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1、输出假设理论文献综述Zhejiang uexiuUniversity ofForeign Languages文献综述(2016 届)输出假设理论在初中英语口语教学中的应用学 院英语学院英语学生姓名指导教师英语1208班0307120828吕银燕徐华2015年12月28日Literature Review1. In troduct ion1.1 Backgro und of the sec ond Ian guage acquisiti onSecond Ianguage acquisition research was formed in the late 1960s, early 1970s

2、, so far, more than thirty years of history. And in recent years, the research of the second Ianguage acquisiti on has bee n deeply studied. There are mainly two kinds of factors affect ing sec ond Ian guage acquisiti on: the outer factor and the inner factor. The former mainly in cludes two aspects

3、: one is the social en vir onment, the other is the Ian guage in put and in teractive en vir onment which relates to the one ' cultural backgro und, social status and so on. The n the inner factors can be divided in to several parts which in clude Ian guage tran sfer, theory of Ianguage acquisit

4、ion mechanism, Ianguage universality research and Ianguage monitoring mode, etc. And simply to say, the inner factors are related to the learner' attitudes, pers on alities, cog nitive ability, etc. Among these factors, in put is one of the most importa nt factors in flue ncing SLA, just as Gass

5、 (1997:1)said:“without in put no in dividualcan lear n a sec ond Ian guage.' In the past two decades, in put theory has attracted wide atte nti on, and foreig n Ian guage teach ing researchers have main ly focused their atte nti on on the in put. And a series of studies such as Schuma nn' Ac

6、culturati onModel(1978),Krashe n scomprehe nsible In put Hypothesis and Gass & Ellis theories once really popular.With the in-depth study of the in put theory, some scholars have found out the drawbacks and developed two new theories: the In teract ion Hypothesis put forward by MichaelLong (1996

7、) and the Output Hypothesis put forth by MerrillSwain(1985).Outputtheory orig in ated in 1980s, it caused a new round of research upsurge, many scholars fromthe orig inal on ly atte nti on to the in put of research an d tran sfer to the com mon concern ofthe in put and output. A large nu mber of dom

8、estic and foreig n researches have proved thepositive effect of output on the second Ianguage acquisition which include listening.speak ing read ing and writ ing. With this big research backgro und is still far from eno ugh,the study should be combined with the actual situation of the domestic.2 Out

9、put Hypothesis2.1 Research AbroadThe Un ited States Souther n California Un iversity lin guistics professor, Departme nt of(1985). Defined sec ond Ian guage acquisiti on as a subc on scious process ofIanguage development very much like the process by which children acquire ther L1Learing refers to a

10、 conscious knowledge of the rules of grammar that is a product ofinstruction. He put forward The Monitor Model ”,also called “Lnguage Control Mode ”or Input Hypothesis ” which produced huge in flue nee for the process of sec ond Ian guageacquisiti on research. In the early 80s of the 20th cen tury,

11、the theory developme nt becomesthe basis for more widely known five hypotheses: Acquisition Learning hypothesis,TheNatural Hypothesis, The Mon itor Hypothesis, The In put hypothesis and The EffectiveFilter Hypothesis, of which the most importa nt is the In put Hypothesis.Krashen thinks that the only

12、 way to get a Ianguage is to accept a large amount ofcomprehe nsible in put. People's atte ntio n is focused on the in put of the in formati on itself,rather tha n the form of Ian guage. For Krashe n, appropriate in put is in put that containsstructures (lexis, morphology, syn tax, etc.) just on

13、e step bey ond the lear ners ' curre nt stageof lin guistic developme nt.One of the con diti ons of acquisiti on is that lear ners acquire a higher level of Ian guagein put tha n the curre nt level. He refers to this as i+1. Accordi ng to Krashe n (1983),lear ners can understand these unknown st

