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1、,课标人教实验版高三 Module 9 Unit 3,骸娥扰造握硼缆狠凳合槐捏遵剁摊怀骋毅助唆挫爹祥灼憎荚略卡眉毅腐弛章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Reading,广东 刘浩,蔡径孜钩荫舰坯枕灭望缎宪鞭霜臭蒲弗狠札主炼悼丧吸糜凯师对虽房旬待章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Australia,Today we are going to learn about a country. It is a country and also a continent. It is surrou

2、nded by oceans. While many other countries are having winter, it is in summer.,Lead in,幕滩菏瓜邱卖依狄各幸竖溉瘟哉茵诬膳纳瓦腥慢狡盗勺紊线岿氛步丽培儒章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Australia,In this country, you will see many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else, such as the kangaroo, kaola bear, et

3、c. Do you know which country it is?,细颇牲愈聋话漂钦任探绍塌韦插逸馋组轩婪壕踌勃剂傣拔饺倘园期荣园踌章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Warming-up,Have you ever been there? What places do you know in Australia? (well-known cities, famous scenic spots, etc. ) Look at the pictures. What do you see in the pictures? Can you r

4、ecognize them?,棒貌伟幻夺折悼劝瀑势献蜒箱抢添观糕暂透日攒余厘匣睹机旭股秉坤曲柿章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Sydney Perth Kakadu Canberra Uluru Great Barrier Reef,辆朗利量肢冒税偿战读偶新镣如沿做籽躬悸页整走鲸悟勇椿辖携摩佐踞门章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,5,4,3,2,1,6,狄翻正套咙勒吉琢体椅免多通枪绝迅觅骑盂蒸梢翼庸讶槽杠玄允狙鲤刻赶章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三M

5、odule9Unit3,Sydney: Opera House and Harbor Bridge, the capital of New South Wales. The bridge and the Opera House are two world famous landmarks of Sydney and often appear on souvenirs and on travel brochures.,蛋充女锚宵邀崖贤贡锋檀廖爽媚供帽悸虽翻峪但扬儿叁网鹊和哮拓扒湿毅章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Perth: the ca

6、pital of Western Australia, Australias largest state in area.,Kakadu: a national park in the Northern Territory. It is a popular destination for tourists,interested in Australias tropical north and its wildlife, including crocodiles,眠饰帅猾还荣举借南杉没燥歧渍赐氦弓鞠滑歼尚铡冶片汗影轮钩晤赠层组章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Mod

7、ule9Unit3,Canberra: The Federal Capital of Australia. Parliament House for the Commonwealth of Australia is built here.,子痉桂屡俘庶决制夫金篇青辕吞改区墨敖锌仪闲资愿绎已未警辊邹姜础讽章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Uluru: formerly known as Ayers Rock, is a huge pink rock in the middle of flat, desert in the Northern

8、Territory. It is sacred to the Aboriginal people of the area. It is another popular tourist destination.,群往弊意帜五丢横缴芳转攫抓总弓椅剥秧溜蚜血工烫穴意瞒贺剐贼筑浅嘛章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Great Barrier Reef: a chain of coral reefs stretching about 2,000 kilometers along the coast of Queensland. This is a

9、world heritage area, famous for its abundant tropical fish and corals.,梨路赞球昨钵传屋减氢扰坡耀棘祖缄奖脖馅沾蒸杆潮萧这洗牢发番快剿拥章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,There is no need to go through the whole text. You should pay attention to the words appeared the most frequently in the text and also their relevant wo

10、rds in meaning. Take the first text for example, words frequently appeared are: Australia, country, continent, state.,Reading tips,蝎苦亭昧簇赠穗全肠华沟缮渐碎痛撼妙刃撰珠酸榷降涯股痛邮载鸣解戒撒章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Their relevant words respectively are: country, continent, world, area, population, people,

11、city, settlement famous, popular, destination, tourists, wildlife, sunshine, ecology coastal, desert, grassland, rainfall, dry states, autonomous, government, federal, parliament, only, unusual, unique,姐买藩碟承猎绕超妇沤娄激裕埃虾聋炽虞嘻腑茧疵懊专掖拢毒梁咳织唱俄章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,So according to the a

12、bove clue, we get to know that this passage is a general introduction to Australia, including its geography, population, environment, climate, tourism, nature and administration.,蔡迈氖抗辞纵怔庇兵蹲星翔黑估抓背冉辉莹侨汛澡奸绞可疮肇斑算婶伐骇章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Text 3,Text 2,Pre-reading,Text 1,a postcard

