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1、后置定语:放在被修饰词后面用来修饰这个名词或代词后置定语可以分为三大类:1 定语从句介词短语2 短语:Y非谓语动词短语3单个词厂不定式短语Y现在分词短语v-ing7过去分词短语Ved义关系。The weather in介词短语做后置修饰语在意义上表示时间、地点、范围、类别、来源等语eijing is colder than that in GuangzhouPeople in the world play basketball His love for his country is very great.The city of New York is very large.我的句子:桌子上的书

2、是我的。树下的苹果是坏的。 小车里的女人是我妈。i 现在殛髒诙疇1. There is a lady asking to see you.2. The girl sitting by my side is my sister.3. Here is a map showing you how to get to the statipn4. They built a highway leading into the mountainsA5. We met a group of students returning from schoor我的句子:那个正在喝水的男孩是叶开。我喜欢那个戴眼镜的女孩。2

3、过去分词短语做后置定语(表示被动,完成灘C)例如:Whatt the language spoken in that area?Is there anything planned for tonight?What did you think of the play put on by the students?She is a nurse trained by ourselves.I know the girl named (name) Lucy.The book wr计花n (write) by MoYan is popular aroith world、我的句子:那个被Tom打的男孩是杨清

4、。(beat)3动词不定式做后置定语:&与被修饰成分之间表示不同的语义关系:v(1)表示动宾关系(2)表示主谓关系 X(3)表示修饰关系(4)表示同位关系(1)表示动宾关系被修饰的名词为动词不定式to do的直接宾语。I have a lot of work to do today. He had a big family to support.I doif t have a house to live in I doift have a pen to write with.j>ave a piece of paper to write on我的句子=我没有同伴练习英语。(2)表

5、示主谓关系被修饰的名词表示逻辑主语修饰它的动词不定式结构表示逻辑谓语。 例如:Hes always the first to come.Among the men to take part in the work,he is prob ably the most active.(3)表示修饰关系动词不定式对其修饰的成分起一种描绘阐述作用o我的句子=他是第一个登顶的人。家长们应该给青少年们自己做决定的机会。He had no chance to go school in those years(一)某些形容词(二)副词(三)某些过去分词(-)形容词做后置定语1.当被修饰词为复合不定代词、some

6、thing,anything,nothing,everything时, 修饰语 常位于被修饰的不定代词之后。例如I have something important to tell you.Do you have anything else to say about it2英语中有些以a为词首的形容词做定语时,均放在被修饰语年质 女口: alone,alike, afraid,,ashamed,awake 等JThe girl asleep is my younger sister.He is the greatest writer alive.JHe looked at the street full of cars(形容词短语)(的句子:(二)副词做后置定语副词做后置定语时一般表示时间、The weather here is very nice.The building around are modern (三)部分过去分词也可以作后置定语Is there anybody wounded?There is no money left 我的句子:这儿的食物很美味。(副词)q 一我没有剩余的钱了。(过去分词)


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