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1、1-烧结配-翻译文烧结自动化系统设计 料自动控制系统设计 档河北联合大学轻工学院COLLEGE OF LIGHTINDUSTR Y,HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSIT Y中英文翻译设计题目:烧结自动化系统设计烧结配料自动控制系统设计学生姓名:学 号:专业班级:09自动化3班学部:信息科学与技术部指导教师:2013年 5月30日目录目录原文1译文5i河北联合大学轻工学院原文如今社会钢铁行业发展迅速,前景十分良好,随着高炉对烧结矿品质要求的 不断提高,配料已成为烧结技术改造的关键环节。众所周知,烧结厂配料系统是 整个烧结生产的源头,它担负着所有烧结机的混合料供应任务,如果配料系统遇 到问

2、题,那么整个烧结生产都要被迫停止,而且配料系统的计算也要准确无误, 以为烧结原料的种类多,配料成分随其供货渠道的变化而变化,各单配料的配合 比例也会根据生产的要求随时变化,而且在生产过程中,物料的黏度、比重、粒 度及环境的温度、湿度的变化,也会严重影响下斜的精度,因此,配料系统对于 提高烧结矿的质量至关重要。自上个世纪60年代冶金自动化装备问世以来,取得了极其迅猛的发展。特 别是上世纪80年代种类繁多的PLC和DCS的出现,冶金自动化装备的可靠性和 实时性、可操作性和可维护性都得到极大地改善。方便的软件编制和友好的人机 界面,不断提高的性能价格比,使冶金自动化装备技术得到极快的推广和使用。“十

3、五”期间,我国重点发展冶金生产过程自动化、工艺智能化和管理信息化技 术,其中重点推广和研发技术中就有烧结过程自动化系统。烧结是把粉状物料转变为致密体,是一个传统的工艺过程。人们很早就利用 这个工艺来生产陶瓷、粉末冶金、耐火材料、超高温材料等。一般来说,粉体经 过成型后,通过烧结得到的致密体是一种多晶材料,其显微结构由晶体、玻璃体 和气孔组成。烧结过程直接影响显微结构中的晶粒尺寸、气孔尺寸及晶界形状和 分布。无机材料的性能不仅与材料组成(化学组成与矿物组成)有关,还与材料 的显微结构有密切的关系。烧结配料自动控制系统在现在应用十分广泛,是在自动控制仪表方面尤其突出。在此方面根据烧结工艺需求能将各

4、种矿按照所需量自动投入,由皮带运到混 合机中进行下一步工艺的生产。而近年来,我国的钢铁冶炼行业发展十分迅速, 烧结矿是炼铁的主原料,而配料这一工艺是影响烧结质量的重要环节,各称量设 备只有达到一定精度才能保证矿的质量。 因此烧结配料自动控制系统是各大型钢 铁厂必不可少的,也可大大提高生产效率。烧结生产的工艺流程一般包括:原燃料接受,贮存及熔剂,燃料的准备,配 料,混合,布料,点火烧结,热矿破碎,热矿筛分及冷却,冷矿筛分及冷矿破碎, 铺底料,成品烧结矿的贮存及输出,返矿贮存等工艺环节。烧结生产的主要目的是为高炉提供质量优良,强度高,粉末少,还原性好和成分稳定的烧结矿。国内外普遍采用的是常式抽风烧

5、结机,在我国地方小铁厂还有相当一部分用平地吹风堆烧和箱式抽风烧结。此外,还有回转窑烧结法、悬浮烧结法。据相关统计,目前我国有烧结机近 500台,其中在建和投产的180660 m2 的大中型烧结机有125台,烧结机面积已达近40000平方米。未来,我国的烧结 机将继续推进全流程工艺技术装备的升级换代,西门子提供的全集成过程控制系 统SIMATICPCS7可以帮助钢铁企业在提升产品质量的同时也将进一步降低能源 消耗、减少污染物排放。由此可见,烧结配料自动控制系统的前景十分乐观,对 它的需求只会越来越大,不会减少。烧结工业的迅速发展是近些年的事,主要的 技术新进展表现在:(1) 烧结工艺进一步完善;

6、(2) 烧结设备进一步改进;(3) 新工艺研究。目前我国钢铁仍然多数生产设备陈旧,部分采用手动操作,自动化程度不高,在配料系统中由于自动化程度较低,而传统烧结工艺中主要依靠工作经验进行调节,因此存在以下几方面的问题:1. 过分依靠配料工经验,配料工要熟知各个圆盘每变化1Hz频率所对应的各 秤的流量变化应为多少,若配料工经验不足,就会延长调节时间2. 调节不及时,圆盘下料始终为给定频率,若料重发生变化,就会使各秤之 间配比发生变化;3. 配料工半个小时跑盘一次,工作量较大。4. 由于物料的粉尘污染较严重,严重影响工人的身体健康。随着烧结厂配料系统自动化程度的逐步提高,工业对配料的要求也越来越严格

