer away.一、过程与方法:学生能够运用所学知识正确表达如何到达某地。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的知识,让学生能够学会用英语问路或者帮助别人指路。教学重点、难点:1 能听懂、会说、会读词组 live in Nanjing,know the way,how

22、 to get there, along walk,take bus ,how many stops2 能听懂、会说、会读句子 You can 'miss far is it from here? It's about a kilometer away.教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,讲授法、讨论I法,并结合课后继续指导操练法教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Free talk and revision与随班生进行 对话。1 Look at the map and say the phrases.2 Ask and an swerT show a pictureExc

23、use me , can you tell me the way toSs ask and an swer the questi ons.S1:Yes,l do.S1:You can take busSs lear n the phrases.S1dt,s about 1通过师生之间的 对话复习已经学 习的知识,拉近 了师生之间的距 离,也为下面难 的学习作好铺 垫。在新授课文局部 之前,先从学生please?kilometres away.熟悉的亭林公园 入手,新授其中Step 2 Prese ntati onSs lear n the phrases.的知识点。学生1) Lead inS1

24、:There are three的兴趣也会比拟 高,比拟贴合学T: (Show a picture of Ti nglin Park)stops.生的生活实际。Look! This is Tin glin Park.Ss lear n the word.在课文局部的处 理时,主要分为Do you know the way to Tinglin Park?Ss an swer the三个局部,第一Can you tell me how to get there?questi ons.为课文对话背景 局部,让学生听Teach:k now the wayd. Mr Smith并答复下列问题。第how

25、 to get therecomes from二,让学生自己 读一读并划出史take busAustralia.密斯先生所提的T:How far is it from here?e. He is living in问题。第三,根 据划出的问题在Teach:lt's about .awayNanj ing.对话中找出答How far is it from here?f. He wan ts to案。T:Oh,it' a long I can take busvisit theTeach: awayHistoryIt ' s about away.Museum.You ca

26、n take bus Nog. He is asking2 )T: (Point to the bus stop on the map) HereYang Lingis the bus stop.now.How many stops are there? Let' s counSs try to retell the firstTeach: stoppart of the text.2) The text.Ss un derli ne the1. Listen and answer鼓励随班生一起听录questi ons.音答复。5. Ss listen anda. Where does

27、 Mr Smith come from?an swer theb. Where is he living now?questi ons.c. Where does he want to go?Ss look at the wordsd. Who is he asking now?and try to say.T:Ca n you say someth ing about the first partSs lear n the phrases.of the text?Ss read the text.2. Read and underline the questions. Questi on s

28、:Ca n you tell me the way to the History Museum?How far is it from here?3. Listen and answer the questionsT write some key words on the blackboard. T:Can you tell Mr Smith how to get there? T:l thi nk Mr Smith can 'miss it.Teach:cantmiss it4. Read the text.a. Read after the tape.b. Read together

29、.c. ActStep 4 Homework.6. Copy the new words and phrases.7. Parcitse the sentence with your partners.板书设计:Unit 3 Aski ng the wayknow the wayrighthow to get therethirdYou can 'miss itleftHow far is it from here?a kilometre awaya long walktake bus No.stop授课日期:3月21日教学课题Un it3 Aski ng the way课型新授课本课

30、题教时数:6本教时为第4教时备课日期:3月11日教学目标:二、知识目标:1 能听懂、会说、会读词组 bus stop,every five minutes,on Zhongshan Road,at the third stop2能听懂、会说、会读句子 How can 1 get to the.?二、能力目标:学生能够运用所学知识正确表达如何到达某地。三、情感目标:通过学习本单元的知识,让学生能够学会用英语问路或者帮助别人指路。教学重点、难点:1 能听懂、会说、会读词组 bus stop,every five minutes,on Zhongshan Road,at the third stop

31、2能听懂、会说、会读句子 How can 1 get to the.?教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导操练法教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Free talk and revision与 随班生进行对话。1 Look at the map and say the phrases.2 Ask and an swerT show a pictureExcuse me , can you tell me the way to please?the textStep 2 Prese ntati on3) Lead inT:Look at the map a

32、nd tell me the way.Can you tell me the way to .?T:How can 1 get to the .?Teach:How can 1 get to the.?比拟 Can you tell me the way to .?How can 1 get to the.?T: Mr Smith wants to get to the History heSs ask and an swer the questi ons.Ss try to say someth ing about Mr Smith.S1:Go along this street and t

33、hen .S1:No,he doesnt. S1:He wan ts to go to the post office,too. S2:lt's on Zhon gsha n Road.S3:Yes,he can take bus No.9 in front of the History Museum and get off at the third stop. Ss lear n the phrases. Ss read the text.通过师生之间的 对话复习已经学 习的知识,拉近 了师生之间的距 离,也为下面难 的学习作好铺 垫。从free talk的句子 Can you te

34、llme the way to .? 过渡到How can I get to the .?并 让学生比拟这两 个句子,在含义 上进行区分。在课文局部的处 理时,内容相对 比拟简单,因此 只设计了相关问 题,将本课的教 学中心放在学生 对课文的理解以 及背诵上面。can take bus liste n and an swer the questi ons.4) The text.6. Listen and answerDoes he know the way to the bus stop指导 随班生答复。Teach:bus stopevery five minu tes7. Read the