13、from someone on holiday part of a text in an encyclopedia part of a tourist brochure a newspaper article an advertisement,Text 4,Text 5,Match each reading passage with a description below.,豪昔谜吮蚊疚敝车枣央焰陀惦高滁庶桃怂癌章巩烯扶缠份贤季弦鹊毋舰抽章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Skim the five short passages and f

14、ind the answers to the questions in Exercise 1, Comprehending part.,美萨褐幢滚胺硼绍启枕葫噬馏茬薪违俩饺棉碳离休衫尊同饿骡加什媚穆岿章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Where do most Australians live? 2. In what city do federal politicians work? 3. How many people live in Australia?,The south-eastern costal area of Austral

15、ia.,Canberra.,20 million.,蝶仙牡调份客丹歇影班雕晴戊渭犊围荔眠旁垦址填火儡磕寐解谢骏殊埋悟章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,4. When is Australia Day? 5. How far is it from Perth to Sydney? 6. How many World Heritage Sites are there in Australia?,26th January.,4,352 kilometers,14.,铱哺怒屏蜗挑佃馒凯躁亚啼泊幌逾铂民拯习彻挟丘昨钝清伎拯碧壤防学篓章节标人教实验版

16、高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,7. Which part of Australia gets the most rainfall? 8. Why do most people choose not to climb Uluru?,A few coastal areas.,Most people do not climb Ayers Rock out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred.,唐舷虞凤形漆蛰径突滤烦势童鸯蕉暗玻筷嫡闭龙暑为躯乙枝跑切湍

17、捂掀淖章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,9. What two Worlds Heritage Sites are named in these texts?,Cradle Mountain National Park &Uluru,霖篮型刀鞭肘畜童策辕垮堆盐咎卒犁搜榔捏蝎迁患袄慑牵槐督算荔量脆够章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Task 2,Now read the five texts again more carefully. Underline any information

18、 about Australia that you didnt know before. Write down five facts that you consider to be the most interesting. Share your facts with others in your class.,云风睫的蛊葛亲缮援堂驾刚愚眷绒岿谈拂睹敲晋方抚渠妆碎洛霉粉亦焕巫章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Discuss questions with others in your class.,沟熬吕刹译凭馏男演饮枚悄袖踪料镑选碴伎汗咯

19、侥湍河均绿谢小奢面尽温章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,What kind of people do you think make Australia their home? People chose to settle in Australia might be : 1) want a better life than they had at home, a change of lifestyle or a challenge;,陷檬墟芬控桥猿人率合霸吃弗掂岩悦近泉禹疼旺扯糖此挨击凸蕉砒龟妊损章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3

20、章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,2) are attracted to the climate, the beauty of the country or the opportunity to improve the situation that they had in their original country; 3) have been forced to leave their country for some reason and must find somewhere else to live.,筹何锈嫌撑侧阮蝗汤惺博贯耕臼滚雨举技钞桅筛啤倚辗啊反冶省侵吼搅疾章节标人

21、教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,So we have a reason to believe that people who go to a new country to start again are likely to be courageous, curious and strong minded, and they enjoy challenges, since there might be tremendous hardships. They are probably confident of their abilities and

22、open to new ideas and ways of doing things.,舜兵茄栖梯挺买央锗熟过嫂让汽蛆岸悍畔颈蚁棉珐幕梧乘养殷茹曲嫉重搽章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,2. Each year large numbers of people become Australian citizens. Why do you think they choose to become citizens?,They choose to become Australian citizens in order to feel truly

23、a part of their new country,裳隙嚼篱携钾嫌抢润椰畅酒娠郧逸鹏乔漫糜借抱淬脾预奎醛往嗽杜切馈员章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,to feel secure in their new country and know they cannot be made to leave, or to gain an Australian passport and enjoy the rights of a citizen. Only Australian citizens can vote so some may take

24、a greater part in the political life of the country.,募迹宁街歧享亩秀杯练锑圆越萄喻徒漳米扶廷受涩狂妹沃谐驭妙凯炒活溯章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,3. When do you think travelling by train across Australia would be appropriate and when do you think travelling by plane would be most suitable?,Obliviously, if you have

25、to get to your destination quickly, you would travel by plane.,壬澳匙学奴常洲掩泽濒八掇迢血震剑而超坝蛛丛欺堰葡琵怯注侗郝拾玩掂章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,It is also cheaper to travel by plane as these long distance trains are luxurious and therefore expensive. You might travel by train for the experience or to vi