7、,如果配料系统异常,会造成烧结矿矶矿率增加,结矿率低,同时导致烧结矿 消耗燃料上升,烧结矿应有成分波动较大、过少氧化等众多问题。因此,完善烧 结配料系统对提高工厂的技术经济指标十分重要。本文介绍的事在配料系统中采用西门子S7-300/400系列PLC系列在实际中的成功设计及应用。烧结生产工艺流程大体如下:1、原料接受、贮存、准备及配料受料系统-主要包括翻车机系统,受料槽,精矿仓,溶剂仓,储煤仓, 主要任务是担负厂内的原料接受、运送和储备。原料准备系统-包括含铁原料的中和,燃料的破碎,熔剂的破碎和筛分。 其任务是为配料工序准备好符合生产要求的原料、熔剂和燃料。配料系统-包括配料间的矿槽、给料圆盘

8、、称量设备等。根据规定的烧5河北联合大学轻工学院结矿化学成分,通过计算,按配比、重量进行给料,以保证混合料和烧结矿化 学成分稳定,并担负生石灰的加水和燃料的调整。2混合、烧结、抽风、冷却混合、造球系统-主要包括一次混合,混合料矿槽,二次混合等工作(如 果使用热返矿,包括返矿打水),其任务是加水,湿润混合料,再经混合机将混 合料混匀,造成小球,并对混合料进行预热。烧结系统-包括铺料,点火,烧结等。抽风系统-包括风箱,集尘管,除尘,抽风等。产品处理系统-包括破碎,冷却、筛分、返矿处理和铺底料的分出,成 品运输等。为了使烧结矿满足高炉冶炼的要求,必须根据原料条件,准确地计算出铁料、 溶剂、燃料的配比

9、,并根据配料比进行配料,使配合料的主要成分如铁、氧化钙、 二氧化石硅、硫、固定碳等的含量合乎规定的技术标准。烧结厂使用的原料品种 比较多,各种原料的化学成分相差也较大,即使是同一品种的原料,其化学成分 也有波动。配料工序就是根据烧结矿的质量指标要求,进行计算配料,控制和稳 定烧结矿的化学成分在允许的范围内波动。同时还可根据各种原料的粒度、熔点 及烧结性能配入适量的燃料,保证烧结料含碳量适合于烧结生产的要求,并为有 效地除去有害渣质和控制FeO的含量创造条件。自动配料控制过程是一个多输入、多数出,且各条配料输送生产线严格协调 控制,对料位、流量及时准确地进行监测和调节。因此,系统由可编程控制器与

10、 电子皮带秤组成一个两极计算机控制系统。通过现场总线连接现场仪器仪表、控 制计算机、PLC变频器等智能程度较高、处理速度快的设备。在自动配料生产工艺过程中,将辅料与主料按一定比例配合,由皮带秤完成 对皮带输送机输送的物料进行计量。PLC主要承担对输送设备、秤量系统的过程 进行实时控制,并完成对系统故障检测、显示及报警,同时向变频器输出信号调 节皮带机转速。WinCC是在生产和过程自动化中解决可视化和控制任务的工业技术中性系 统。它提供了适用于工业的图形显示、消息、归档以及报表的功能模板。高性能 的过程耦合、快速的画面更新、以及可靠的数据使其具有高度的实用性。本套系统考虑采用集散控制配料系统。综

11、述了WinCC PLC技术、变频调速技术的概况。在这个控制系统中,各仪表的数据可由计算机键盘操作实现对每台 仪表的配比设定及启停动作,计算机主要承担管理工作,不直接控制配料,故计 算机出现故障时可关掉计算机,此时仪表仍可独自配料,形成一个小小的闭环。 画面监控可实现现场动态画面, 显示设备运行状况,可以实施定值、配比、料种、 时间的设定,可以进行记录的查询,显示历史实时趋势曲线,并对故障、异 常情况进行记录、保存、打印和查询,所以这套系统应能很好的满足现场工艺的 要求。软件设计控制任务由 S7-300可编程序控制器来完成,过程监视及远程操 作由WinCC来完成。3河北联合大学轻工学院译文Now

12、 the iron and steel in dustry the rapid developme nt of society, foregro und is very good, with the blast furn ace to sin ter quality requireme nts in creas ing, in gredie nts has become a key link in modificati on of sin teri ng tech no logy. As every one kno ws, batch ing system sin teri ng pla nt

13、 is the whole sin teri ng producti on source, it un dertakes the mixture supply task for all of the sin teri ng machi ne, if you encoun ter problems batchi ng system, the n the whole sin teri ng producti on could be forced to stop, and the calculation burden system should also be accurate, many thin

