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1、优质文档2019-2020学年八年级英语下册期末测试卷(全卷共九个大题满分:150分考试时间120分钟)注意事项:1.试题的答案书写在答题卡(卷)上,不得在试卷上直接作答2 .作答前认真阅读答题卡(卷)上的注意事项。3 .考试结来,由监考人员将试题和答题卡(卷)一并收回 第I卷(共95分)I.听力测试(共20小题,每小题1.5分。共30分)听句子,选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。3 / 15B. Of course not, go ahead.B. Never mind.B. Well done.对话读两遍。7. Who is good at cooking?A. Kathy.B. Jenny.

2、B. I'm lucky.B. I need two pairs.B. Good luck!C. It doesn't matterC. Mike.1. A. It's my pleasure.2. A. Enjoy yourselves.3. A. What a pity.4. A. I don't think so.5. A. They look nice.6. A. Why not?第二节对话理解听对话,选择正确答案.C. Yes, a little pleaseC. See you later.C. Congratulations.C. It's

3、 so exciting.C. Ten dollars.8. What should the boy do when he enters Yokio's house?A. Sit down on the floor. B. Take off his shoes. C. Knock at the door.9. What will the weather be like?A. Rainy.B. Windy.C. Sunny.10. What's wrong with Kate?A. She had a cold.B. She lost something. C. She got

4、hurt.11. What will the boy do this Saturday?A. Go to a party.B. See a film.C. Prepare for an English test.12. What's the doctor's suggestion?A. Having more sleep.B. Eating more fruit.C. Having a holiday.第三节听长对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。听第一段对话,完成第13-14小题。13. What's Ann going to do this weekend?A. Go

5、camping.B. Climb mountains. C. Prepare for an exam.14. What is the boy's advice for Ann?A. To keep up with her friends.B. To make a good plan.C. To eat more food.听第二段对话,完成第15-17小题。15. Why does Mike have to cook this evening?A. Because he likes cooking very much.B. Because he wants to cook someth

6、ing for his parents.C. Because his parents are not at home. 16. Who usually cooks in Mike's family?A. Mike's mother.B. Mike's father.17. What will Mike cook this evening?A. Noodles.B. Dumplings.第四节 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。18. When did the girl make her first snowman?A. At 6.B. At 16.19. Who did

7、 the snowman look like?A. Fat.B. Zhu Bajie.20. Where did they play?A. In the hill.B. In the yard.C. Mike's sister.C. Fried rice.C. At5.C. Funny.C. In the field.n.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑21. Jane couldn't gelticket to Amazing China.What a pity! Amazing Ch

8、ina is one of most popular films.A. an; theB. a; theC. the; aD. an;a22. -Where is the pay phone? It's the bus station, and you can go there on foot.A. awayB. betweenC. throughD. beside2 / 1523. Don't make too much here. They' re having a meeting.A. soundB. NoiseC. voiceD. shout24. My mom

9、 must cook fish in the kitchen, because it very nice.A. tastesB. looksC. smellsD. feels25. - I go to the concert with Ann tonight, Dad? -Sure, but you must finish your homework first.A. CouldB. W川C. NeedD. Should26. -Bill felt sad because he did badly in the football match yesterday. I'm sorry t

10、o hear that. Let's go and.A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him27. It takes me less than 4 hours a high-speed rail from Xi' an to Chengdu.A. takesB. to takeC. takeD. taking28. How clever Jack is!Yes. Though he's only five, he can the difficult math problem.A. wo

11、rk outB. carry outC. go out.D. look out29. Are you going to have a job during the summer vacation?Yes. I shouldn't always my parents.A. fight againstB. go acrossC. hear fromD. depend on30. Mike is a careful student and he does in the exam in his class.A. goodB. the wellC. better.D. the best31. T

12、his bus ispeople. We have to wait for the next one.A. full ofB. fond ofC. close toD. good for32. I'm not surethe singer comes to our food festival or not.A. thatB. thoughC. asD. whether33. My pen pal will give me a call as soon as hea letter from me.A. receivedB. will receiveC. receivesD. is rec

13、eiving34. This piece of music issweetmy mother likes it very much.A. such; thatB. so; thatC. too; toD. very; that35. Excuse me, could you tell me?There, in the bank.优质文档A. where I can change moneyB. how I can get to the bankC. if is there a bank near hereD. where is the bankm.完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)根据短文