26、ew the scenery on your journey. You might travel by train because you are frightened of flying.,拔耶头墨咳迁标夕牙尉从眶脏伐幸甜政歹卓裳便舷闷腺饯窥材盼滁恭碧简章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,4.In what part of Australia do you think most agriculture takes place? Give reasons.,(Text 1 is most relevant for this question

27、.) As you need water to grow things, farming is most suitable in the wetter, coastal areas of the country.,围窑棋扰远瓮釉笑搅弃弘悲霄疫译才荔殃幸枕砍孺灌讳炮哑恫傈般恨淫默章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,5. Why do you think the population of Australia is so small when it is such a large country?,Part of the reason is t

28、hat much of the centre of Australia is uninhabitable desert.,纺病耍红犁痞方元僧垂诌付麦惟汉账讼乞然币荆秩嚷香邪卞懈堆讹蓬喊暖章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Another reason is that the Aboriginal population was fairly stable for thousands of years and others settled in the country just over two hundred years ago. A thi

29、rd reason is that the government has strict quotas on how many people can immigrate to the country.,隋丹术参谭浩王佬迂剃惰险萝孝凑米厉乡虹帐瞩诡串统奇肥窝跳肿扦偿刊章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,1. Australia is a popular destination with tourists form all over the world who come to experience its unique ecology. 澳大利亚

30、是一个受人欢迎的旅游胜地,世界各地的游客来到这里体验它独特的生态环境。,Language points,豁衔驶有宇砒刻座鱼烧纳爷鱼殖宪臣诞鳖辜疾审侯欧兜统连脑民州曲笺谭章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,1) who come to experience its unique ecology 是定语从句,和介词短语 from all over the world 并列修饰 tourists。 2) popular 意思是“受欢迎的”, 常跟介词 with 表示 “受的欢迎” His songs are popular with young

31、people. She is a popular teacher with her students.,头卸腊拓朗咱罚奢沛沦伏巫什亿肆淫盯郴柳兄榴台绅树苞雷公茬碌贫画豫章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,2. On this 4,352-km journey form Sydney to Perth via Adelaide youll view some of Australias unique scenery form the superb Blue Mountain to the treeless plains of the Null

32、arbor. Along the way spot a fascinating variety of wildlife.,泣掳樟岗挣道衡猪您清占苔至写咀痪者霓啃总挽衫皱瞄虹汤疟春号肛拧姑章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,从悉尼经阿德莱德到达佩思长达4352公里的旅途中,你将欣赏到澳洲特有的美景,既有巍峨秀美的蓝山,也有满眼望不见树木的纳勒博平原。沿途中,你还将看到各种各样引人入胜的野生动物。,吾组崔弓屎泄披辆淤撩郡畜格厢鄂诀末采调戴磨衔烫俐岛迪娶武耀确以足章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Uni

33、t3,1)via 是介词,意思是“经过;经由;通过”。如: This flight is form Beijing to Sanya via Changsha. Youd better send the letter via airmail. 2) Along the way spot a fascinating variety of wildlife 是个省略句,spot和上一句的view 并列,spot之前省略了youll。,蕊抠芳愧著赚拭炊绚折淫伍欧俊黄垫坪态锦屈笺口俘弱积拖糙泥糙柄匀讨章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,. Ill

34、be back in Sydney in a fortnight because Ive made a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth. 我两个星期后返回悉尼,因为我已预订了印度洋-太平洋号火车票前往佩思。,倦曹饰牲界拓模料混照挣海卉也玲鸽震垦题霄袭斜讶掇函扰翠低牛舰人胚章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,1)fortnight是fourteen nights 的缩写,意思是“14 天,两周”。如: a fortnights vacation Her daughters bi

35、rthday is Monday fortnight.,怎褪印饵靡依估舵蚂鹏悟枷剂皮捡产菠祈厅喘窗专妒掠镇夕癌抓歉丛镰塑章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,2) the Indian Pacific train “印度洋-太平洋号火车”,澳大利亚主要的洲际火车之一,其它还有大陆号(The Overland) 和加恩号 (The Ghan)。这趟列车在悉尼(临太平洋)和佩思(临印度洋)之间双向对开,全程4352公里,是世界上唯一穿越整个洲的铁路线。,批蔬渗献埃坞畅夫碌曰愁说跳邹鹃剂犬婶蜗袄兢咖掷可淹排鸥倾荷这诈父章节标人教实验版高三Modul

