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1、-范文最新推荐- 5.12护士节发言稿 同志们: 国际护士节是为了纪念近代护理学创始人南丁格尔,激励广大护士继承和发扬“燃烧自己,照亮别人”的人道主义精神而设立的国际性专业节日。多年来,我县的护理人员认真学习南丁格尔的人道主义高尚品质,秉承全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,在平凡的工作岗位上,以恭谨谦虚、和蔼可亲的微笑,给患者带来安慰和希望;以高尚的职业道德,精湛的护理技术和规范的护理服务,为广大人民群众的健康付出了艰辛的劳动,为促进我县卫生事业发展做出了巨大贡献。尤其是2003年“非典”期间,广大护理人员战斗在临床第一线,以忠于职守,勇于奉献,不怕牺牲,勇往直前,忘我工作的精神,谱写了一曲又一曲动人

2、的时代颂歌。在去年艾滋病的普查和医疗救治工作中,我们的护理人员冒着被艾滋病感染的危险,尽职尽责地为每一位患者服务,用自己的行动弘扬了救死扶伤、勇于奉献的人道主义精神。 护理工作虽然平凡、琐碎,但它与人类的生命和健康紧密相连,护士这个职业因此也就成为人类最高尚的职业之一,被广大人民群众称之为“白衣天使”。随着社会的发展,护理工作已从单纯的疾病护理发展到以病人为中心的全方位健康护理,更加突出了以人为本的理念,更加讲究尊重人的权利、尊重人的需求,更加讲究为病人提供亲切温馨的服务和高超娴熟的专业护理。一名优秀的护士,不仅要有精湛的护理技能,而且要有良好的职业素质和服务意识。今天受表彰的先进个人,就是这

3、方面的杰出代表。希望广大的医务工作者积极向先进学习,不断吸收新知识、新技术,努力提高自己,经常保持爱心、真心和责任心,认真对待每个病人,为维护人类生命健康贡献自己的力量。 最后,祝大家工作顺利!节日快乐! 谢谢! 同志们: 今天,我们在这里隆重集会,共同庆祝5.12国际护士节,表彰我县年度护理工作的先进单位和个人。在此,我代表县政府向广大护理人员表示节日的祝贺和良好的祝愿! 国际护士节是为了纪念近代护理学创始人南丁格尔,激励广大护士继承和发扬”燃烧自己,照亮别人”的人道主义精神而设立的国际性专业节日。多年来,我县的护理人员认真学习南丁格尔的人道主义高尚品质,秉承全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,在平凡

4、的工作岗位上,以恭谨谦虚、和蔼可亲的微笑,给患者带来安慰和希望;以高尚的职业道德,精湛的护理技术和规范的护理服务,为广大人民群众的健康付出了艰辛的劳动,为促进我县卫生事业发展做出了巨大贡献。尤其是xx期间,广大护理人员战斗在临床第一线,以忠于职守,勇于奉献,不怕牺牲,勇往直前,忘我工作的精神,谱写了一曲又一曲动人的时代颂歌。在去年xx的普查和医疗救治工作中,我们的护理人员冒着被xx感染的危险,尽职尽责地为每一位患者服务,用自己的行动弘扬了救死扶伤、勇于奉献的人道主义精神。 第 范文 网整理该文章。护理工作虽然平凡、琐碎,但它与人类的生命和健康紧密相连,护士这个职业因此也就成为人类最高尚的职业之

5、一,被广大人民群众称之为“白衣天使”。随着社会的发展,护理工作已从单纯的疾病护理发展到以病人为中心的全方位健康护理,更加突出了以人为本的理念,更加讲究尊重人的权利、尊重人的需求,更加讲究为病人提供亲切温馨的服务和高超娴熟的专业护理。一名优秀的护士,不仅要有精湛的护理技能,而且要有良好的职业素质和服务意识。今天受表彰的先进个人,就是这方面的杰出代表。希望广大的医务工作者积极向先进学习,不断吸收新知识、新技术,努力提高自己,经常保持爱心、真心和责任心,认真对待每个病人,为维护人类生命健康贡献自己的力量。 最后,祝大家工作顺利!节日快乐!谢谢! “5.12” the international nu

6、rse festival is the founder - englandnurses which nurses for the commemoration modern times florence.nightingale sets up. florence. nightingale (on may 12, 1820 -1910 year on august 13)had been born in italys historical famous city florence, afterwardsmoved england along with the family, when her ch

7、ildhood harboredbenevolent and the fine mind, loathed has a high and respectedposition with the bored social life, did not attend to the parentsfirmly to oppose, resolutely left home in 1850 prussia to studynurses, accepts short-term the medical treatment and nursing training,in 1853 was hired holds

8、 the post of london to be sick the woman tonurse the meeting the surveillance duty. from 1854 to 1856, english, the law, the turkish allied armies andczarist government joined battle in crimea, england field hospitalmanagement bad, condition range, also did not have the nurse to nursethe patient, th

9、e soldier mortality rate reaches as high as above 50%,after nightingale this news, led 38 nurses to arrive at the frontimmediately, carried on the service in four field hospitals, at thattime, the front drugs lacked, the water source was insufficient,hygienic range, but she was not discouraged, remo

10、ved all sorts ofdifficulties by might and main, solved the essential thing and foodfor the patient, organized the soldier family member joint operation,increased their nutrition, thus caused the field hospital appearanceto have a new look. in the short half year time, causes patientsmortality rate t

11、o drop to 2.2%, her merit disseminates thegreat-hearted immediately. you are glancing over article which “old hundred dawns on-line”provides nightingale kind gentle, deeply loves the patient seriously,the work is earnest, can day and night bustle about by the high senseof responsibility and the sple

12、ndid management. in the dark lateautumn, she grasps the oil lamp to patrol the hospital ward, in everypossible way looks after each wounded soldier, the bed wounded soldieris moved lies down is kissing her form on the bed which falls on thewall, expresses to her respect and the deep love, and identi

13、callycalls her is “the inspection lamp goddess”. nightingale in the crimea battlefield the absorbed offer which doesfor the patient, had driven afterwards soon established red crosssmember, also regular script present their humanity objective.therefore, in her before death, international red cross h

14、as set upnightingale medal in at 1907 london congress, takes the encouragementvarious countries nurses international highest honor prize. in 1912,after namely nightingale died the second year, holds in washington atthe ninth session of red cross international congress the officialdetermination issues nightingale the medal. in 1912, was commemorates nightingale to nurse the achievement whichthe enterprise developed, the international nurse council south ofproposed nightingale the birthday - on may 12, commemorated nightingaleas the various countries hospital a共2页,当前第1页12 5 / 6


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