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1、李白的诗英文翻译欣赏诗歌是文学形式最精练的浓缩。它用其独特的风格向读者传递思想和情感,以触动读者的感情。中国古典诗歌作为中国历史文化的浓缩,有着其独特的特点。下面是 带来的李白的诗英文翻译欣赏,欢迎阅读!李白长相思之二日色已尽花含烟,月明欲素愁不眠。赵瑟初停凤凰柱,蜀琴欲奏鸳鸯弦。此曲有意无人传,愿随春风寄燕然。忆君迢迢隔冃天,昔日横波目,今成流泪泉。不信妾肠断,归来看取明镜前。Folk-s on g-styled-verseLi BaiENDLESS Y EARNING II"The sun has set, and a mist is in the flowers;And

2、 the moon grows very white and people sad andsleepless.A Zhao harp has just bee n laid mute on its phoe nix holder,And a Shu lute begins to sound its mandarin-duck stri ngs.Since n obody can bear to you the burde n of my song,Would that it might follow the spring wind to Mou nta in.I thi nk of you f

3、ar away, bey ond the blue sky,And my eyes that once were sparkli ngAre now a well of tears.Oh, if ever you should doubt this achi ng of my heart,Yanranlook atHere in my bright mirror come back and me!&qu ot;李白的诗英文翻译欣赏篇二李白金樽清酒斗十千, 停杯投箸不能食, 欲渡黄河冰塞川, 闲来垂钓碧溪上, 行路难!行路难!多歧路,今安在? 长风破浪会有时,玉盘珍羞值万钱。拔剑四顾心茫

4、然。将登太行雪暗天。忽复乘舟梦日边。直挂云帆济沧海。行路难之一Folk-s on g-styled-verseLi BaiTHE HARD ROADPure wine costs, for the golde n cup, ten thousa nd coppersa flag on,And a jade plate of dai nty food calls for a millio n coins.norI fling aside my food-sticks and cup, I cannot eat drin k.I pull out my dagger, I peer four wa

5、ys in vain.I would cross the Y ellow River, but ice chokes the ferry;I would climb the Taiha ng Mountains, but the sky is bli nd with sno w.I would sit and poise a fishi ng-pole, lazy by a brook -But I sudde nly dream of ridi ng a boat, saili ng for the sun.Jour neying is hard,Jour neying is hard.Th

6、ere are many tur nings -Which am I to follow?.I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy wavesAnd set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.李白的诗英文翻译欣赏篇三李白行路难之二大道如青天,我独不得出。羞逐长安社中儿,赤鸡白狗赌梨栗。弹剑作歌奏苦声,曳裾王门不称情。淮阴市井笑韩信,汉朝公卿忌贾生。君不见,昔时燕家重郭隗,拥彗折节无嫌猜;剧辛乐毅感恩分,输肝剖胆效英才。昭王白骨萦蔓草, 谁人更扫黄金台?行

7、路难,归去来?Folk-s on g-styled-verseLi BaiHARD IS THE WAY OF THE WORLD IIThe way is broad like the blue sky,But no way out before my eye.I am ashamed to follow those who have no guts,Gambli ng on fight ing cocks and dogs for pears and nuts.Feng would go homeward way, hav ing no fish to eat;Zhou did not t

8、hi nk to bow to n obleme n was meet.Gen eral Han was mocked in the market-place;The brillia nt scholar Jia was bani shed in disgrace.Have you not heard of King of Yan in days gone by,Who ven erated tale nts and built Terrace highOn which he offered gold to gifted menAnd stooped low and swept the flo

9、or to welcome them?Grateful, Ju Xin and Yue Yi came the nAnd served him heart and soul, both full of stratagem.The Kin g's bones were now buried,who would sweep the floor of the Gold Terrace any more?Hard is the way.Go back without delay!李白的诗英文翻译欣赏篇四李白行路难之三有耳莫洗颍川水,有口莫食首阳蕨。含光混世贵无名,何用孤高比云月?吾观自

10、古贤达人,功成不退皆殒身。子胥既弃吴江上,屈原终投湘水滨。陆机雄才岂自保?李斯税驾苦不早。 华亭鹤唳讵可闻?上蔡苍鹰何足道。 君不见,吴中张翰称达生, 秋风忽忆江东行。且乐生前一杯酒,何须身后千载名?Folk-s on g-styled-verseLi BaiHARD IS THE WAY OF THE WORLD IIIyouDon'twash your ears on hearing somethingdislikeNor die of hun ger like famous hermits on the Pike!Livi ng without a fame among

11、the motley crowd,Why should one be as lofty as the moon or cloud?Of an cie nt tale nts who failed to retire, there's noneBut came to tragic ending after glory's won.The head of Gen eral Wu was hung o'er city gate;In the river was drow ned the poet laureate.The highly tale nte

12、d scholar wished in vainTo preserve his life to hear the cry of the cra ne.Mi ni ster Li regretted n ot to have retiredTo hunt with falc on gray as he had long desired.Have you not heard of Zhang Han who resig ned, carefree,To go home to eat his perch with high glee?Enjoy a cup of wine while you're alive!Do not care if your fame will not survive!7


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