14、k of sintering material, change of ingredients with delivery channel. The proportionof change, each single ingredients can change at any timeaccord ing to the requireme nts of producti on, but also in the producti on process, material proportion, viscosity, particle size and environmental temperatur

15、e, humidity changes, will seriously affect the lower accuracy, therefore, batching system for improvi ng the quality of vital sin ter.Si nee the last cen tury since the 60's of metallurgical automati on equipme nt available, has been developing very rapidly. Especially there are many kinds of PL

16、C and DCS in the 80's of the last cen tury, metallurgical automatio n equipme nt reliability and real-time performa nee, operability and mai ntai nability are greatly improved. The software is convenient and frie ndly man-mach ine in terface, con ti nu ously improve the performa nee price ratio,

17、 the equipme nt and tech no logy of metallurgical automati on has bee n popularized and use fast. "Fiftee n" period, the developme nt of key metallurgical producti on process automati on, in tellige nt process and man ageme nt of in formati on tech no logy in our coun try, which focus on t

18、he promotio n and developme nt of tech no logy in sin teri ng process automatio n system.Si nteri ng is the powdery material in to a compact body, is a traditi onal process. People are already using this tech no logy to the product ion of ceramic, powder metallurgy, refractories, high temperature ma

19、terials etc. I n gen eral, the powder after forming, compact body obtained by sintering is a polycrystalline material, the microstructure consists of crystal, vitreous and hole. Sintering process directly affect the microscopic structure of the grain size, pore size and shape and the distributi on o

20、f grain boun dary. Properties of inorganic materials not only with material (chemical composition and mineral composition), it also has a close relation with the material's microstructure.Sintering batching control system now is widely used in automatic control in strume nt, especially. In this

21、respect accord ing to the dema nd of sin teri ng process can be all kinds of mine in accordanee with the required amount of automatic in put, by the belt to the mixer for n ext process. In rece nt years, the developme nt of iron and steel smelt ing in dustry in Chi na is very rapid, sin ter is the m

22、ain raw material for iron making, and the ingredients of this process is an importa nt link of in flue nee of sin teri ng quality, each weighi ng equipme nt only reaches a certain precision to ensure the quality of mine. Therefore the sintering batchi ng con trol system is esse ntial for the large-s

23、cale iron and steel pla nt, but also can greatly improve the product ion efficie ncy.The process of sin teri ng product ion gen erally in clude: raw material acceptanee, storage and flux, fuel preparation, batching, mixing, ignition cloth, sin teri ng, hot ore crushi ng, hot mine siev ing and cooli

24、ng, cold sin ter scree ning and cold ore crush ing, beddi ng, storage and output of fini shed sin ter, min eral storage process.The main purpose of sin teri ng product ion is for the blast furn ace to provide excellent quality, high strength, less powder, good reducibility and stable compositi on of

25、 sin ter.Commonly used at home and abroad is ofte n type draught sin teri ng mach ine, in our local small iron works and quite a part of ground air firing and box draught sintering. In addition, there is the rotary kiln sintering method, suspended sin teri ng method.Accord ing to the releva nt stati

26、stics, at prese nt our country sin teri ng machi ne 500 sets, which in the con structi on and producti on of 180 660 m2 large sin teri ng machine 125 Taiwan, sintering machine area has reached 40000 square meters. Future, sintering machine in China will continue to advanee the process tech no logy a

27、nd equipme nt upgrad ing, SIMATICPCS7 fully in tegrated process control system provides the Siemens, can help the iron and steel enterprises in upgradi ng the quality of products at the same time will also further reduce the energy consumption, reduced pollutant discharge. Thus, the automatic contro

28、l system of sin teri ng burde ning is very optimistic about the prospects, the dema nd for it will become more and more big, will not be reduced. The rapid developme nt 3河北联合大学轻工学院of sin teri ng in dustry is in rece nt years, new tech no logy developme nts in the performa nee of the:(1) to further i

29、mprove the sintering process.(2) to further improve the sin teri ng equipme nt.(3) the new tech no logy research.At prese nt. Chin a's steel product ion is still the majority of obsolete equipment, part of the manual operation, the degree of automation is not high, in batchi ng system due to a l

30、ower degree of automatio n, the traditi onal sin teri ng process mainly depends on the experience of regulation, so the existing problems in the follow ing aspects:1. relying too much on ingredients work experience, flow rate changes to the scale of each in gredie nt known as a variati on of 1Hz fre

31、que ncy corresp onding to the should for how many, if the ingredients work experience, will prolong the adjustme nt time2. the adjustme nt is not timely, disc material is always give n freque ncy, if the feed weight cha nges, will make the ratio of the scale cha nges betwee n;3. ingredients work hal

