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1、Module 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity1. Warming up Look at the map of the USA with your group. Write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can.Ocean on the east coast _ Atlantic OceanOcean on the west cost _ Pacific OceanCountry to the north of USA _ CanadaCountry to the south of USA

2、 _ MexicoMountains range in the west _ Rocky MountainsGreat Lakes : _ Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and OntarioLongest river in the USA _ Mississippi RiverSome important cities:_ New York, Washington D C, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans2.Pre-reading Ask Ss to illustrate something

3、about California. Then let them discuss in groups what each picture means.Suggested Answers:Picture 1: Life of Native Californian IndiansPicture 2: A Californian gold miner around 1849Picture 3: A traditional Chinese building in San Franciscos Chinatown21世纪教育网Picture 4: Native AmericanPicture 5: A S

4、panish monkPicture 6: African AmericansMore information:Picture 1: A native American Indian one of the first people to live in California.Picture 2: A gold miner the discovery of gold in California created a gold rush which brought people from all over the world to California.Picture 3: A building i

5、n Chinatown, San Francisco many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live in Chinatown in San Francisco.Picture 5: It shows us a Catholic religious man who came to California to teach the natives. 推荐精选In the early 16th century, Spanish fought against the native people, took their land

6、 and settled in California.Picture 6: So many African Americans were having classes in the school. In 1924, the United States Congress gave Native Americans the same rights as other citizens for the first time. School segregation and discrimination in housing were banned, but African Americans still

7、 encountered prejudice and hostility.3. Skimming: answer the following questions:1) Who were the first to arrive in California to rush for gold? South Americans and people from the United States.2) When and why did the large number of Chinese immigrate to California?During the gold rush period, many

8、 Chinese immigrated to California to achieve their dream of becoming rich, and in the 1860s, a large number of Chinese went there to build the railway from the west to east coast.21世纪教育网3) What attracted people from different parts of the world to immigrate to California?The temperate climate, the m

9、odern lifestyle and its diverse cultures attracted immigrates to California.4.Intensive reading Ask Ss to take the quiz below and according to the questions; see whether Ss can grasp the details of the text. ( A B C B D) What does the text mainly talk about? A. The history of California. B. The larg

10、e population of California. C. The people of California. D. The climate and lifestyle of California. How did California become a state of America? A. Mexico gained independence from Spain.B. Mexico lost the America-Mexico war and then gave it to the USA. C. Spain lost the Spain-America war. D. Spain

11、 gave it to the USA as a gift.推荐精选 Which of the following statements is not true? A. A lot of people became rich in the gold rush. B. Most people died in the gold rush. C. After the gold rush, most people settled in California although did not find gold. D. The first to arrive in California for gold

12、 were Europeans. Whats the main reason that Chinese immigrants came to California? A. For gold. B. For the building of the railway. C. To open restaurants. D. To live in the Chinatown. Why has California attracted so many people? A. Gold was discovered here. B. It has attractive climate and lifestyl

13、e. C. Many people came here to make a fortune. D. All of the above. 5.TF(T:1,3,5,6,8,9,10: F:2,4,7)1. California is the third largest state in USA but has the largest population.2. Its known that when exactly the first people arrived in what we now know as California.3. The native people suffered gr

14、eatly after the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century.4. Over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first language.5. In the 1800s, Russian fur trappers, began settling in California.6. A lot of people rushing for gold lost their lives or went back home, but most of them left in California to ma

15、ke a living for themselves in the new towns or on farms.7. Compared with the period of gold rush, less Chinese immigrate to California during the period of building the railway from the west to the east coast.8. By the 1920s, the film industry was well established in California.9. It is the computer

16、 industry since its beginning in 1970s that has attracted Indians and Pakistanis to California.10. With more immigrants coming to California now and then, It is believed that before long there will be a even greater mix of nationalities in this state.6.Detailed reading try to fill in the form, you c

17、an have a discussion in group of four.推荐精选CALIFORNIAStagePeopleTimeEventNative AmericansAsians21世纪教育网15,000来源:21世纪教育网21世纪教育网Arrived firstNatives1600sSuffered by EuropeansSpanishSpanish1600sTook natives land1800sRuled by Spain1821Became part of Mexico1846Declared war & Given backRussiansRussians1

18、800sSettled inGold minersSouth AmericansAmericans,Europeans, Asians1848Discovered &Rush for gold1850Became a stateLater arrivalsAfricans1800sMoved from MexicoChinese1860sBuilt the railwayJapaneseEarly 1900FarmedDemark1911Established a townJewishBy 1920sDeveloped industryItaliansLate 1900sFished and made wineAfricans19421945Worked in ship & aircraft industriesRecentArrivalsIndians, Pakistanis1970sWorked in Computer industry推荐精选Cambodians, Koreans,Vietnamese, LaotiansRecentdecadesImmigratedFutureDifferent partsFutureImmigrated (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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