14、内容,从A、B、C、D四个 选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答 题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Do you feel like you worry too much about every little thing? Are you _36_ that you don't live a happy life?The _37_ people take things one day at a time. They teach themselves38_ to stop worrying.They also teach themselves to keep calm and _

15、39_ in the face of life's little ups and downs.How can you stop worrying? You should make aan) _40_ today. If you always _41_ problems that happened in the past, you will feel down. You should decide to forgive and _42_ anybody who has hurt you in any way. Think about the _43_ and where you are

16、going. Life is too short and you need to love yourself.How do you really live one day at a time? Forget the things in the past that you cannot 44_.Don't worry about what might _45_ in the future. 99%of the things that you worry about will never happen.36. A. luckyB. worriedC. gladD. proud37. A.

17、richestB. poorestC. happiestD. worst38. A. howB. whoC. whereD. when39. A. busyB. amazed C. relaxedD. bored40. A. wayB. ideaC. planD. decision41. A. run afterB. think ofC. look afterD. look up42. A. forgetB. thankC. visitD. teach43. A. monthB. dayC. futureD. world44. A. giveB.changeC. find -D. see45.

18、 A. haveB. turnC. becomeD. happenIV.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选 项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AEric was walking along the road of the countryside with his dad when he saw the tortoise(乌龟).He touched it. The tortoise stopped moving and retractedffi) its head and legs to the shell (壳).Eric became

19、 angry. He used a stick and tried to force its head and legs to come out.His dad saw this. He stopped him and said, "Son, you won't get it open with a stick."Eric was surprised and asked,“ Why? ”“ Just wait and see, "his dad answeredien to protect the tortoise, he put it in a bag

20、and took it back home.After getting home, the dad put it near the fireplace. A few minutes later, the tortoise stretched(ffM) out its head and legs and moved a little. How exciting!“ See, "said his dadsometimes, you can't force someone to do something. But if you give him warm first, he'

21、;ll do what you want him to do."46. Eric wanted to used a stick to the tortoise.A. saveB. feedC. openD. close47. Eric's father took the tortoise home toA. put it on the fireplaceB. protect itC. cook itD. throw it into the pol48. The story tells us that.A. people always want others to do som

22、ethingB. people want to change othersC. we can force people to do thingsD. we can't force people to do thingsBTeaching kids good manners is very important. It's best to do it when they are5 / 15young.Good eating manners begin with good table manners. Tell your kids that dinner time is family

23、 time. There should be no phones or text messages at the table. They can talk about family things.Kids should say" please" and" thank you" when asking for food on the table.They should not reach over(越过)other people to get food.Teach your kids not to eat with their mouths open or

24、 talk with their mouths full. If it's hard for them to understand, show them how it looks and sounds. When they see this, they'll understand. They should also eat slowly and take small bites 咬).Washing hands is important to health. When eating at a friend's house, tell your kids to thank

25、 the host. Let them put their own dishes in the sink水槽)after diner. For elder children, they can help do the dishes.49. It is best for kids to learn good table manners when they are.A. at schoolB. at homeC. youngD. at friends' houses50. What should kids NOT do if they eat in a friend's home?

26、A. Talk about family things during mealtime.B. Thank the host for the meal.C. Help the host do the dishes if they can.D. Reach over other people to get things.51. The passage may be for.A. teachers.B. studentsC. parentsD. children52. What is the main idea of the passage?A. What we should do to eat h

27、appily.B. Teaching kids about good manners.C. Asking kids to do some housework.D. Asking kids not to use phones.COn December 3rd, 2017 a program by CCTV called National Treasure 国家宝 藏)was shown to people all over the country. It became popular with both the old and the young as soon as it came out.优

28、质文档of the relics.The show took 27 pieces of cultural relics (文物)from nine museums across the country, such as the Palace Museum, Shanghai Museum, Shanxi History Museum and so on. The show expected to bring life to the national treasure. They invited 27 actors and another 27 common people to tell the

29、" old and new life stories ”actor acted in a short play about the history of each relic. The other person told his or her own story in relation to the relic.More and more people are interested not only in the relics themselves, but also in enjoying the stories behind those relics. There are a l

30、ot of jokes online about the show. They also help the show by bringing the museums and relics closer to the people.Why did the show become so successful? "By telling stories and inviting famous stars, it has turned the old culture into interesting stories. It's a really creative program, &q