32、f an hour to run a time, workload.4. due to dust pollution material is more serious, serious impact on the health of workers.Along with the gradually improve the degree of automation of sintering plant dos ing system, in dustrial requireme nts of in gredie nts are alsomore stri ngen t, ifbatchi ng s

33、ystem abno rmalities, can cause the sin ter ore rate in creases, no des ore rate is low, at the same time lead sin ter fuel con sumpti on rise, many problems of sin ter compositi on fluctuati on is too large, due to oxidati on. Therefore, impro ving sintering batching system is very important to imp

34、rove the technical and econo mic in dex of pla nt. This paper in troduces the desig n and applicati on of the success of Sieme ns S7-300/400 series PLC Series in practice in batch ing system.Product ion process of sin teri ng of roughly as follows:1. raw material receiving, storage, preparation and

35、ingredientsFeeding system, mainly including car dumper system, feeding trough, concen trate warehouse, solve nt warehouse, storage bun ker, the mai n task is to take the raw material receiving, shipping and storage.Raw material preparation system, including neutralization iron-containing raw materia

36、l, fuel flux crushing, crushing and screening. Its task is ready for raw materials, flux and fuel producti on requireme nts for batch process.Batching system, including ore groove, between ingredients feed disc, weighing equipment etc. According to the chemical composition, sintering ore specified b

37、y calculation, according to the ratio, weight of feeding, mixed feeding to en sure stable and sin ter chemical compositi on, and resp on sible for lime water and fuel adjustme nt.2. mixed, sintering, cooling, ventilationMixing, pelleting system, including a mixed, mix mine groove, two mixed work (if

38、 you use hot returni ng ore, i ncludi ng min eral water), whose missi on is to add water, wet mixture, then mixed the mixture mixing, resulting in the ball, and preheati ng the mixture.The sin teri ng system, in clud ing pav in g, ig niti on, sin teri ng etc.The ven tilati on system, in cludi ng win

39、d, dust, dust, exhaust and so.Product handling system, including crushing, cooling, screening, mineral process ing and beddi ng out, fini shed product tran sportati on.In order to meet the requireme nts of blast furn ace sin ter, must accordi ng to the raw material con diti ons, the accurate calcula

40、ti on of iron material, solve nt, fuel ratio, and according to the proportion of ingredients, the technical standard with the main content of material such as iron, calcium oxide, silicon oxide, sulfur two stone, fixed carb on, accordi ng to the provisi ons. Comparis on of multiple sin teri ng plant

41、 using a variety of raw materials, chemical composition of various raw materials are also great, even with a variety of raw materials, its chemical compositi on has fluctuatio n. The batch ing process is accordi ng to the requireme nt of quality in dex of sin ter, calculate in gredie nts, chemical c

42、ompositi on and con trol of stabilized sin ter fluctuati ons in the allowed ran ge. At the same time can also be based on a variety of grain size of raw material, melt ing and sin teri ng properties of add ing fuel, en sure sin ter carb on content is suitable for sin teri ng product ion requireme nt

43、s, and effectively remove the content of harmful residues and con trol FeO con diti ons.The automatic batch ing con trol process is a multiple in put, the majority, and each in gredie nt conveying product ion li ne strictly coord in ated con trol, on the material level, flow of timely and accurate m

44、onitoring and regulation. Therefore, the system consists of a programmable controller and electronic belt scale is composed of a bipolar computer con trol system. On-site in strume ntatio n, con trol computer, PLC, frequency converter and intelligent degree high, processing equipme nt speed through

45、the field bus conn ecti onIn the product ion process of the automatic batch ing process, the material and main material in certa in proporti on, completed by the belt weigher conveying belt conv eyor material measureme nt. PLC is mai nly resp on sible for the process of conveying equipment, weighing

46、 system for real-time control, and complete the system fault detecti on, display and alarm, and adjust the speed of belt conv eyor to the tran sducer output sig nal.WinCC is in dustrial tech no logy-n eutral system to solve the visualizati on and con trol tasks in product ion and process automati on

47、. It provides suitable for in dustrial graphic display, n ews, fili ng and report function template. The process coupli ng, high performa nee fast picture updat ing, and the reliable data which has high practicability.This set of system to consider the use of distributed control system. An overview

48、of Win CC, PLC tech no logy, variable freque ncy speed con trol tech no logy. In this con trol system, the computer keyboard operati on of each instrument ratio setting and start and stop the action of each instrument data, computer is mainly responsible for the management, not directly control the ingredients, so the computer failure can be shut off the computer, this instrument can only from the ingredient, forming a small loop. Realization of field dynamic picture monitor, display equipment status, can implement a fixed value, proportion, material, time setting, can record query, displa


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