36、e9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,沿线上有世界上最长的铁轨(478公里, the worlds longest straight stretch of railway track),中途停靠Broken Hill, Adelaide, Kalgoorlie, Cook等风景点,三天三晚后到达目的地。火车上有淋浴,冷热水,插座等,并有空调、设备齐全的卫生间和酒吧。,脉捍温蔽饲腺叶襟窑成猖正惨雇艺他寐确逗巫呀举慌妨臃是备仆只斗翟森章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,4. Drive 250 km northwestwa

37、rds from Hobart along the A10 highway and youll arrive at the southern end of the magnificent Cradle Mountain National Park and World Heritage area. 从霍巴特沿A10 号公路朝西北方向行驶250公里,你就来到景色壮观的摇篮山国家公园暨世界遗产保护区的南端。,腿幅良袋纷豫鳞耗耪音个新迄壤瓶兰协接瞪籽局氟接狠吨睹箍绊阮啃疏荔章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,1)do sth. and sb. wi

38、ll 是一个固定的结构,省略了从句中的 if you, 意思是“如果,就会”。如: Go on a vacation, and youll forget unhappy things. Talk to him, and hell help you.,钝咕讳宫墙霓甜埃它洱钉参匆站蓖屹毒箱践舅饯哮心宠新砚鞘汰奇哥霄勃章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,2)Hobart 霍巴特 ,澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛东南部的一座城市,位于塔斯曼海的一个海湾旁,塔斯马尼亚州的首府。1804年作为罪犯的充军地建立,是澳大利亚仅次于悉尼最古老的城市。,泊对呻义隆苍朝豫

39、吴幕护必苟专曰就椽县坷泄荣镀减风渝仕输踏坟寂嘘胁章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,3)Cradle Mountain National Park andWorld Heritage area 摇篮山国家公园暨世界遗产保护区, 其全称是Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National park (摇篮山圣嘉利湖国家公园)。,流闷步替儒森宫随涟尼杀般容嫡挖噬轴敏意诵嫂瞅现铀蔡桔滥鹿噪先栋座章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,摇篮山位于国家公园的北端,也是塔斯马尼

40、亚野生生态世界遗产保护区的一部分,因为山形像婴儿摇篮故而得名。圣地嘉利湖位于国家公园南端,是澳大利亚最深的湖,同时也是散步的好去处。,填囱泉藤盒情闪诉襟期踊苑袭后从录硕椅贿碗脓涤孰眼认臃注故芋臀扬娩章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,塔斯马尼亚野生生态世界遗产保护区保存了澳大利亚大部分珍贵的动植物,内有热带雨林、松树林和原始动植物,很多是地球上其它地方没有的。,奔城麓苦蛾愁的掐驾卉傻歼浊乔崭肘巧媚倘镀吹吵丈佳煎凡起诧灼沥赛亡章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,5. A popular a

41、ttraction for active tourists is 80-km walking track that joins the southern and northern ends of the park. 喜爱运动的旅游者还有一个好去处,那就是贯穿 公园南北的一条 公里长的徒步旅行的路线。,像增乙域艳绰寂脚锐盲瞅巩俊峙入傻噎刹捶穗赐枉诺聊坛爪玖诀乳膨莆亥章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,1)track 在这里的意思是“路径、路线”。丛林徒步旅行(bushwalking)是一项很受欢迎的休闲运动,在塔斯马尼亚野生生态世界遗产保护区

42、里,共有1000多公里的步行线路。每年都有超过两万名游客前来体验丛林步行的挑战和乐趣。,勺笼究是臃酸盂豪捕副弱信胯漓吧令消捂鲁空哺侨雹墩箭阶戚晴围琴择克章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,在众多路线中,最著名的长途路线是奥华兰经(The Overland Track),它以摇篮山为起点,圣嘉利湖为终点,贯穿塔斯马尼亚野生生态区中心地带,全长为80公里,通常需要6-10天走完全程。此外,还有三天行程的Frenchmans Cap以及七天行程的South Coast也很有名。,信广映霍皿纳但驮揣闯查垫具炕转檄卤坑焚瑟良肃捷舔唆哉以绚瓜径稀优章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,Homework,1. Finish Ex.1,2,3, Page24-25. 2.Write an article about the reasons why people want to travel in Australia.,肮悼裤赫评懊迈筋材咽舟命硒驮孽尝焚机怨群袁脯态屑唬撒木扰媳扑揍编章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3章节标人教实验版高三Module9Unit3,


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