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1、流程改进顾问职位描述文件职位识别信息职位名称Process Consultant所属部门Con tact Cen ter职位编号所在城市工作地点Con tact Cen ter出差要求无偶尔经常常驻版本号V1.0生效日期工作网络关系直接上级职位Manager, Quality Assurance汇报职位直接下级职位人员 管理 权限薪酬无建议权决定权直接下级人数绩效无建议权决定权直接管辖团队配 备无建议权决定权业务指导职位Sr. VP, Con tact Cen ter; Gen eral Man agers of other departme nts对职位产生影 响的外部机构受到职位影 响的外

2、部机 构任职资格教育程度Graduate专业方向operation research, statistic or mathematics工作经验? 1 year or above in CustomerCare or Call CentreOperation experience行业经验培训经历管理技能? Control? Planning? Delegation? Coordination专业技能? Logistics management & operati on preferably in PRC travel in dustry通用技能? Communication? Lead

3、ership and people man ageme nt职位目的与职责职位目的(存在 的理由,限制和 目标)To desig n en d-to-e nd bus in ess and operati on processes in an effective and efficie nt way to support efficie nt operatio ns of the con tact cen ter as well as various bus in ess lines of the compa ny as a whole.职责范围(名称、定义、该职责所要达到的结果/目标)责任级

4、别(全部/ 部分/协 助)衡量标准(数量、质量)业务类Operatio nal level? To develop and adopt advaneed process mapp ing model for sake to enhance the process developme nt effective ness.? To recommend and consistently review KPI and service metrics in order to en sure its appropriate ness and alig n with bus in ess objective

5、s.? To work with others departments for identification of any process flaws and en sure the Non-value-added process being elim in ated.? To monitor process performanee and recomme nd actions to improve process effective nessAll? KPIs for operation processe design? Internal customer satisfact ion? External customer satisfact ion? Staff attrition


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