14、ructures by relying on their world knowledge, their previously acquired lin guistic kno wledge and extra-li nguistic con texts such as pictures and other visuals. Whe n lear ners receive eno ugh in put and un dersta nd it, acquisiti on is unavoidable ” and cannot be prevented ” (Krashen,1985:4).Lan

15、guage acquisiti on is achieved through liste ning comprehe nsion. Verbal expressi on is the result of Ianguage acquisition, not its cause. As long as the amount of comprehensible in put is sufficie nt, it will automatically provide the n ecessary syn tax. A Ian guage teacher does not need to explain

16、 the Ianguage structure in a natural order, because a sufficient comprehe nsible in put will automatically provide the learner with the right amount of the n ext la nguage structure and the opport unity to review the structure.2.1.3 The defects of the in put theoryKrashen made a significant contribu

17、tion to the field of SLA by understanding the importa nt role of in put in Ian guage acquisiti on. However, his views are un testable and unrealistic for application in actual classrooms. We are not be sure that how much comprehe nsible in put is optimal. This is extremely hard to in vestigate and K

18、rashe n remai ns vague on this point. Furthermore, En ter the required con text is also very difficult to achieve, most schools do not have the teach ing en vir onmentthat can meet the theory.Last, each stude nt's level of lear ning and lear ning ability is not con siste nt, a large nu mber of i

19、n put may be to some exte nt caused by the chaos of low ability stude nts, not to say that they automatically gen erate Ian guage structure2.2 Merrill Swain ' Output HypothesisIn the 1960s, Swain and Lapk in in Can adia n French immersi on teach ing of track ing study found that, in some French

20、listening and reading comprehension test, immersion students scores and age in French speaking student achievement is almost the same. However, the ability to speak and write in an immersion student is far less than the level of French speaking students. Swain 'sexplanation is that teachers only

21、 pay attention to whether the stude nts un dersta nd the content, and ignore the accuracy and appropriate ness of the expressi on of the target Ian guage. From this Swa in con cluded that comprehe nsibleIan guage in put is not the n ecessary and sufficie nt con diti on of the two Ian guage lear ning

22、, and the importa nt role of Ian guage output in the two Ian guage lear ning process cannot be igno red.2.2.2 Three fun cti ons of Output HypothesisLan guage teach ing practice, such as Can adia n French immersi on program shows that a large nu mber of comprehe nsible in puts can help improve lear n

23、ers' liste ning and readi ng ability, a large nu mber of comprehe nsible Ian guage output is helpful to the lear ner's ability to speak and write. However, i n the perspective of com muni cative compete nee, the flue ncy and accuracy of Ian guage expressi on are equally importa nt. So to ach

24、ieve the purpose of assisting the two Ianguage learning, Ianguage output must have three main functions: Triggeri ng Fun cti on, the hypothesis-test fun cti on and meta-li nguistic function.Notici ng Fun cti onWhen the learners output the target Ianguage, they cannot accurately express the meaning w

25、hich helps to realize their Ianguage learning problems and then shift to pay atte nti on to the releva nt in put con sciously to solve these problems. The role of this fun cti on is reflected in two cognitive steps: 1. learners to recognize their own Ianguage problems - cannot be expressed or wrong

26、to express 2 rely on their exist ing kno wledge or other ways such as the dictionary to solve problems. Therefore, this function helps to consolidate the existi ng kno wledge of the Ian guage, or lear n new kno wledgeHypothesis-test Fun cti onIn order to express the needs of learners, it will tempor

27、arily gen erate some vocabulary or syn tactic form, which is the Ianguage hypothesis, and through the other side of the reacti on or feedback to con firm whether the hypothesis is correct. This assumpti on will actively urge lear ners to revise their Ian guage output, thus better promote the absorpt

28、i on of Ian guage. Mackey '(2002) study has an excellent example of hypothesis testing from a learner ' perspective.The learner is reacting to an interaction episode in which she, another learner and a teacher are invo Ived. We always could hear the lear ner ask the other pers on invo Ived,

