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1、2013年(新版)新目标英语八年级上册Unit 3教案Unit3I m more outgoing than my sister.The First Period(SectionA 1a2d)Teaching Aims and Demands:1.New words: outgoing ,better, loudly, quietly, harding working,competition,fantastic ,which ,clearly ,win , though2.Key phrases: run fast , jump high , work hard , the singing c

2、ompetition ,something new ,as as , the one with short hair, which one, play well3.Conversation:Is that Tara?No,it isnt . Its Tina. Tara is shorter than Tina.Teaching Key points:1.形容词、副词的比较级的构成2. Is that Tara? No,it isn t . It s Tina. Tara is shorter than Tina.Teaching Difficulties: 形容词、副词的比较级的构成及用法T

3、eaching ProceduresStep 1LeadinAsk a student to go to the blankboard . And say , ” I tall,butm he is taller than me . He is outgoing ,but I more outgoing than him . Look at the Bb ,boys and girls .This claSs , we are going to learn the new unit-Unit 3.Step 2Learn the new words by themselves3. Ask Ss

4、to learn the new words by themselves4. Check the results : Ask Ss to read aloud the new words , I can write:外向的较好的大声的安静的勤奋的competitionfantasticwhich清晰的win Ask Ss to finish 1a , then check the results.Step 3合作、探究自学教材形容词的比较级的构成,完成下列问题:1大多数形容词和副词有三个等级,即、和。2写出下列词的比较级:outgoingquietwildhightallfinebigthin

5、fateasyfunnygoodbadmany/muchlittlefarinterestingimportantexcitingquietlyloudly探究 better 的用法: better 是 good 和 well 的比较级辨析 good 和 wellgood形容词可用于名词前,充当定语;也可用于系动词之后,充当表语,意为“好的 ”well形容词意为 “健康的,满意的,恰当的 ”well副词意为 “好 ”,修饰动词构词法: adj.+lyadv.写出下列词的副词:loudquietquick找规律:1.I m more outgoing than her.2.She is very

6、 heavy .3 He works as hard as Tina.比较级表示的比较,常用于句型:,而原级前常有,或用于句型:。win 的用法: win 的过去式是 won ,其宾语不是竞争对手,而是比赛、名次、奖品等,其名词形式是 winnerStep 4 PresentationA: Is that Tara?B: No,it isn t . It s Tina. Tara is shorter than Tina.Step 5PracticeAsk the Ss to talk about the picture.Step 6ListeningPlay the tapes three

7、times .Ask the Ss to number the pair the twins of in the picture .Step 7PracticeAsk Ss to practice the conversatation in the picture in pairs .Step 8 Listening 2a2bPlay the tapes three times.Ask Ss to finish 2a and 2b . Then check the results.翻译:1、 run fast2. jump high3.work hard4.更加外向5.和.一样努力Step 9

8、 2c Work in pairs .Student A ,look at the chart on page 18,student B look at the chart on page 81.Ask and answer the questions about Sam and Tom.Step 10 2d3.Key phrases: the singing competition ,something new , sing well/ better , sing clearly /more clearly , the one with shorter hair ,dance well, t

9、he most important thing , something new4.Read afterthe tape .5.Role-play it .Step 11 Summary本节课的语法是学习形容词、副词的比较级的构成和用法。达标检测题:一、写出下列词的比较级:hightallfinebigthinfateasyfunnygoodbadmany/muchlittlefarinterestingimportantexcitingclearlyfriendlyfunnyharding workingimportanthardfastthinhigh二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Who

10、is(funny), Tina or Tara ?2.She is very( heavy ).3.The sun is(big ) than the earth .4.My pencil is( long ) than hers .5.She is( good ) at English .6.Tom is( outgoing ) than his sister.7.My good friend sings( loudly )than Tim.三、选择:() 1.He isthan me .A. funB. funnyC.funnier() 2. Who soutgoing , Tim or

11、Tara ?A.veryB. moreC. most() 3. Jim is asas me .A.tallB. more tallC. taller() 4. The oneshort hair is my sister .A.in B. withC. on() 5.She sangthan Nelly.A.clearlyB. more clearlyC. most clearlyThe Second Period (Section A Grammar Focus3c)Teaching Aims and Demands:1.Key phrases : as as ,2.Sentences:I

