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1、外贸函电课程教案课题:Basis of Business Correspondence 课时: 周次: 授课日期: 地点:授课方式及手段:Lecturing, Task-based approach, Questioning, Discussion 教学目标:After studying this part, the students are able to:A. Learn the structure and the format of business letters, envelopes and e-mails; B. Learn basic principles of effectiv

2、e business letter-writing;C. Know the designing of a standardized letter and an e-mail;D. Master the correct arrangement of various parts of a business letter and e-mail;E. Practice writing business letters, e-mails and envelopes.教学重难点:A. the Layout of Business LettersB. the Structures of Business L

3、etters教学过程与内容:Part 1 The Structure of Business LettersStep One warm-up 1)Have you written a letter in Chinese? Who do you write to? How do you write? 2) Have you written a letter in English? Whats the differences between Chinese letter writing and English letter-writing? 3)Do you think letter writin

4、g is very important in business? Why? Come to the introduction: The letter is a common communication medium. There are several reasons: 1) A letter establishes a record that can be used for later reference2) Distance can be spanned at relatively small cost3) Routine matters can be completed efficien

5、tly with the help of letter forms. Step Two Presentation A. The layout of a business letter (商业信函的布局)Business letters will involve the following parts: (1) Letter Head /Heading Section (信头)(2) Reference Number and date Line(案号和日期)(3) Inside Address/the inside name and address (封内地址)(4) Attention Lin

6、e (注意事项)(5) Salutation /The Greeting (称呼)(6) the Subject Line /Subject-matter/the Subject Heading (事由)(7) the Body of the Letter (正文)推荐精选(8) complimentary close/ the Closing (结束礼词/结尾敬语)(9) signature section / the signature (签署)(10) The identification Initials /the Reference Notation (经办人代号/主办人代号)(11

7、) The PostscriptP.S. (再启)(12) The Enclosure (附件)(13) The Carbon Copy/ Carbon Copy Notation (抄送说明) Business letters usually consist of : seven standard parts (标准/规范部分) six optional parts (任选部分)B. Explanation of letter parts (信的各部分的解释)PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)Letter head(信头)Senders na

8、me, address, city, state, province, country, postal code, phone number, cable address, telex number, fax number, reference number, typed date lineFrom top edge of paper(从纸的顶端开始打) Usually printed(通常印好的)PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)Date Line(日期)August10, 1999(American form)(美国写法)10thAugus

9、t, 1999(British form)(英国写法)The month, the date and the yearType the date (at least) a double below the last line of the letter head (信头的最后一行下两行)1)Aug.10, 1999Name of the month shouldnt be abbreviated (月份不应缩写)2) 8/10/99Figures shouldnt be used in dating a letter.(不用数字表示日期)推荐精选PartsExamplesContentsPla

10、cementRemarks (备注)Inside address (封内地址)1)The Acme Shoe Co. LtdLondon, WIN OBHEngland (不以人名为公司名)The receivers name and address收信人的名称和地址Usually begins on the fifth line below the date line at the left margin.沿左边缘日期下第五行“Messrs.” is not used when the firm is not named after a person.2)Messrs. Harrison &

11、amp; Co.501 Mountain PlaceAny town (以人名为公司名)“Messrs.” is used here because the firm is named after a person Harrison 3) Mrs. P. R. ScottSales ManagerThe Acme Shoe Co. Ltd.369 PiccadillyLondon, WIN OBHEnglandThe courtesy title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.) are added to the name when the letter is addressed

12、 to a person. 当信写给个人时,在名字前加上Mr., Mrs., Miss等的尊称4)The Acme Shoe Co. Ltd.369 Piccadilly,London, WIN OBHEnglandAttention: Mrs. R. ScottThis letter is addressed to the company but directed to the attention of a person in it. The attention line follows the last line of the inside address.信写给一家公司并且直接转交给该公

13、司的某人办理时用。经办人紧跟在封内地址的最后一行下。5) Mr. Jones Cashier The Acme Shoe Co. Ltd. 369 Piccadilly, London, WIN OBH Englandto give a specific individual in a firm, giving his title and position 写给公司里的特定的人,给出其尊称和职位推荐精选PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)Attention Line(经办人,注意事项)For the attention of Mr. xxAtte

14、ntion: Mr. xxAttention: Sales departmentATTN: Mr. xxUse an attention line to direct the letter to a certain department /section or a person (用经办人这栏,可将信直接交给某个部门或个人)It may appear between the inside address and salutation. It is written two spaces below the inside address. (在封内地址和称呼之间,在封内地址下两行)Except w

