80后离婚率 原因(生活经验).doc

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1、1. 以自我为中心缺乏宽容。80后基本是独生子女,这类人群长期得到父母的宠爱,并且重大决定一直由父母做主,导致了80后大事上靠父母,小事上由自己,独自承担家庭责任和社会责任的能力差,对配偶缺乏忍让和宽容。加上刚刚踏上社会经济基础薄弱,共同创造的财富不多,直接导致了他们的婚姻稳定性下降。2. 对父母依赖大,自理能力差,父母对子女生活参与过多。很多夫妻都是独生子女在婚前几乎没有承担过任何家务,生活上的习惯差异和家庭琐事纠纷成为主要矛盾。3. 对婚后的平淡生活不能接受。结婚前海誓山盟轰轰烈烈,结婚后生活平淡并且背负工作家庭双重压力,有些80S后不能接受。4. 草率离婚,对离婚的后果没有重视。 双方婚

2、前缺乏深入了解,没有进过慎重考虑就草率结婚,婚后感情基础部牢固,双方缺乏自我调试和谅解,草率离婚。经济压力大,矛盾尖锐。大多数80后夫妻都是打工一族,他们的经济压力很大,过多的生活开支导致入不敷出,夫妻双方矛盾加大。5. 互相猜疑,80后缺乏宽容心,容易互相猜疑对方。In recent years, we can find that the divorce rate of Chinese is very high. This phenomenon has become a major problem in today's society. I think the following a

3、re several causes of such a high divorce rate.The frist of all is that most of the 80s is only child of their parent, which cause them to be selfish.and lack of tolerant. This is direct reason of decreased stability of their marriage. The next reason is that the many couples are only children before

4、 marriage almost no undertaken any housework so the differences in life habits and the family disputes become the main contradiction . After marriage and family life dull work on double pressure. That some 80s can't accept the normal life is also the reason. Because they live very romantic before wedding while the life is very dull after wedding. What is more ,most of the 80s get divorce curtly and do not have a second thougt.they do not think the result of the divorce.I2生活类


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