12、s Tina smarter than Tara ?Is Tara more outgoing than Tina ?Are you as friendly as your friend ?Who s more outgoing at school ?Teaching Key points: SentencesTeaching Difficulties:SentencesTeaching Procedures:Step 1 RevisionGreet the Ss as usual .Step 2Grammar FocusAsk the Ss to read aloudthe Grammar

13、FocusStep 3 3aUse the words to write questions and answers.Ask the Ss to finish it . Then the results .Answers :2.Does Jack run as fast as Sam ? / faster3.Is your cousin as outgoing as you ?/ more outgoing4.Is Paul as funny as Carol ?/ funnierStep 4 PracticeAsk the Ss to finish 3b .Step 5 3cWork in

14、groups .Ask Ss to finish 3c.A: Who s funnier ,your mother or your father ?B: My father is funnier than my mother .Step6合作、探究疑问句有四种基本类型: 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反意疑问句和选择疑问句。判断下列疑问句的种类 , 归纳它们的结构特点 :1. Are you funny ?2. What s your name ?3.That s Tara , isn t it ?4. Who s smarter , your mother or your father ?其中第三

15、句属于反意疑问句,是由 “陈述句 +附加疑问句 ”构成的,当陈述句是肯定句,疑问部分用否定形式,当陈述部分是否定句,疑问部分用肯定形式,即,。达标检测 :一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. My father is much _(tall) and _(heavy) than my mother, but my mother is _(outgoing) and _(smart) than him.2. As we know, Zhao Benshan is a lot _(funny) than Cui Yongyuan.3. I think China has _(large) popula

16、tion than India.4.Who is _(athletic), Liu Xiang or Shi Dongpeng?5.The bag is much _(cheap) than that one.二、选择:()1 Is Tinathan Tara ?A fatB. faterC. fatter()2 Is Tarathan Tina ?A. more outgoingB. outgoingC. much outgoing()3 Are you asas your friend ?A. very friendlyB. friendlyC. friend()4 Who sat sch

17、ool ,Tara or Tina?A. tallB. more outgoingC. tallest()5. Herry is asasTina .A. verypopularB. popularC. more popular()6.The weather is hot ,?A. is itB. isn t it C. it isThe Third Period(Section B 1a1c)Teaching Aims and Demands:1.New words : talented , truly , care2.Key phrases :care about , made sb. d

18、o sth.study hard ,be talented in,Teaching Key points: Key. phrases,both ,Teaching Difficulties: listeningTeaching Procedures :Step 1 Greetings and revisionStep 2 New Words1.Ask Ss to learn the new words by themselves2.Check the results : Ask Ss to read aloud the new words , Ask Ss to remember the ne

19、w words .Step 3 合作、探究both 的用法1.We both like sports .2.They are both students .3.Both of them are students .both 在句子中的位置:一般在both 表示 “”, all 指 “make 的用法: 我们以前学过的短语有:新用法: make sb do sth. 它的意思是:之前,在之后。”。“”,它后面加省略, 今天我们学习它的 to 的不定式。Step 4 1a and 1bAsk Ss to rankthethings.Then talk about what a good frien

20、d should be like.Step 5 Listening 1b1cPlay the tape three times , finish 1b 1cLike about their best friendsThesameastheirDifferentfromtheirfriendsfriendsMollyMaryStep 6 Talk about Molly and MaryA: Molly studies harder than her best friend.B: Well ,Mary and her friend are both tall.Step 7 summary这节课我

21、们重点学习了比较级与原级的对比,比较级用于二者之间的比较,常用于“比较级+than的”句型。达标检测:一、按要求写出词形变化:truly ( adj.)quiet (adv.)talented (n.)interent (adj.)listen (n.)quick (adv.)二、选择:() 1.The boy isA: shortB.tallthan before.C. taller()2.Jim and Jameheavy .A.are allB. are bothC. both are()3. My sister ismoreoutgoing than me .A. moreB. mos

22、tC. a little()4. He isin music .A. talentedB. talenteC. talent()5.My best friend often makes me.A. laughB. laughedC. tolaugh()6.They _all over the United States last year. However, we have never been to theUSA.A. both travelB. all travelC. both traveled.()7. _he is from England, but he isn t as good

23、 at speaking English as I am.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC./()8. Their sweaters are as _as mine.A. more expensive B. expensiver C. expensiveThe Fourth Period(Section B 2a2c)Teaching Aims and Demands:1.New words : serious , mirror , kid , neceSsary , both , grade , should , saying , reach , hand , touch , h

24、eart , fact , break , arm , laugh , share2.Key phrases : be similar to, as long as , be different from , bring out , the same as , in factTeaching Key points:key phrasesTeaching Difficulties: New wordsTeaching Procedures :Step 1 RevisionStep 2 New Words1.Ask Ss to learn the new words by themselves2.

