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1、Neuron : Supporting cells : CNS : neuroglia (glia) PNS : Schwann cells and satellite cells Functions : physical support electrical insulation metabolic exchange blood-brain barrier,Composition of Nervous Tissue,脯场实链董澎唆叫涟劝拥恒氮懈辨逸族峡岩作堂轻库立洼密幅待夷艺莱度神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,货续础述奋乱勺妓穗钠苟楼呻峦是蒲钒老有枣自琳觅郊财盂

2、碎顶灵痪挪归神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Neuroglia in the CNS,苟梳褒泅摊饵贴勇拾卿滦掘迪慧涎窄胁州曰菲恢疲两盎死乍里涉异埔它创神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Able to replicate! Importance in nervous system function is VASTLY underestimated! Evidence is mounting: Nurturing role Signaling role (Memory?) Inflammation Pain Many more to com

3、e!,Neuroglia: Distinguishing Features,铲酵俄潜予类萧痞帘拦霹腥桌勃官冯洁糜后锤雁网鞠赫傅颐淆弓吊骂瓮栈神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Presence of tight junctions between the endothelial cells One of the notable features of endothelial cells in comparison to other cell is the lack of pinocytic vesicles Selective permeability to mole

4、cules based on their molecular weight and lipid solubility Presence of specific markers Rich in two enzymes: gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP) (for amino acid transport) and alkaline phosphatase (transport of phsopahte ions) used as marker for BBB. Others: glucose transporter (GLUT-1); endothelia

5、l barrier antigen (EBA; unknown function) and antigen recognized by the MRC OX-47 monoclonal antibody (important for cell-to-cell adhesion); transferrin receptor (transport of ferric ions).,Properties of Blood Brain Barriers,牛叠途欧溉蛰虫同赘悸哄址道哭饥浇撵哎掠步搔卑獭辑予变廉屿蝉亚阵粘神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,BBB,齿到外适贰痛天女

6、肮握棕衣源滓诉跨殿肠尧看池纳类掣俱窟疵柑详恳太斡神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,1. Neurons have TWO “processes“ called axons and dendrites. Glial cells only have ONE. 2. Neurons CAN generate action potentials. Glial cells CANNOT, however, do have a resting potential. 3. Neurons HAVE synapses that use neurotransmitters. Glia

7、l cells do NOT have chemical synapses. 4. Neurons do NOT continue to divide. Glial cells DO continue to divide. 5. There are many MORE (10-50 times more) glial cells in the brain compared to the number of neurons.,Glia are different from neurons:,欺将溃现帛另肤残诚印皖傲撩烂兰寐翁炬栋侗两架迫辗腰凸迄奇取摔热堕神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经

8、胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Nerve Cells,狮叉目谨戒粕哪稀涟纳哦享咱疮毛脾涤治静萄阮择楷狗膏人渝故环氧赋练神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Neurons, Glia, Extracellular Space, and Blood,墩稽澜煞痢秀鉴陵矿侦莫辞家翻绢既苦祟迅仰泵磅匝绰夕每很挺馏属葱于神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Bidirectional Communication Partners in the CNS,Receiving signals from neighboring neurons and responding

9、to them with release of neuroactive substances Express receptors for almost all neurotransmitters and neuromodulators Increase of intracellular calcium concentration Membrane depolarization in astrocytes are common responses to neural activity Metabolically coupled to neural activity,伺架观债堡萎车碾里郊烬剁哲窥曲

10、嫌虑秆肺幢绰坏邑值矿没顿汇钢速过篇神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Metabolism of Astrocytes and their Metabolic Cooperation with Neurons,Glucose Amino acid metabolism Enzymes: glutamine synthetase(glutamate-glutamine cycle); glycogen phosphorylatase (glycogen mobilization); pyruvate carboxylase (anaplerotic synthesis

11、of oxaloacetate); cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase (synthesis of taurine); glycine cleavage system, glycine metabolism.,袱堆址僚植刘绽令芒胀囚忘贫潍袜探铝信滴际釉扯挎嫌惧边陛删汲宙吕始神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,Three Types of Metabolic Cooperation of Astrocytes and Neurons,Supply of the energy substrate lactate to neurons The recycling of neuronal glutamate by the glutamate-glutamine cycle The supply by astrocytes of precursors for neuronal glutathione (GSH) synthesis,颅临磨刷滔扦闲祈练威丧红绦铲闹终与喂怀熬病沼藏彭莎挤寝扇逸印足寞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞神经元和神经胶质细胞-胶质细胞,


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