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1、Chapter 5 Family lives语言点讲解1. Pansy spoke to two teenagers in connection with the first article in a series on family life. 潘西就有关于家庭生活的系列文章中的首篇文章采访了两名青少年。语音讲解:speak to sb.是表示和说话,在此句中理解为采访。in connection with是有关于,和联系起来的意思。in a series 是在一系列中的意思。讲解1:speak to sb.是表示和说话,在此句中理解为采访。speak 在此是不及物动词,后常跟说话对象。例句

2、: I am afraid to speak to him.我不敢和他说话。speak也可以是及物动词,后跟某种语言作宾语。例句:He can speak three languages. 他会说三种语言。有关“说”的还有say, talk, tell。say是及物动词,后跟说的内容,结构为say sth. to sb.。tell是及物动词,意为告诉,后跟告诉的对象作宾语,也可用于tell a lie(说谎), tell the truth(说实话),其另一种意思是区别,用于tell the difference(区别不同),tell from(把同区别开来)等固定短语中。talk是不及物动词

3、,有talk with(和交谈),talk to(和说话),talk about(讨论,谈论)等表达方式。例句:1) I just came to say hello to you. 我就是来问一声你好。2) He is too afraid to tell the truth. 他太害怕了不敢说出真相。3) They are talking about the soccer match excitedly.他们兴奋地谈论那场足球赛。讲解2:in connection with是有关于,和联系起来的意思,意思相似的结构有be connected with。 例句:1) He asked man

4、y questions in connection with the life in Britain. 他问了很多关于在英国生活的问题。2) He asked many questions connected with the life in Britain. 他问了很多关于在英国生活的问题。讲解3:in a series 是在一系列中的意思,series是单复数同形的名词,有a series of (一系列)等结构。例句:She has to face a series of difficulties in the new company. 在新的公司里她必须面对一系列的问题。推荐精选练一练

5、:1) He was planning to go on to do the research work, though he didnt _ me that.A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak2) Yes or no, just _ it.A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak3) The meeting is connected with the charity system of the city.(保持原句意思)The meeting is _ _ _ the charity system of the city.4) She is

6、in charge of the second section in _ programs on the country life.A. series of B. a series C. a series of D. series答案与解析 1)答案是B。意为“告诉”。2)答案是A。it是说的内容。3)答案是in connection with。4)答案是C。a series of programs 意为系列节目。2. Tina (not her real name)-aged 14 Tina(化名) 14岁语音讲解:aged是形容词,意为有岁。aged还有年老的意思。讲解1:aged是形容词

7、,意为有岁。例句:1) My son is aged 10 years. 我儿子10岁了。相当于My son is 10 years old.2) They were a middle-aged couple. 他们是一对中年夫妇。注意与at the age of 的区别,例句:1) I was aged six when I began school. 与2) At the age of six I began school. 意思相同,即:我六岁开始上学。讲解2:aged 另一种意思为年老的。例句:1) This is the home for the aged. 这儿是老年人之家。2)

8、I take good care of my aged grandmother. 我精心照顾我年老的祖母。推荐精选练一练:1) Kama, _ eleven, is one of the girls I am teaching.A. age B. at the age of C. with the age D. aged2) The _ woman was wrinkled and bent.A. aged B. at the age C. with ages D. ages3) He was aged thirty when he started his career of being a

9、CEO.(保持原句意思)_ _ _ _ thirty he started his career of being a CEO.答案与解析1)答案是D。此插入语相当于who is eleven (years old)。句意:卡玛,十一岁,是我所教女孩中的一个。2)答案是A。aged 就是old。句意:这位老妇人满脸皱纹,弯腰驼背。3)答案是At the age of ,意为在岁的时候。3. After all, housework is the job of the parents, isnt it? 毕竟,家务活是家长们的事,不是吗?语音讲解:after all意为毕竟,到底,容易混淆的短语

10、还有in all(总共),notat all(一点也不),above all(首先,特别是)。例句:1) Lily doesnt like to be noticed by others at all. After all , she is a pretty shy girl. Lily一点儿也不喜欢被人注意,毕竟,她是个很害羞的女孩。2) There are 39 girls in my class in all, no boys at all! 我班上共有39名女生,一个男生都没有! in all相当于altogether3) Children need many things, but

11、above all they need love.孩子们需要很多东西,但首先他们需要爱。练一练:1) Bob thought he would not be able to go to the party because he had too mush homework, buthe went _.A. after all B. in all C. altogether D. at all2) I enjoyed all the school subjects, but history _ !推荐精选A. after all B. in all C. above all D. at all答案

12、与解析1)答案是A。句意:鲍勃有太多的回家作业,他以为不能去参加晚会了,但他到底还是去了。2)答案是C。句意:我喜欢学校里所有的学科,但历史是首位的。but history above all相当于especially history.4. They buy all the latest fashions for me, and I just throw away the old ones. 他们给我买所有最新的时装,而我就把旧的扔了。语音讲解:latest是late的最高级的一种,意为最新的,最近的。late最高级的另一种形式是last。讲解1:latest是late的最高级的一种,意为最新

13、的,最近的。例句:1) This is the latest issue of the magazine.这是最新一期的杂志。2) They had equipped the office with the latest business machines.他们给办公室装备了最新式的商业机器。lately是副词,意为最近,一般和完成时连用。例句:What have you done lately? 你最近做了什么?讲解2:late最高级的另一种形式是last,意为最后的,上一个。例句:1) He was the last person to leave.他是最后一个离开的人。2) She ar

14、rived safely last week. 她上周安全抵达。练一练:1) _ I have read a lot of English novels.A. Latest B. Lately C. Last D. Lastly2) She wanted the _ news about the air crash.A. Latest B. Lately C. Last D. Lastly3) He has worked in the school in the _ years.A. latest B. last C. lately D. lastly推荐精选答案与解析 1)答案是B。句意:最

15、近我读了很多英语小说。2)答案是A。句意:她想要空难的最新消息。lastly是在列举中最后一点的意思。3)答案是B。in the last few years意为最近几年来,多与完成时连用。5. In fact, my parents give me most of the things that I ask for.事实上,我父母会答应我大部分的要求。语音讲解:ask for是要求得到,ask sb. for sth.是向某人要求得到某物。ask after 是问候,ask about 是问起,打听。讲解1:ask for是要求得到,ask sb. for sth.是向某人要求得到某物。例句

16、:1) Are you asking for trouble? 你想找麻烦?2) He asked her for her phone number. 他问她要电话号码。讲解2:ask after 是问候,ask about 是问起。例句:1) They all asked after you. 他们都问候你。2) Id like to ask you about something.我想跟你打听件事。练一练:1) My mother _ you, and she hopes everything is OK with you.A. asks after B. asks about C. as

17、ks for D. asks 2) The police is _ the support from the public.A. asking after B. asking for C. asked about D. asked for答案与解析 1)答案是A。句意:我母亲问候你,她祝你一切都好。2)答案是B。句意:警方呼吁公众的支持。6. They say I have to learn to look after my money and live within a budget.他们说我得学会理财,花钱要在预算范围内。语音讲解:within 是在范围内。讲解:within 是在范围内。例句:1) They are within shouting distance. 他们在射程范围内。2) Ill be back within an hour. 我一小时之内回来。推荐精选3) The farmhouse was within five miles from here. 农舍离此不足五英里。练一练:中译英:1) 在生活上我们要努力做到量入为出。 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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