15、ith the fully-blocked letter-style, centered over the body of the letter.除完全平头式外,置于信的正文的中间)PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)Salutation(称呼)Dear Sirs, (British style) Gentlemen:(American style) Ladies and Gentlemen:These may be used when the letter is addressed to a company (信写给公司时用这些称呼) On t

16、he second line below the inside address. (在封内地址下隔一行)Should accord with the first line of the inside address (应与封内地址第一行一致)Dear Mr. JonesDear Mrs. JonesDear Miss JonesDear Ms Jones (无论结婚已否)Dear Madame (无论结婚已否)These are for letters addressed to a person. The last (Ms) is for addressing a woman whose ma

17、rital status is unknown .(信写给个人时,用这些称呼,若一妇女的婚姻状况未知时用Ms. )Dear Sir,Dear Madam,Dear Manager,These are for letters addressed to a person whose name is unknown. (信写给不知道姓名的人时,用这些称呼)PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)推荐精选Subject Line(事由)Subject: New Price ListRe: New Price ListNew Price ListSubj: N

18、ew Price ListTell us what the letter talks about (告诉我们信谈的是什么)It is often inserted between salutation and the body of a business letter.(插入在称呼和信的正文之间)It is a device to tell at a glance what the letter is about. (它是一种手段,使人一看就知道这封信与什么有关PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)The body of the letter(正文

19、)This is the partthat really matters. (真正重要的部分)Begins one blank line belowthe salutation (在称呼下空一行开始)For very short letters you may adopt double line-spacing except for your correspondents name and address for which single line-spacing should always be used.(除去收信人的名称和地址用单行距外,非常短的信可采用双行距)PartsExamples

20、ContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)推荐精选The complimentary close结尾语,结尾客套话Yours faithfully(与Dear Sirs相对)Yours truly(与Gentlemen相对)To be used when the salutation is “Dear Sirs” or “Gentlemen”(当称呼用Dear Sirs 或Gentlemen时)Two lines below the body of the letter. (信的正文下两行)1)The first word should be capitalized. 第一个字

21、母大写2) Complimentary close should accord with the salutation. 结尾语应与称呼保持一致。3) It is merely polite way of ending a letter , it is meaningless.(仅仅是结束信的礼貌方式)4) It must never be separated from the substance of a letter by being carried to a separate sheet. (结尾敬语决不能和正文分开而单独写在一张纸上)Yours sincerelySincerely y

22、oursSincerelyTo be used when the salutation is “Dear Mr. Jones” or the like. 当称呼用Dear Mr. Jones 或相似的称呼时)CordiallyCordially yoursTo be used when it is desired to show personal friendship.表示个人友谊时用RespectfullyRespectfully yoursTo show special respect when writing to a high-ranking official写给高官表示特别的敬意时用

23、PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)推荐精选Signature签名Charles SmithManagerPen-written (手签)Typewritten (机打)Title(职位)Usually begins a double space below the complimentary close .通常在结尾客套话下两行To be used when the signer writes on his own authority签名者代表个人手签时Charles SmithManager, Shipping Dept.To be used

24、 when the signer writes on his own authority within his department.签名者有权在自己的部门内手签JRB APPLIANCES, INC. Charles Smith To be used when the signer has authority to sign for the company, but has no power to act on his own.(签名者被授权代表公司签名, 但个人本身是无权签名) JRB APPLIANCES, INC. Charles SmithMarket Dept. 代理人签署:1)

25、在公司名称前加For 2) 在签署人前加By/PerTo be used when the signer has authority to sign for the department but has no power to act on his own.(被授权代表部门签,但个人无权签名) PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)The identification Initials/the Reference Notation (经办人代号/主办人代号)JP/ajJP: ajJP/AJThese are reference initials o

26、f the writer (the first) and the typist (the last) for internal reference.Typed two spaces below the typed signature.(在打出的签名下两行)经办人首字母简写(前一个)和打字员首字母简写(后一个)PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)推荐精选Carbon Copy Notation (抄送)c.c.Shanghai Branch Office (后跟着要收到该封抄送信件的人/单位的名字,这个标志在原件和附本上都要注明)bcc Mr. J

27、ones(秘密抄送:只在副本上注明,口述人和收信人知道)cc: Mr. A. JonesMiss M. CarlsonTell the person to whom you are addressing the letter that copies are being sent to others.告诉对方你还将一些副本正寄给别人。The last item is typed on the page. (最后一项)There are two types: cc/bcc. Carbon copies can be sent to the two persons.PartsExamplesCont

28、entsPlacementRemarks (备注)Postscript再启P.S. / PSWish to add sth he forgot or for emphasis.想要加入忘了说的或要强调的东西In line with the left-hand margin, and two or more spaces below the last line of the signature.与左边缘对齐,签名下两行1)Be sure you do it purposely, and not as an afterthought.(有目的的使用,而不是当作一种过后的补叙)2)It is use