31、uot;said Yin Hongru, a teacher from Tsinghua University."The social value (社会价值) of the show is more important than anything else, "said Yu Lei from the program. "We just want more people to go to the museums and take a look at the country's most fantastic treasures."53. The

32、underlined word" program" means“" in Chinese.A.节目B.策划C.频道D.工程54. What did the actors do in the TV show?A. They told their personal stories in relation to the relics.B. They made people laugh by telling funny jokes in the program.C. They told people something interesting about the muse

33、ums.D. They played a role in a short play about the history of the relics. 55. How can we describe the TV show?A. Educational and creative.B. Interesting but not useful.C. Popular and simple.D. Traditional and old.56. The social value of the TV show is to.A. make the stars know about the history of

34、the relicsB. make more people have interest in cultural relicsC. turn the old culture into interesting storiesD. take more treasures in the museums to the TV program7 / 15DDNA is the whole “ map” of the human body. It is something that all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the re

35、ason that we look like our parents, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things calld “ genes(基因)in our body. In

36、 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that genes are really messages. They're written in the DNA with a special language.In 1961, another two scientists found the first" word" that they could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell (细胞)to build its par

37、ts. So far, scientists have found all the words in the DNA map, but we still don't understand what they all do. By understanding what just one“ word ” means, we can help to savepeople from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors will be able to do.Most people hope that thi

38、s can help to make better medicine to help sick people.Other people worry that when we learn more“ word ” and find out more information,we will use it in the wrong way. Just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people getting jobs.57. Watson and Crick found in 1953.A. all the words in the DN

39、A mapB. small things called “ genes " in our bodyC. genes are written in the DNA with a special languageD. the first" word" they could understand in that language58. If we understand more" words" in the DNA map, we can help sick people.A. get jobsB. get better medicineC. in

40、the wrong wayD. in an attractive way59. What do people think about this research about DNA?A. It can be only bad.B. It can be only good.C. It can be good and bad.D. It can be good but won't come true.8 / 15优质文档60. If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?(-Para.

41、(自然段)1=Para. 23)=Para. 3©-Para. 4)A.; B.;: C.; D.;V. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A: Hi, Jane! How is your life in the new school?B: I don't like the school life here.A: _61_I remember you said you enjoyed yourself there.B: Everything could change. I don

42、't feel comfortable about the new school rules.A: _62_B: We aren't allowed to go out and we're not allowed to wear our own clothes every day on weekdays.A: Really? How poor you are! _63_B: Yes. So it makes me feel bored.A: What do you think of your school uniforms?B: _64_They look ugly o

43、n me. What about your school rules?A: We also need to wear school uniforms, but we only do that on Monday or on the school important days.B: _65_If we' re allowed to design our school uniforms, many students will like to wear them.A: I agree with you, but it's impossible.A. What are the new

44、rules?B. I can't believe it!C. How lucky you are!D. I don't think the school rules are wrong.E. I can't stand them.F. You like your school uniforms, don't you?G Every day is the same, I think.第II卷(共55分)VI.任务型阅读。(第66、67、68、每小题2分,第69小题3分,共9分) 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。请将答案写在答题卡上。I grew up

45、 in a small town in Ohio, USA. There was a man, in my town named Bob. He couldn't talk clearly and didn't receive much education. So children in the town all thought he was silly and often played jokes on him.One day, when 1 met Bob, I decided to play a joke on him just like the other childr

46、en. He asked how it was going. I told him that my father lost his job, and that, we didn't have enough money to live. Seeing my friends laughing far from us, I decided to continue to play the joke. I knew he was poor, so it seemed funny when he asked me if we needed anything. I told him that we

47、didn-if we wd uld knaveenough to eat.The next morning, I went out and found a box of food outside my house. I knew it was from Bob. I looked at the small box in shame(羞,愧),and wanted to return the box. My father stopped me. He said it would hurt Bob's feeling.From that day on, when we had dinner

48、, I would think of the small box. Bob gave me the best. he had and I knew that I should not have been given that gift.66. Did the writer's father lose his job?67. Why did the writer's father stop him from returning the box?68. How did the writer feel at last?69. Do you think Bob is a good person? Why or why not?VII.完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。70. It's about 4 kilometers from here to the post office.(对画线部分提问) is it from here to the post office?71. I don't know. Is it polite to speak loudly at t


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