29、likeCan I say it that way? ' 6r “don 'tknow if that 'right, is it? ” Therefore, the feedback from the opposite side is meanin gful for learner because learner could be in formed of his words right or be understood. If learners were not testing hypothesizes, then changes in their output w

30、ould not be expected follow ing feedback.Meta-li nguistic FunctionThis idea orig in ates with Vygotsky 'sociocultural theory. The lear ner uses the targetIan guage to an alyze and reflect on the target Ian guage, such as form, structure, etc., whichisare output by themselves or others. Swain bel

31、ieves that language output is a cognitive tool of human beings, plays the role of the media, On the one hand, the external world internalized, on the other hand, it will be the inner psychological activities. Learner internal Ianguage and social knowledge can only highlight the advantages and defect

32、s of the content and form through the output. As Smagorinsky (1998: 172-173) says, “the process of ren deri ng thinking into speech is not simply a matter of memory retrieval, but a process through which thinking reaches a new level of articulation. ” In addition to the three major fun cti ons propo

33、sed ,Skeha n (1999) added two additi onal features: 1)develop a pers onal voice. 2)to develop discourse skills.2.3 Domestic researchdone bee n timeNot only the abroad, but more noteworthy is that our domestic scholars have considerable research on the output theory. The theory hypothesis of Swain ha

34、s criticized and inherited. China's famous linguist Wei Naixing in 1994 for the first mentioned Swain's comprehensible output. Sunyan, Wang Dawei (2003) control study of the in put and output on the developme nt of oral En glish teachi ng effect, and the in put first output sec on dary point

35、 of view. Wen Qiufang (2008) put forward the "output drive n hypothesis" on the basis of the output hypothesis of Swain (1985) to promote the realizati on of the reform of En glish major skill courses. Lu Ren shun (2002)believes that the role of Ian guage output should be paid more atte nt

36、i on in the practice of foreig n Ian guage teachi ng.Gu Qi (2009) summarized the problems that need to be improved in the research of the in put and output, and put forward the research prospects of the in put and output. Liu Yan (2010) through the comb in atio n of task based teach ing method and t

37、he sig nifica nee of the output teach ing method, a new type of teachi ng method: task based output teach ing method.2.4 Comme ntsA theory is proposed that there will always be supporters and critics. Theoretically, criticism on Comprehensible Output Hypothesis mainly comes from Krashen. Krashen (19

38、98) listed several difficulties the Comprehensible Output Hypothesis encountered: (1) output and especially comprehensible output is too scarce to make a real contribution to lin guistic compete nee; (2) high levels of lin guistic compete nce are possible without output; (3) there is no direct evide

39、nce that comprehensible output leads to Ianguage acquisition. Compared with nu merous in put Ian guage lear ners can encoun ter, the comprehe nsible output is obviously small. And if the students are pushed to produce out, they will feel uncomfortable and more anxious. All in all, foreign researcher

40、s mainly for the three fun cti ons of the study, and the scholars of our country based on the comb in atio n of teach ing practice, on this basis, put forward some new teach ing methods. Wen Qiufan g's output drive n hypothesis is un doubtedly a very good inno vati on.3 Con clusi onsOral En glis

41、h teachi ng has always bee n a key point and in put and output theory provides us with a good framework for us to explore, but in summary, we can see that both the in put and output theory has its adva ntages and limitati ons, we should to make a deeply an alyze based on the cultural backgro und and

42、 lear ning ability of the lear ners, Krashe n and Swain ' theory may does not necessarily apply to all foreign students, whether Swain or Krashen, they are studying the object of young learners. That is to say, the scientific nature of the theory still needs a lot of time to study. Nobody can as

43、sure theory must suitable for our junior high school students. Secondly, it is not important to pay attention to the theory itself, but how to apply it to the practice of oral En glish teachi ng accord ing to the output theory and the actual situati on of our coun try. This thesis will discuss how t

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