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1、-范文最新推荐- E(英)文圣诞祝福语 merry christmas and best wishes for a happy new year! beautiful dream comes true bring you good wishes of happiness. this christmas and on the coming year. during this season may the loy and love of christmas be yours. each christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and memories. and

2、 you get lots of presents, oh well, merry christmas. greeting you warmly with a wish thats sincere for a healthy happy and wonderful days. have a heartwarming holiday! warmest wishes for a very merry christmas have a wonderful holiday season! here are special greetings and the best of wishes, too -

3、may christmas and the coming year bring happiness to you! hope your holiday is great and your new year a prosperous one. hope you holidays are filled with all you favorite things this christmas . and all the happiness you could wish for. i could always tell that you wrapped santas presents i hope yo

4、u will join with me in bringing in the new spring. happy holidays! in our hearts, well always be near merry christmas! joy to the world. wishing you an extremely merry chirstmas joyous christmas! warm holiday wishes! may happiness follow wherever you go may peace and happiness be with you at this ho

5、ly chirstmas season and always. may magic fill your days and all your dreams come true this holiday season. may the blessings of christmas fill you heart with hope and joy! may the joy and peace of christmas be with you today and always. may the light of our saviors love be with you at christmas and

6、 always. and all the happiness you could wish for. may the light of the holiday season shine brightly in your heart may the magic of this christmas season fill your heart with peace. may you be blessed with all things bright and beautiful at christmastime and always may your christmas be merry as a

7、song and your heart be happy the whole year long! may your days be filled with love and light. wanted. merry christmas . and all the happiness you could wish for. merry christmas and then happy days over and over again ! peace on earth, good will to men. seasons greetings and best wishes for the com

8、ing year sending you wishes for holidays that begin and on a happy note. wishing you happiness always. sing a song of seasons; something bright in all . sleight bells are jingling through the night. children are singing spirits and bright . merry christmas! should you see flowers in bloom, you would

9、 see smiles at a lover of beauty. thanks for making every thing right! merry christmas! the christmas we were going to tell everyone that the real meaning of the season was not gifts . the presents are wrapped, the stockings all hung, all thats left now is the holiday fun! merry christmass! this hol

10、iday season, it seems everyone is watching their weight . :) to be frazzled! best wishes for a calm and peacefl and holiday season! to wish you all the joy of christmas and happiness all through the new year. to wish you happiness at christmas time. to wish you happiness for the christmas season and

11、 the coming year. we wish you a merry christmas & a happy new year. wishing you a bright white holiday full of love. wishing you a happy christmas and to hope the new year too. will be a very prosperous healthy and happy time for you . wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas seaso

12、ns wishing you all the joys of the christmas season and have very happy new year may you enjoy good health in the coming year wishing you and those around you a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year wishing you the gifts of peace and happiness this christmas and throughout the new year 昨晚在小区

13、打球,球卡篮筐了,我们都够不到。只见围观一哥们迈着轻盈的步伐,戴着耳机,一个助跑把球拍下来了。然后在我们崇拜的眼神中默默地捡起地上摔成两半的手机。 包拯要给女儿起名,求助公孙策:“当初我娘给我起名包拯,是希望我拯救天下苍生。后来世人叫我包青天,同样蕴含了光明美好的祝愿。希望我孩子的名字也能体现出类似的造福社会的决心。你说叫什么好呢?”公孙策略一沉吟,道:“包邮。” 老师:“请大家想象一下,假如你在一个有恐龙的世界里,而有一条正准备要吃你,你该怎么办?”小明:“这还不简单!马上停止想象就行。”老师:“你出去!” 听闻剩下的三个军医大学要撤,有人高兴了:第二军医大学、第三军医大学、第四军医大学,第

14、一军医大学等你好久了!东方医科大学、西方医科大学、北方医科大学,南方医科大学等你好久了! 老俩口看电视,突然转播选美比赛。老头子一看,脸红了,转身进屋。老太太笑:老头子还挺封建。一会老头子回来了,端正坐好,脸上多了副老花眼镜 情人节早上去买煎饼,一美女非要插队,说去过情人节着急,哥说“是该多吃点,晚上累啊”。结果美女一脸通红的跑了,“老板这个煎饼多放些辣椒” 儿子对父亲说:“爸爸,我们学校成立了一个乐队,我想去参加,学校还说乐器要自己带。”父亲盯了儿子半天,递过一根筷子,说:“孩子,咱家穷,你能不能争取去当指挥?” 刚才我跟老婆说我在北京给她买了一套房,她一把抓住我的手说:“天哪,这是真的吗?

15、老公,我好激动。”说实话我也很激动,毕竟这是我第一次骗人。 有一天,男神送我回家,到门口时,他突然冒了一句:我想上你这待会儿。我说:好!于是,我把他拽过来,让他站在了我刚才站在的地方。哎!他想法真奇怪,站哪不一样? 减肥其实很简单,你要每天努力锻炼,不吃油腻的食物,持之以恒,日复一日年复一年,等你再照镜子时,你就会发现,对你而言,整容比减肥更重要。 今天上班地铁超级挤,一男不小心踩了一女的一脚,说了声对不起。怎料女方不依不饶连声怒骂,该男实在忍受不了拿出手机对着她,把手机上的汤姆猫打开了 邻居家一小正太,今年4岁,上幼儿园,整天在学校丢文具。那天他爸火了:“就你整天丢,也没见你往回拿”结果第二

16、天,一回家就往沙发倒了一堆铅笔、本子 那里大学改名的风波未平,这里大学简称的硝烟又起。话说南京大学和南昌大学就南大简称一事闹的不可开交,南宁大学坐不住了:你叫南大,让我叫啥?网友建议叫宁大。宁夏大学不服:当初为免和厦门大学冲突,没叫夏大叫宁大,厦门大学总不能叫门大吧,这还要抢?宁大可是我唯一简称。宁波大学默默流泪:我就俩字,不让我叫宁大,难道叫波大。大理大学、大连大学都笑了:小样争啥,我的简称叫“大大”!宝鸡大学特别犹豫,是叫“宝大”还是叫“鸡大”,这时太原大学说了:看得我都不好意思了,我是太大!天津大学也不敢示弱:那我叫天大!中国地质大学:那我就是地大咯!汕头大学听了:你们都别说了,我都头大了!复旦大学:你听得头大,我旦大了! 有个男子欲在写有“禁止小便”的墙角下小解,被警察发现。警察当场要开单处罚他,因为他污染环境。他不服气地对警察咆哮着:“难道我掏出自己的东西来看一看也不行吗?” 有一次急着去厕所大便,跑到厕所蹲下却放了个巨响的屁。接着听到旁边传来一哥们说,我操!哥们有纸吗,你刚刚那一声巨大的屁把纸给我吓掉厕所里了。 如果一个红衣老头突然跳进窗户,把你装进袋子里,这时请勿担心,因为是我告诉圣诞老人,我要的圣诞礼物就是像你这样的朋友! 5 / 6


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