35、 text and try to answer.a. Where does Mr Smith also want togo?b. Where is the post office?c. Can you tell Mr Smith the way to the post office,please?Teach: on Zhon gsha n Road.at the third stop8. Read the text.a. Read after the tape.b. Read together.c. Try to draw a map and act the dialogue out.9. S

36、ummary and retellI met Mr Smith in Sha nghai wan ted to go toby told him toand get off at thehe asked mehow to get totold him toNo.9 in fron t of.比拟 on Zhongshan Roadin Sha nghai StreetSs try to retell.Step 4 Homework.Ss do the exercise andtry to retell.S1:两个词组用的介词 不同,但是写法是相 同的。在总结之后,让 学生比拟两个词 组的用法o

37、nZhongshan Road in Sha nghai Street可以防止 学生在练习中出 错。8. Copy the new words and phrases.9. Parcitse the sentence with your partners.板书设计:Unit 3 Aski ng the waybus stopevery five minu teson Zhon gsha n Roadin Sha nghai Streetat the third stop授后小记:本节课主要新授了课文的右边局部,相对左边的内容,右边局部的内 容比拟简单。在复习了左边局部内容之后进行新内容的教授。

38、在学生学完整篇文章之 后,让学生概括文章大意,并试着复述文章内容。在学生复述前,我让学生画出了简 单的课文地图。这在学生复述时,能够起到一定的作用,也能够在一定程度上激发学 生的积极性。授课日期:3月22日教学课题un it3 Aski ng the way课型新授课本课题教时数:6本教时为第5教时备课日期:3月11日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1 能听懂、会说、会读单词 a book about ani mals,stole,out of.shout,stop thief,get back2 复习句型 Turnat thecrossing.3复习一般过去时,以及规那么动词与不规那么动词的过去式

39、。一、过程与方法:学生能够运用所学知识正确表达如何到达某地。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元的知识,让学生能够学会用英语问路或者帮助别人指路。教学重点、难点:1、 能听懂、会说、会读单词 a book about ani mals,stole,out of.shout,stop thief,get back2、能正确理解文章,以及掌握动词过去式。教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,讲授法、讨论I法,并结合课后继续指导操练法教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Free talk and revision与 随班生进行对话。1 Look at the map and say the phr

40、ases.2 Ask and an swerT show a pictureExcuse me , can you tell me the way to please?the textStep 2 Read and nu mber1 T: Last Sun day after noon, 1 went to a book shop and bought some En glish books. What did you do on last Sun day?T: Last Sun day morning, someth ing was happe ned to Nan cy.Do you kn

41、ow what happe ned? Now Nancy is telli ng Yang Ling and Andy her story. Let listen to her story and answer the questio n.What happe ned to Nan cy?Teach:thief指导随班生朗读这个单词。2 Read and complete the table.My actions Thief'Theactionspolicema n'acti onsbuy a bookStole theStart to runaboutpurseStop th

42、eani malsRan out ofthiefSee a thiefthe shopGet theshoutRan alongpurse backthe streetSs ask and an swer the questi ons.Ss try to say someth ing about the text.S: ISslisten to the story. S1:Nancy met a thief.Ss read the text by themselves and try to complete the table.Ss lear n the phrases.Ss lear n t

43、he past tense. Do the exercise.Ss read the story.通过师生之间的 对话复习已经学 习的知识,拉近 了师生之间的距 离,也为下面难 的学习作好铺 垫。从师生之间的对 话中引导学生用 过去式。在出示E局部 时,让学生带着 一个冋题听录 音,让学生从整 体上对课文局部 有一个大致的了 解。通过表格,让学 生找出3个人的 动作,有利于学 生对文早细节的 理解,对学生在 掌握上面也有所 帮助。总结并复习了过 去式的变化规 贝让学生从整 体上进行掌握。and turn leftand the firstcross ingTeach: a book about

44、 ani malsout ofstoleshoutstop thiefget back3Look at the pictures and describe them.4 Lear n the past tense规贝 U wantwan tedfollowfollowedshoutshoutedturnturned不规贝Uamwasseesawstealstolerunranhearheardcomecamesaysaidbeg inbega ncatchcaughtgetgot5 Read aga in and nu mber the pictures from 1 to 6.6 Read

45、the story.Step 3 Homework1 Read the story.2 Copy the new phrases板书设计:Unit 3 Ask ing the wayMy actionsThief' actionsThe policema n' acti onsbuy a bookStole theStart to runaboutpurseStop thean imalsRan out ofthiefSee a thiefthe shopGet theshoutRan along the street and turn left and the first c

46、ross ingpurse back授后小记:本课主要学习了 E局部,在新授时,我主要分为三个局部,让学生分别找 出南希、小偷与警察的动作。在学生找动作的过程当中,我带着他们一起学习了文章 中比拟多的词组以及单词。在找出所有的动作之后,让学生看着黑板上的表格,描述 一下各个人物的动作,此时,学生们要注意的是动词的过去式。在复述完之后,让学 生总结一下动词过去式,也复习了上学期所学习的过去式。授课日期:3月24日教学课题Unit3 Aski ng the way课型新授课本课题教时数:6本教时为第6教时备课日期:3月11日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1 了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音。2会唱歌曲Excuse me.3能够熟练运用所学知识。二、过程与方法:学生能够运用所学知识正确表达如何到


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