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1、1. IntroductionThis report aims to identify my personal value and goals and seek approaches to achieve personal development by understanding and managing self. The body part is divided into five main sections. The first two sections aim at better self understanding. And the three following sections

2、are discussed about how to manage myself. Personal values, vision and goals are described in the first section. In the second section, my own current attributes and areas need to be developed are analysed. Two development areas are further justified with two accordingly action plans followed. The ke

3、y findings of this report are: Firstly, personal values and the corresponding goals are the ultimate destinations individual need to move towards. Secondly, self-awareness positively related to overall happiness, vision and effectiveness. Thirdly, increase on character strengths and self-efficacy ca

4、n improve the well-being and help to achieve lifetime goals. Fourthly, by taking appropriate action plans and continuously review, personal development can actually be achieved. 2. Value and Personal Vision2.1 Personal Values and VisionShwartz (1992) defines that values are critical principles leadi

5、ng our conduct and goals. In order to gaining a comprehensive self understanding, identifying my core set of personal values is of great importance.According to the Personal Values Card Sort Exercise, it is found that my ten prioritised values are, in sequence, Pleasure, Health, Friendship, Exciteme

6、nt, Growth, Beauty, Helpfulness, Achievement and Wealth.推荐精选Pleasure, as the result, is my core value. As the explanation of the cards for sorting, pleasure means to feel good. I always seek more meaning work such as assisting others or pursuing and nurturing relationship, travelling in order to fee

7、l better. The essence of my pursuits is to enhance the physical and emotional pleasure. My second most important value is Health. I appear to give health greater concern than peers. In my view the healthy body is the fundamental of a happy, exciting life. Friendship is indispensable in my life as we

8、ll. I would like to spend my leisure time with my friends rather than stay alone. The next value is excitement. Life is too short to waste. I am always eager to experience all meaningful things around the world. Helpfulness can be my personal values as well. To give other assistance and to help them

9、 out of suffering situation is one of the obligations for every human being. In many cases, only a little help you offered for others can actually solve their big problems.Although it sounds superficial, I do care about my appearance. As a young woman, keeping physically attractive is not only to pl

10、ease people surrounding, but also, more importantly, please myself.Last but not least, the truth is nobody can live in a decent highquality life without money. Thus, to be financially successful is another thing I want in my life.Personal values are the principle which guides the goal setting. When

11、creating a vision and setting the goals, personal values should always be take into account.2.2 Vision and Lifetime GoalPersonal vision, like ones dream life, takes into account the current situation, and serves to point the direction of where we wish to go (Covey 1989). Crafting the personal vision

12、 is pivotal for individual to move towards the right destination.推荐精选The best possible self exercise (Sheldon & Lyubomirsky 2006) provides me a broad view of my personal vision. As far as I am concerned, I want to live in a happy, abundant life with my family and friends, and enjoy my work. When

13、 it comes to my lifetime goal, both professional survey result and my own opinion are taking into consideration.To describe my goal and vision, I participated in a “Life Goal” survey (Personal Lab Org 2010). Six categories of goals are identified and fall into two larger classes of life goals, terme

14、d Intrinsic and Extrinsic goals. Intrinsic goals are those can directly satisfy innate human needs. The goals of Affiliation, Community Involvement, and Self-Acceptance assessed in this survey are examples of Intrinsic Goals. Extrinsic goals are largely focused on being a worthy person in the eyes o

15、f others or being recoginised by the society. The goals of Financial Success, Social Recognition, and Attractiveness go to Extrinsic Goals (Kasser & Ryan 1996). According to the feedback, I appear to place more focus on financial success, attractiveness than the typical study participant. O

16、n the other hand, I place less attention on community involvement, Affiliation, and especially Self-Acceptance. In a nutshell, I prioritize intrinsic goals over extrinsic goals to a substantially lesser extent than others.Although the feedback comes from a professional psychological estima

