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1、第二课吨* « * * 4 * k 1 * * Reading and o(*al)ulanrZDCH重点词汇 1.valued adj.宝贵的;有价值的;受到重视的;经估价的The friendship of the two countries was old and valued两国间的友谊历史悠久并且受到重视。 This is a watch valued at ten pounds.这是一块经估价为10英镑的表。知识拓展value1>.价值;估价;评价;价格(作“价值” 解时,强调事物的使用价值和重要性。)What is the value of your house?

2、 你的房子值多少钱?(2)Your help has been of great value. 你的帮助很有价值。20.估价;评价(强调精确的估价) value for money 货真价实He valued the ring at $ 80. 3)vt.重视;尊重;器/看重 I value your advice.我尊重你的劝告The parents valued their sons over their daughters.这对父母重男轻女。词语辨析1: value, worth质量好、用途大或更重 valueDworth都可作名词表示“价值”, value指某人、某物在与其他人或物作比

3、较 时,因其品质咼、要等原因而具有价值或实际作用;而worth 着重于人或物自身本质中的道德、文化、 精神方面的价值或优点,与实际用途或重 要性无重大关系。The old temple is of great value.那座古庙很有价值。 r I n XTC词语辨析2: valued, valuable valued原为value©珍视)的过去分词,因而扌旨“被认为有价值的”,并可以指人或物 o valuable意思是“值钱的;有价值的”;因而只能指物。简而言之,主观上 valued的事物,客观上不一定valuableo This is a valued gift though i

4、t is hardly valuable.这是件很珍贵的礼物,尽管它几乎不值什么钱。即学即用Theof theBritish pound is lessthan that 100 years ago.A worthB priceC. valueD cost(2)A bird in hand istwo in the bushA worthB worthyC valuableD priceless答案:(l)c (2)Asselosauo PUO匕 e SUHOOUI e pustd LPJnqopuote ooqos puote § 睦S(I m 电M>>puote e

5、2)照顾;护理(常与介词on或upon连用) ©There was no one to attend(on)him but his sistec只有他的姐姐一人照料他。111:He has two nurses to attend(on)him.有两个护士看护他。 3)attend注意照顾出席参加注意:attend的这种用法相当于look after/take care of/see to。词语辨析1: attend, join, join in, take part in这组词都是“参加”的意思。其区别是: 1) at tend用来表示"出席;参加”会议、讲 座、婚礼、听

6、报告等。 How many people will attend the meeting?将有多少人参加这次会议? 2)join表示参加某一团体,并作为其中一个成员,如:入党、入团和参军等;如果 后接人,则表示参加某人的活动。; ©She joined the army last year.她去年参的军。;Will you join us?;你参加我们的活动,好吗? :|; 3)join in多指参加比赛或活动,参加竞赛、娱乐、游戏、谈话等某项具体活动,常 田千至 右in旦亩】至 4)join.in中的join为及物动词,须接人称 代词作宾语。in后接表示某项活动的名词 或动名词,意

7、为“和一起”。 Will you join us in playing basketball now?现在和我们一起打篮球好吗?; 5)take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等, 重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动 中发挥作用;part前有修饰语时,要用不 定冠词a/an。 ©Well take part in social activities during the summer vacation. ©Lincoln took an active part in politics and was strongly against slavery.林肯积极参加政治

8、活动,强烈反对奴隶制词语辨析2:attend, take care of该组词都含有“关心;照顾”之意。Dattend强调全心全意地去“关心;照顾” ;常和to, on连用。Nurses attended to the wounded. 护士照顾伤员。2)take care of强调要付出爱心。 Take care of your books.爱护你的书籍。(2)Eyes must be taken good care of.高考链接 (2010 江苏 )Thousands of foreignerswereto the Shanghai World Expothe day it opened

9、. A. attendedB attained C. attractedD. attached-解析:句意:在上海世博会开幕的当天,数以千计的外国人被吸引过来。本题考查 词意辨析。A项表示“处理,料理;看护 ,照料” ;:B项表示“实现;获得;达到 ” ;C项表示“被吸引” ;D项表示“系 ,附” ;be attached to还可以表示“喜欢-即学即用 As far as I studentsknow, the number of the Professor Smith's lecture isgradually growing. A attend C joinBattendingD

10、. joining答案:B 3 average 1>. C, U平均;平均数;一般水平;平 均标准The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6. 4、5、9的平均数是6。 (2) The temperature has been above the average recently.近来的气温一直比平均温度高。 2)坳.平均的;普遍的;平常的The average age of the students is 19.学生的平均年龄是19岁。3)©.从得岀平均数;均分;平均为 ©If you average 9 and 5, you get 7.把9加5