29、d to draw attention to an emphatic point.(用来引起注意的所要强调的要点)PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)Continuation sheet (续页)-2-Smith & Co. May5, 1999The name of the addressee, the page number, and the date(收信人的名称,页码和日期)Typed at the top of each sheet. (每一页的顶端打)When a letter is longer than one page,

30、 the second and succeeding pages are to be typed on separate blank sheets.信不止一页时,第二页和续页需分开打在空白纸上。PartsExamplesContentsPlacementRemarks (备注)Enclosure Tell the recipient that sth is included in the envelope along with the letter.Two line-spacings below the reference notation. 推荐精选(信中没有随附的东西时则不需要)Enclo

31、sure: Price List Encl./Enc. 2 invoices Encl.: As stated Enclosures 2 1. Signed Policy 2. Cheque No. 345 for US$2,543.98告诉收信人某些东西附在信里了) 在经办人代号下两行Step Three consolidation Ask them to recognize all parts in a business letter. Using the given letter, find out each part of a business letter: Step Four Ho

32、mework Learn the Chinese version of all parts in a business letter and its explanation. Part IIStep One Revision Ask the students to say out the Chinese version of all parts in a business letter and its explanation. Step Two Presentation 1.Ask the students the following questions: 1)If you want to w

33、rite a Chinese letter, what style do you usually follow? 2)If you want to write a business letter in English, what style do you usually use? 2. Formats of business letters (商业信函的版式/开本)(vide P35) Give the students three forms of letters, ask them to try to find out the differences of them: a. the ind

34、ented form (缩进式)b. full blocked form (完全平头式)c. modified blocked form (改良平头式)Step Three Envelope addressing(信封的写法) 注意: 1) The three important requirements of envelope addressing are accuracy, clearness and good appearance. Here are two examples, which show, respectively, the indented form of address

35、and the blocked form of address.推荐精选 2) Generally speaking, senders name and address are written at the left-hand top of the envelope, while receivers name and address are centered on the cover of the envelope so as to leave ample space for stamps and postmark. If senders name and address do not app

36、ear on the cover, it can be written on the back of the envelope.3) Mode of sending letter on lower left-hand side: 在信封左下角上的邮件的类别registered (挂号信) Par Avion (法语)= By Airmail (航空信) confidential (绝密信, 机密信) Not bend (勿折) Express Mail (快件) Secret (秘信) Book Post (读书邮件) Private (亲收) Printed Matter (印刷品) Per

37、sonal (个人)4)If a letter is to be taken from you by someone to the addressee, put his name below the addressees with the following words in front of it: Politeness of / Kindness of/ Through the Courtesy of /Per Kindness of/ Forwarded by/ Per Favor of/ By Favor of/ With Favor of/ Favored byDr. William

38、 Brown (收信人)Kindness of Prof. Water Snow (带信人)如果这封信是由他人代交的话,代交人的名字写在实际的收信人名字的下面,并在代交人名字前面加Kindness of/ Politeness of, 不需写地址。 5)When a letter is mailed to a third person who is bound (必须)to pass it onto the addressee, write the third persons name down below the addressees with the words “care of”(由转交

39、) (c/o) in front of it. Mr. Park Davis (收信人)c/o Mr. Harold Wood (转信人)318 Doswell Avenue Port Atkinson, WisconsinThe United States of America如果这封信是转交的话,转交人的名字写在实际收信人名字的下面,并在前面加 care of / 或c/o , 并写转交人的地址。Step Four Consolidation and PracticeMake a conclusion of what we learnt todayAsk students to say o

40、ut what we have learnt from this chapterDo Ex. 3Writing Practice:1. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter:Senders Name: China National Garment Import & Export Corp., Jiang Su BranchSenders Address: 148 Changsha Rd., Nanjing, ChinaSenders Cable Address: INDUST

41、RY NANJINGSenders Teles Address: 34567, INDUSCNDate: March 10, 2004Receivers Name: Anderson & Co., LimitedReceivers Address: 123 Pairs Ave., FranceSubject: Microwave ovens推荐精选Salutation: Dear SirsThe Message: We thank you for your letter of March 6 enquiring for the captioned goods. The enclosed

42、 catalogue contains details of all our microwave ovens and will enable you to make a suitable selection. We look forward to receiving your specific enquiry with keen interest.Complimentary Close: Yours faithfully2. Address an envelope for the above letter.Step Five HomeworkDo Ex. 1 & 2.Write down the key expressions and phrases you learnt from this chapter.Feedback: (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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