17、tion, I may not hold the same view about my goals. Speaking for myself, my lifetime goal is, at the end of my life, I am able to look back on my life as meaningful and complete. Surely I would like to have sufficient amount of money for spending and successfully hide the signs of aging. However, I d

18、o care about my friends and one of my visions is to have some good friends I can count on all the time. Furthermore, I am willing to engage in a committed, enduring relationship in the 推荐精选future. Sometimes I appear fear of an intimate relationship probably because the family breakdown I experienced

19、. In terms of the career goal, frankly speaking I do not have a specific one at this moment. Ideally I want a career which can utilize my character strengths and get a sense of achievement. It also should be both interesting and challenging. I put my interests in the first place since I know few peo

20、ple can maintain good performance if they are not interested in the job and devote to the work. In light of the above, my vision and goals are set aligning with my value.2.3 Impact of self-awareness 2.31 Self-awareness and Personal Values/ GoalsThe personal vision and values are hardly to be achieve

21、d if we do not aware of our resources and gaps. Hassed (2002) argues that unwillingness to inspect ourselves is a reason for making mistakes repetitively. Lack of clear self-awareness can easily lead us to a dead end, since we are highly possible to overestimate our capability, or vice versa. Self-a

22、wareness works for everyone to perform better and obtain success (Duval and Silvia 2002). By identifying what we have, our strengths can be efficiently utilised and our gaps can be sufficiently narrowed as well. As a result, we can attain the goals and values easier. 2.32 happiness, success and effe

23、ctivenessSelf-awareness is also regarded as a necessary approach to overall happiness and effectiveness. According to the investigation did by Smith (2011), the awareness of these character strengths may make employees work as a "calling" rather than a "job", and m

24、ight increase their productivity, satisfaction with work, and happiness. 推荐精选Moreover, self-awareness can guide me to success as well. By understanding my strengths and weaknesses, I will go through a process of self-accepted, motivated and improved. These steps, eventually, will empower me to

25、a bright future. Having considered all the arguments above, self-awareness not only plays a critical role when achieving my values, it also links tightly to happiness, success and effectiveness.3. Explore the Present3.1 Current Personal AttributesTo find out my current personal attributes, I focus o

26、n analysing my character traits by using tools such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Briggs and Myers 1995) questionnaire and the VIA strengths diagnostic (Peterson and Seligman 2004). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a classification of personalities, which measures the preferences in indiv

27、iduals perception of the world and judgement (Briggs and Myers 1995). After attempting this test, I was described as the ENFP type, that is Extroversion, intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. People of this type are enthusiastic and imaginative, spontaneous and flexible (the Myers and Briggs Foundation 2

28、010). It also indicates my willingness to experience all the fascinating possibilities of life. I would love to give support to others while I need a lot of external affirmation. I can connect events and information and react very quickly. On the other hand, VIA strengths test is an acknowledgeable

29、online survey which ranks ones strengths in order. The top five strengths are relatively significant and need to make frequent use. Based on the survey result, my top five strengths are Optimism, Kindness, Perspective, 推荐精选Appreciate of beauty and Judgment. The result turns out to be in alignment wi

30、th what I perceive myself. From these tests, It can be concluded that my personal attributes are optimism, enthusiastic, perspective, generosity, curiosity, gratitude, judgment, flexibility. These attributes help me to my goals and value. For instance, my prioritised value and goal is pleasure. Sinc

31、e I appreciate the beauty of life and show strong optimism and enthusiastic, I am easy to be pleased and always feel happy. Furthermore, I am generous to others, which bring me lots of friends. I am wise and judging, which let me make right decision on work and study. I am curious to everything in t

32、he world, which push me to explore the word. To sum up, these personal attributes enable me to achieve my value and goals.3.2 Areas need to be developed Having considered my current personal attributes, there are three perspectives addressed here need to be develop. Some of my character strengths re

33、quire further develop while the weaknesses in respect of self-efficacy, and overall personal effectiveness should be redressed.3.21 Character strengthsA character strength is termed a disposition to act, desire, and feel that involves the exercise of judgment and leads to a recognizable human excell