11、加和取平均数,得7。; The rainfall averages 800 mm a year.每年降雨量平均为800毫米。知识拓展一般水平以 above/below average 上似下平均地 be well up to the average 完全达到一般 zK 平 on average take/work out an average 算出平均数 with an average of 平均为 average out(at sth.)达到(某事物的)平均数高考链接 (2010 江西)Last year the number of students who graduated with a

12、 driving licence reached 200,000, a(n)of 40,000 per year.averageB. number C amountD. quantity解析:句意:去年拿到驾照的学员数量达 到了 20万,平均每年4万。an average of. “的平均数” 。a number of “许多,大量” ;an amount of "许多,大量” ;a quantity of “ 许多,大量”。处玄.A即学即用 What's the_ your country. A. common C. equal答案:B_rainfall for Augus

13、t inB averageD most 4 score 1)"得分;记分 Mary scored the highest mark on the exam.玛丽在考试中得了最高分。She scored 120 in the IQ test.她在智商测验中得了 120分。 (3)Our P E. teacher scored the basketball game.我们体育老师计算篮球比赛的比分。2)/(游戏、比赛、考试的)得分;评分 The score in the football pame was 41 3>.二十(单复数相同) three score 六十;four sc

14、ore 八十 A score or more were present at the party. 二十或二十多人参加了聚会。知识拓展 score, dozen前有具体数i司或some,several等词时,不用复数;其复数形式后接of短 语时,则表“许多”,是概数;有“数词 + score of +名词”结构;但dozen不能接 of,女口: three score of eggs, two dozen eggsTheie's about three score of people in the room.房间里大约有60个人。 (2)Scores of years ago, the

15、 land was covered bv trees.即学即用 Ifd like to buy many,doubt if I could A. scores of; afford B. score; afford C. score of; offer D. score; offer-答案:Bpencils, but I them. 5. rescue 1)0.营救;援救;抢救 He rescued a child from drowning. 他救起了一名落水儿童。 They were eventually rescued by helicopter.他们最后被直升飞机救走了。 You re

16、scued me from an embarrassing situation.我感到尴尬,你为我解了围。2).援救;营救;抢救;营救行动All the people in the burning building are waiting for rescue.着火的大楼里所有的人都在等待救援。1 They are performing an attempt of a rescue.他们正在进行营救活动。知识拓展 rescue sb. from danger 险 come to sb.'s rescue 救营救某人脱进行援 search and rescue探索和营救 The poli

17、cemen came to his rescue in time. 警察及时赶来营救他。即学即用 We came to his of the river. A. relief B rescue C- save D life答案:Band pulled him out 6. various adj.不同的;各种各样的( = all kinds of) There are various colors to choose from.有各种各样的颜色可供选择。知识拓展 vary v. variously adv. variety n.变化;不同 不同地多样化;变化;种类词语辨析 various, d

18、ifferent在意义上,various=a number of different.,因而在搭配上various后总接复数名词。 The minister gave various reasons( = a number of different reasons)for the government decision. This time the minister gave different reasons( =not the same as last time)for the government decision.-即学即用 More and more people choose to

19、 shop in asupermarket as it offers a greatofgoods. A. variety B - mixture C extension D. combination答案:A 7. entire adj.整个的;全部的;完整的; 完全的 We spent the entire day on the beach. 我们在海水浴场玩了一整天。 I was in entire ignorance of the matter. 我完全不知道那件事情。知识拓展entirely adv. 地entirety n.全部地;完全地;彻底全部;完全;整体词语辨析 entire,

20、 whole, total, complete l)entire完整的;全部的;不含“分割,切 断,破坏等意,而指所述整体(表示的是 整体概念)。 2)whole完全;全部;强调完整性,整体性 3)total完全的;总计的;指数量程度的全部。 4)complete Z 立足,完纟吉,满;完整;指各部分完整, 无可复加。 ®He was in entire ignorance of what had happened.他全然不知道发生了什么事情。;1; (I) Brown devoted his whole life to the research work.布朗把他的一生都献给了研究

21、工作。;Out total output in 2009 is the largest in the history of the factory 我们2009年的总产量是工厂历史上最高的This trade talk is a complete success.-即学即用 (l)She devoted herselfto herresearch and it earned her a good reputation in her field. A. stronglyB. extremely C- entirelyD. freely (2)Broadly speaking, I would a

