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1、2003 专业技能比赛教学案例 灌云县实验小学:宋毅一、教学内容:对话A:Good morning, Miss White!B:Good morning, Mr Green.A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you.And how are you?A:Very well,thanks. 字母“ Jj”二、教学目标1、三会掌握对话内容。2、四会掌握字母 Jj3、学唱歌曲“ Hello,how are you? ”三、教学重点1、正确自如运用“ How are you?”及其应答“ Fine,thank you”“ Very well,thanks 。”2、听说读写字母 Jj四

2、、教学难点1、Very well 的正确读音2、Jj 的读音及书写规范3、“Fine,thank you.Very well,thanks 的灵活”运用五、课前准备1、教具准备:录音机、磁带、头饰、卡片、图片。2、教学准备:学生准备好抄写本3、板书准备:对话内容及四线格六、教学过程A:Warming up1、Sing a song “ Hi,Nan以cy歌”曲(烘托气氛 )2、Divide the class into four groups.(分组 )B:Organization1、greetings2、Free talk.(师生对话,学生对话 )Review dialogue in Uni

3、t 1 and Unit 2C.RevisionRevise the letters“ A B C D E F G H ”1、Sing “A B C ”Song2、Play a “guess ” gameWhat is it? A? B? (猜对的同学台前操作以动物图片鼓励,并一起 说出该动物名称,复习动物类单词 )、 Play a “ Make friends 大小”写 g字am母e配.(对子 ) .Learn letter“ Jj ”1、Show a picture of Zhu Bajie and ask: What' s your name?Get a student toan

4、swer: I ' m Zhu Bajie.Then play the tape for the students to listen and repeat “ Jj ”2、Write the letter Jj on the Bb.Then get four students to write it on the Bb.The others write it in their own copy books.(强调小写字母 j 的笔顺 )3、Fine out: which letters have the same sound as 加星鼓励 )“ (AJ ”H (J) E.Learn

5、 the dialague1、教师戴上头饰扮演 Miss white and say: Good morning. Boys and girls.I ' mMiss white. Nice to meet you. 并与学生挥手致意,然后走出教室挥手说: Goodbye.然后再走进教室说: “ How are you? Boys and girls 并帮助”回答: Fine,thank you.然后与同学一一握手说: “How are you?”直到学生能够熟 练说出:“ Fine,thank you”2、 Sing a song “ Hello,how are you”两(个学生台前

6、领唱,分别扮演 iss White, Mr Green.先合唱,然后男女生对话 )3、Play the tape and find out:“ Who is the woman?When?morning or afternoon?”(画图帮助理解 )、 Listen and repeat. Repea“t. Very well,thanks”several times.5、Read and act in groups.男( 女生分角色认读,表演 )6、Practise the dialogue in pairs.先( 自由对话,然后台前表演并加星鼓励 )7、Play a game“. Chai

7、n drills ”(传话比赛 )A:How are you?B:Fine, thank you.Very well,thanks.: (转身 )How are you? C:Fine, thank you.Very well, thanks. D: F、HomeworkDialogue with each other and copy the letters.H: Blackboard designingJj J jDialogue(略)教后反思:、本课有字母教学, 有对话教学, 教师应把握好重难点及训练的密度和 灵活性。 Very well, thanks 为教学重点应着重操练 、由于课前准备不充分及没有很好组织好学生, 课堂没能充分调动学生 的学习积极性,对话教学的导入,由于学生已经会说: How are you?及其 应答: Fine, thank you.故省略,但由于字母练习时间偏长,其中部分步骤 省略,故对话操练不够,重点没把握好。3、若先教对话,后教字母,效果可能更好些。4、教学中,由于黑板上已出示对话内容,忽视了对句型的认读,应该说 是严重失误。


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