34、ence or instance of human flourishing (Yearley 1990, p. 13).As discussed above, my character strengths such as optimal, kindness, perspective and judgment largely empower me to pursue my values. Only when I make full use of my character strengths can I achieve a better outcome. If I can further deve

35、lop the traits I possess, such as the perspective and judgment, I can succeed in my career. 推荐精选3.22 Self-efficacy Self-efficacy defines as the belief of ones own competence to exert control over things that affect their lives (Banduras 1977). Self-efficacy is proved to play a key role in self-regul

36、ation processes, both in direct impact on actions, and through impact on motivational and affective determinants (Caprara et al. 2005). According to the MBTI test, I am always seeking for affirmation from others. The result of My goal survey also demonstrates that I tend to pursue extrinsic goals wh

37、ich are largely focused on being a worthy person in the eyes of others. A conclusion can be draw from this feedbacks that I am suffering from desperate lack of self-efficacy.3.23 Overall personal effectiveness Personal effectiveness is described as the self help actions dealing with personal goals.

38、According to the result of VIA Strengths Test, the last five strengths, which might imply my potential weaknesses, are Bravery, Creativity, Diligence, Capacity to love and Self-control. It indicates that lack of self-control is my significant gap which impeding me toward my values and goals. Cove (1

39、989) presents that prioritising tasks and executing them based on the importance is one approach towards effectiveness. 4. Identify Development Opportunities4.1 Character StrengthsCharacter strengths have been described as the backbones of positive psychology (Seligman & Csikszentmihaiyi 2000).

40、Positive psychology is a branch of psychology which focus on positive human functioning. Psychologists believe that by emphasising the importance of 推荐精选character strengths, individual can achieve a happier, more effective life (Seligman & Csikszentmihaiyi 1998). Aristotle claims that happiness

41、is activity of the soul in align with ones character which makes him pleasure and work well. Positive psychology specifically emphasizes building well-being by identifying and fostering strengths of character (Peterson, 2006; Peterson & Park, 2003). Parker et al. (2

42、004) also argue that character strengths are strongly linked to fulfilment and life satisfaction. When the use of character strengths is maximised, we usually get positive experiences and close relationships with others, which in turn have important consequences in both families and workplaces. It i

43、s indicated that one of the best ways to boost overall happiness is to use character strengths in many ways, rather than focusing on the weaknesses. Peterson and Seligman (2004) also hold that the happiest people are those who have awareness of strengths and utilise them for achieving goals. Smith (

44、2011) further investigates that character strengths may increase the work satisfaction and effectiveness. It suggests that the character strengths of zest, hope, and gratitude predicted an orientation to work as a "calling". This awareness may increase productivity, satisfac

45、tion of work, happiness as well as propel to my goals and values.4.2 Self-efficacyFrom the finding of Caprara et al. (2005), when using self-efficacy as a tool to manage both positive and negative emotions, adolescents are found more confidence, disciplined and satisfied. Self-efficacy contributes t

46、o promote positive expectations about the future, to experience more positive emotions, to maintain a high self-concept, and to perceive satisfaction for the life推荐精选.5. Prepare Action Plans5.1 Action Plans for Character strengthsThe first thing is I should become more self-aware, try to understand

47、my strengths and weakness and appreciate my own value. Next, I admit that I am not working very hard on something I am not interested in. Thus, diligence is one of the strengths I need to work on. Another action I would like to take is to increase my patience and calmness. When facing the obstacles,

48、 one has strong character will not quit, neither rush, but analyse the situation with calmness and patience. Lastly, although I am kind and warm-hearted, sometimes I am lack of subtlety and insight. . Actions such as cultivating my mind with logic, exercising discernment are necessary for success.5.

49、2 Action Plans for self-efficacyA four-step action plan developed by Bandura (2000) can be use to increase self-efficacy:1) Enactive mastery experiences This means when you successfully accomplish a task, the self-efficacy will actually increase. Timidity is a stumbling block to success. So I will be choosing interesting but simple ta


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