22、gree withShirley, though not. A- widelyB. thoroughly C- entirelyD. extensively答案:(1)C (2)C 8. deserve vt.值得;应受;应该得到(常 与to连用,不用于进行时)These people deserve our help.这些人值得我们帮助。He richly deserves the Nobel Prize! 他得诺贝尔奖当之无魂! They didn't deserve to win. 他们不该赢。He deserved to be punished. 他应该受惩罚。-即学即用完成句

23、子 这本科幻小说值得再读一遍。 This fiction story a second time.答案:deserves to be wad(deseTve后接doing 或名词,主动式表示被动意义,等于接动 词不定式的被动语态。)ZDDY重点短语 1 in the history of 在历史上That is a situation unprecedented in the history of the school.这是该校有史以来未曾出现过的情况。 That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature.那个时

24、期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。历史上古代史 近代史 载入史册知识拓展 history常用词组: in historyancient history modern history go down to historymake history创造历史,做出永垂史册的事业-即学即用完成句子 英语发展过程中有很多变革。 There have been many changesthe English language.答案:in the history of 2grow up成长;长大 New cities grow up into desert.新的城市在沙漠中崛起。 (2) Trading settl

25、ements grew up along the river.河的两岸兴起了一些贸易区。 (3)What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大以后想当什么(指职业)?A child has the right to grow up in a healthful, caring environment.知识拓展gTOW相关词组: grow away from grow down grow from grow into验grow on/upon grow out终止同的亲密关系变小;减小由长大;发展起来成长为;变得成熟有经加深对影响;引起爱好 发牙-即学即用

26、 I feel I don't know her any more. She's the family. A. grown up B. grown out of C. grown out D. grown away from答案:D 3at one point 度;曾经;在某个时刻( 其中的point扌旨“时刻,瞬间,阶段”)At one point I thought she was going to refuse, but in the end she agreed.当时我以为她要拒绝,但最后她却同意了 (2)1 remembered at one point she ha

27、d gone to that empty room.-我记得她曾经去过那座空房子。At one point I used to go skiing every winter.知识拓展at this point at some point到这种时候在某个阶段point at/to point out 从句) at all points to the point to the point ofbeside the point指向指出(后跟名、代词或on the point of doing sth.就要做某事之时节在各方面;充分地中肯;扼要到达的程度离题;不中肯咼考链扌旻 (2008 辽宁)1 l

28、ike Mr. Miner1 s speech; it wasclear and_the point. A. atB. on C. toD. of解析:考查介词。to the point “简明恰当 ;简洁中肯”。在此意为:该报告非常清 楚厄要。答案:C-即学即用 I maythat if we don't leave now weshall miss the bus. A. point to B point out C point at D point for答案:BNDJX难点解析 1. Michael Jordan was the second player to score m

29、ore than 3,000 points in a season.迈克尔乔丹是一个赛季中得分超过3000 分的第二人。此处是to score.不定式短语作定语,修饰 playero在英语中,名词前若有序数词、 形容词最高级,the only, the last等词时, 其后通常用不定式作定语:He is always the first to come and the last to leave.他总是第一个到,最后一个走。高考链接 The last onepays the meal. Agreed! A arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D arriving解

30、析:本题考查了不定式作定语的用法。 当名词、代词前若有序数词修饰时,常用 不定式作定语。答案:c He was the first runnerthe finishingline. A. to reach B. reached C reaching D. have reached答案:A 2. But there is no doubt that he deserves the title''outstanding player of his generation/z但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员 ”这一称号。 There is no doubt that.是固定句型,t

31、hat 引 导同位语从句,表示“毫无疑问”, 其中的no也可换成little等否定结构。 There is no doubt that Americans are deep in love with the computer.毫无疑问,美国人已深深爱上了电脑。另夕卜,There is no doubt后也可接about/of+ 名词,也可变成I have no doubt that/about/of+: ©There is no doubt about his success.毫无疑问他会成功。; ©There is no doubt of his success.毫无疑问

32、,他一定会成功。;:; ®I have no doubt that he will pass the examination.我确信他会通过考试。知识拓展 l)beyond/without doubt无疑地;必定 in doubt怀疑;未确定 no doubt无疑地;很可能 2)doubt用作动词时,肯定形式后多用 whether或if引导宾语从句,否定形式后只 能用that。I doubt whether(if)he will keep his word.我怀疑他是否会遵守诺言。I don't doubt that our team will win.我们队会获胜是没有疑问的。-即学即用that there is noAIDS will be Some researchers believedoubta cure forfound. A. which B what C that D. whether答案:cKHQHZY课后强化作业


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