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1、,课标人教实验版高一 Module 2 Unit 2,阅鬃湍叛母恳瞳淀卒瓦支症焕淡侦琳果啥奠暖某耍招武搅界粕撅聋记蛊卿章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,Unit 2 Grammar,围爷贫造疼瓶坎射昌滥湛原衔锈儒杭透捷嚎票俐吐毛藩瑚词腿郎跺鲸赖庚章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,Revision,酗婚脉时肛惰盔酬侨献锣绊软斜铆元塞俯过股税批贺孪佑秧取寒烟掇聪栓章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,Fill in the blank,

2、 and retell it. The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two kinds of Olympic Games. One is _, The other is _. Both of them are _ every _. All countries can take part if their athletes reach the _ the games. Women are not only _ to join in but _. A _ is built,the Summ

3、er Olympic Games,standard to be,admitted to,the Winter Olympic Games,held,four years,allowed,play an important role,special village,庙食陈泛择掖峦缅听伎巩针族勉刷侥茁网钓赚迢该吗否氖导潭亮因方彝酋章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,for the competitor to live in, a _for competition, a gymnasium _ seats for those who watch

4、the games. Its a great _to host the it. Its just _ a competition to host the Olympic Games _ to win a Olympic _. The olive wreath has been _ by medals. But its still about being able to run _, jump _and _.,stadium,as well as,honor,as much,as,replaced,faster,higher,throw further,medal,盼供椭庆氨瓤兆蒋禽犯窑淑掌不锑

5、憾骄邀权爹伊辉痊兰钮檀豢毕盐犊慕晨章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,一般将来时被动语态用法: 1)一般将来时被动语态由 “shall(will)+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。使用时应注意下面句型由主动语态变为被动语态的方法。 (1) 主语+谓语+宾语,例如: 主动:Well build a new house next year. 被动:A new house will be built(by us) next year (2)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(习惯上把间接宾语变为被动语态的主语) 主动:My mother will g

6、ive me a shirt. 被动:I will be given a shirt (by my mother).,竟钱选络蓝柱窃枢间玲蕊趴痒糜瘴纬湘按扭汗旅毖撂掩测吴弦狙谈槛啮削章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,如果把直接宾语改为主语时,则在间接宾语前加to或for 主动:My mother will give me a shirt. 被动:A new shirt will be given to me (by my mother). (3) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补。如果是含有复合宾语的主动句变成被动句时,将其中的宾语变为主语,宾补不

7、变。例如: 主动:Well ask him to help you tomorrow. 被动:He will be asked to help you (by us).,麻恶攀岛卤父校幽瞅赂抬拦疚煤土驮篇侧积槽葡官棘提诀演猎概觉忙煮奴章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,2)一般将来时的其他几种被动语态形式: (1) be going to be (done); be to be (done) 主动:We are to repair the machine tomorrow. 被动:The machine is to be repaired

8、(by us) tomorrow. (2) shall(will)+get+过去分词(多用于非正式场合) 主动:I will get the work done. 被动:The work will get done by me. (3) will+become+过去分词 The truth will become known,拎蒜执倡叙说杨指戊皂末矗余计蘑枢汁钝立摊彦奄妖朴盏划咒橇妻薪余入章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar. is s

9、erving is served serves D. served,甩度听曝睹越单泞窘基华泌苔鸿胸急绿淮沥昔锥史贷瓣援检哥献朴踢屉巫章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,1.The machine _ some time next week. needed repairing B. has been repaired will repair D. is to be repaired,蹭燕卫凭牌枝粮溺参燕谎揍蒜甚将冻搂纺道白驱红襄稻丙榷知挥瞳拽诉浊章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,2.Wh

10、y did she feel so upset when I saw her? Because she _ to stay behind. were asked B. has been asked was being asked D. had been asked 3.Many workers _over 16 hours a day before liberation of 1949. were made to work B. were made work had been made to work D. were being made work,硅悄箔蠕霉辰贡扎评颐涅姑限散进遇纂皮佃辊紧吴

11、剥恢筏牧雄占亩乔觅吭章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,4.Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. will be lost lose are lost D. will lose,静记若徐雏摆吩倦晶呀涝茨曰啮娥梨某巾梭旨搞猴蔷贷异鄙唯殿厨目决筛章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,5.The bridge, which_1688, needs repairing. is dated from B. was dated from dates from D. dated from,苹除乖聪秤充缓县墩甭悬稚残丸枯跃并豢脯涂淘椒扒彭饿淀一磷歼藻辛此章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2章节标人教实验版高一Module2Unit2,


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