25、Check the results : Ask Ss to read aloud the new words , Ask Ss to finish the Ex.英汉互译:seriousmirrorkid必要的bothgradeshould谚语到达handtouchheart现实breakarmlaugh分享Step 3 2athe the comparative forms .popular : more popularfunny : funnierquiet : more quiet/quieterhard-working : more hard-workingserious : more

26、 seriousfriendly : more friendly/friendlieroutgoing : more outgoingsmart : smartershy : shier/shyer2.Ask Ss to write five sentences about their friends .Step 4 . 2b.1.Look through the paSsages and underline the comparative words .2.Read them again and underline thephrases .be similar to, as long as

27、, be different from , bring out , the same as , in fact ,be like , enjoy/likedoing ,reach onehands ,care about3.Read afer the tape .Step 5 2cAre the following sentences true or false?Answers : 1. F 2. T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8. FStep 6. 2d Ask Ss to write five sentences .Step 7 2e 合作、探究Ask Ss to read

28、the sayings carefullythen put them into Chinese .Step 8 summary这节课我们重点学习了比较级的运用。比较级用于之间的比较,常与连用。达标检测一、根据首字母填空:It s not n_ to be the same.My best friend Larry is quite d_ from me.He is tallerand more o_ than me.We bothlikesports,but he plays t_ better,so he alwayswins.However,Larry often hel ps to b_

29、 out the best in me.So I m g_ better at tennis.Larryis much l_ hard-working,t_.I always get better g_ than he does,so maybe I should helphim m_.二、单项选择:() 1.Lucy and I are twins,but we re different _ each othernywaysinma.A.forB.inC.from() 2.It is neceSsary for you _ there at once.A.goingB.to goC.will

30、 go() 3.My sister is _. She likes making friends with others.A.shyB.athleticC.outgoing() 4._ of the twins are middle school students.A.BothB.AllC.One() 5._ they are twins,they don t look the same at all.A.BecauseB.ThoughC.AsThe Fifth Period(Section B 3aSelf check)Teaching Aims and Demands:1.New word

31、s : primary , information, loud , similar2.Key phrases : primary schoolTeaching Key points:how to write an article about your friends .Teaching Difficulties: how to write an article about your friends .Teaching Procedures :Step 1 RevisionAsk :1. Are you more outgoing than your brother ?2.Does he wor

32、k harderthan before ?3.Is he shorter than Tina ?4.Who s more outgoing ,your father or mother ?Step 2New Words1.Ask Ss to learn the new words by themselves2.Check the results : Ask Ss to read aloud the new words , Ask Ss to repeat them without books.Step 3合作、探究3a 3b 3cAsk Ss to do themand check the a

33、rticle .Step 4 知识小结本单元的重点短语:1和 .一样努力学习3.早起2.跑得快4.歌咏比赛5玩得高兴7关心某人9.与 一样11.交朋友13使显现15事实上17.考虑19.更多信息6.在音乐方面有天赋8.使某人做某事10.与.不同12.只要14.取得好成绩16.小学生18.与 .相似Step 5 Practice 4Read the ad .Describle which claSsmate is better for the job.Step 6 Self checkAsk Ss to finish it by themselves .Then check the result

34、s.达标检测:句子翻译:1.黄垒不如吉姆乒乓球打得好。Huang Leiasgoodtennisas Jim.2.没必要相同。It s notto be the.3.对我来说,交朋友不容易。not easymemake.4.最重要的事情是学会新东西。Theimportant thingislearn something.5.你是学生,对吗?Your are a,you?6.好朋友就像一面镜子。A good friendlike a.7.真正的朋友就是向你伸出援手并触动你心灵的人。A true friendfor your handandyour heart.8.杰夫比大多数孩子不谨慎。Jeffisseriousthankids .9.他和我一样努力学习。Heasas me.10.他唱歌比吉姆声音大。He singsloudlyJim.二、写作介绍你的好朋友, 比较你们的外貌、性格、爱好的相同点和不同点。字数在 70 词左右。


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